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1、1便条的书写要求便条的书写要求Notes must be precise, to the point(切题)(切题),the style is casual. 格式:格式:Date (1 point) written in the top right-hand corner, in the line above salutation September 21(st), 2009 或或 Sept. 21(st), 2009 或或 21(st), September 2009 Salutation(1 point) written in the top left-hand corner, usua

2、lly followed by a comma Sir,/ Gentleman,/Dear Madam,/Dear President Dear Mr. Wallash, /Dear Dr. Williams, Dear Mama, /My dear Tom, Complimentary Close (谦语或结尾)谦语或结尾) 位置:正文下句空一到两行右侧位置:正文下句空一到两行右侧 写法写法 Yours sincerely, Tom Faithfully yours,JohnSincerely yours,Tom Respectfully yours, RobertYours truly,

3、John Body (正文)(正文)正文是便条的主体,应占信纸的大部分空间。便条字数正文是便条的主体,应占信纸的大部分空间。便条字数 有限,有限,50-60 字,独立成段即可。字,独立成段即可。 Style (文体文体):非正式或口语化文体,多短句,简单句,非正式或口语化文体,多短句,简单句,主动语态,且为日常用词或口语,内容中心突出,简单明了。主动语态,且为日常用词或口语,内容中心突出,简单明了。1,Note of Invitation邀请型便条是邀请收信人参加某项活动的便条,一般包含三个方面的内容:邀请型便条是邀请收信人参加某项活动的便条,一般包含三个方面的内容:1. 邀请对邀请对 方参加

4、活动的方参加活动的内容、时间和地点内容、时间和地点; 2. 与该活动有关的与该活动有关的注意事项注意事项; 3.期望期望对方接受邀请,对方接受邀请, 并可表示并可表示感谢感谢。正式的邀请,如碰到大型会议、开派对、订婚、孩子满月、毕业等,你需要给你想邀正式的邀请,如碰到大型会议、开派对、订婚、孩子满月、毕业等,你需要给你想邀 请的人提前发出邀请信。请的人提前发出邀请信。 DateDear _,(1)_. (2)It would be pleasant/ an honor to have you here. (3)Will you join us/ give me the pleasure of

5、your company?(4)I Know /believe that you will be very interested in _. (5)The _ will begin at _. Is it possible for us to meet at _? (6)We do hope you can come.Sincerely yours,Signature 1.I would be very glad if you would come to dinner with me 2.It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to vi

6、sit this exhibition. 3.Will you and Mrs. Green give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October 10th, at eight oclock p. m.? 4.I am writing to invite you to 5.I wonder if you could come 6.My family and I would feel honored if you could come. 7.We would be looking forward t

7、o your participation in the party.28.I really hope you can make it. 1.It would be a delight to us if you could come and spend the weekend with us. 2.Would you like to go to .with me? 3.I wonder if you can spare some time to have afternoon tea with us. 4.We would be delighted if you could It will fin

8、ish around .p. m. 5.Would you be able to join us for lunch? 6.Its a long time since we had the pleasure of seeing you 7.Would you be able to join us for? 8.Would you like to join us? 9.We would like to have you join us for 10. Would it be possible for you to come to ? 11. We would be very happy if y

9、ou could join us. 12. We should be very glad if you could join us. 13. Would you like to participate in ? 14. We do hope you will come and share your ideas with us about 15. Please let us know in advance if you come to 16. Please call me to let us know whether you will join us or not.2,Accepting an

10、Invitation A note of accepting an invitation should state precisely: 1)thank for the invitation (appreciation being invited) 2)His certainty of having a good time 3)His assurance of being punctual 4)His offer of help (optional) 5)His looking forward to the occasion DateDear _,(1)Thank you very much

11、for your kind invitation to _. (2) Id be very delighted to _. (3) Surely well be able to _. (4).You can count on me _. (5) Looking forward to seeing you.Sincerely yours,Signature 1.Thank you very much for asking me to come to 2.Thanks a lot for your kind invitation to . 3.Please accept my hearty tha

12、nks for your kind invitation to . 4.Surely I will enjoy . (your performance). 5.Id be very much delighted to attend the party. 6.Id be greatly delighted to 7.Ill be prompt/punctual. 8.You can count on me to be punctual /prompt. 9.Im counting the days to see you all. 10. Looking forward to seeing you

13、. April 18, 2011 Dear Dick,3Congratulations on your 20th birthday and thanks a lot for your kind invitation to your dinner party this weekend. Id be very delighted to attend the party. Surely Ill meet many old friends and well be able to chat over days long gone by. Ill be prompt. Im counting the da

14、ys to see you all.Yours, Tom 3,Declining an InvitationA note of declining an invitation should state precisely: 1)thank for the invitation (appreciation for being invited) 2)Reasons for not being able to attend 3)Regret for missing such an occasion 4)Extending your congratulation if required1.对某事表示对

15、某事表示感谢感谢 2.正式表示正式表示拒绝拒绝之意之意 3.解释拒绝解释拒绝原因原因 4.再次深表歉意再次深表歉意,或希望对方谅解,或希望对方谅解 5.表达对对方的美好表达对对方的美好祝愿祝愿 DateDear _,(1)Thank you very much for your kind invitation to _. (2) How I wish I could accept your invitation, but unfortunately, Im going to _ . (3) I am terribly sorry _. (4) Im quite grateful for your understanding. I do wish that _.Sincerely yours,SignatureDateDear _,(1)Thank you very much for your invitation. (2) Howeve



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