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1、在职场中灵活掌握英语能力在职场中灵活掌握英语能力In a perfect world, wed love our job and all our colleagues. However, the truth is, people come from all walks of life, and you may not get along with everyone. Here are some starter tips to dealing with the various difficult co-workers you may encounter at your job:在理想世界中,我们

2、每个人都热爱自己的工作和所有的同事。然而,事实上,人们来自各行各业,而你有可能没法和有些人和睦相处。以下是一些关于如何与那些难以相处的人共事的基础技巧:Micromanager: Its always better to overreport than to underreport with a micromanager. Keeping her in the loop may be tiring, but itll go a long way to assuage her concerns and need for control. It may also deepen the trust

3、between the two of you, which may lead her to relinquish some of her micromanaging ways. Before starting on a project, talk out the nitty-gritty details and what the extent of her involvement will be.大小事都要管的老板:面对一个大小事都要管的老板,汇报得多点总是比少报要好。总是处在她的包围圈下可能是比较累,但要让她平息一下担忧和控制欲是个漫长的过程。这也会加深你们之间的信任,甚至可能让她慢慢地放下

4、一些事无巨细的控制。在开启一个项目之前,坦率地和她谈一些细枝末节的地方,以及她要参与到什么程度。Disorganized procrastinator: Do you feel like every time you send her an email it gets sucked into a black vortex, never to be seen again? Or maybe youve given up hope on a project thats years overdue. If your colleague lacks structure, you need to giv

5、e it to her when you work with her. Set deadlines and schedules in your interactions and try to help her be accountable for her actions.杂乱无章的拖延者:是不是觉得每次你给她发的邮件就好似被吸入了黑洞一样,再也渺无音讯了?或者也许你已经对某个早已过了时效的项目彻底失去了希望?假如你的同事缺乏条理,你必须为她制定出条理来。为你们合作的工作设定时限和日程计划,试着帮助她对她的任务负起责任来。Ultimate competitor: Any interaction

6、with the ultimate competitor feels like a race to the finish line, but try not to get caught up in it. Do your best to divide work equally, and make sure you give credit where its due or she might feel threatened. Set boundaries and dont let her attitude affect you. If youre worried about her taking

7、 credit for your ideas, keep records of them and try to keep them to yourself until youre able to share it with a larger audience.竞争狂:和竞争狂在一起的任何合作都好像在向终点冲刺的赛跑一样,但尽力不要深陷其中。尽力把工作平均分配,确保在应该的时候把成果归功于她,以免她感觉受到了威胁。划清工作界限以避免她的态度影响到你。假如你担心她把你想出来的主意说成自己的功劳,你可以记录下这些主意,尽力闭口不言,直到你有机会在大量的听者面前分享它们。Chatty chipmunk

8、: Its great to get to know a co-worker better, but sometimes hearing about her kids when you have work to do really isnt an ideal situation. If you dont want to be rude, one idea is to get up and continue the conversation while walking to her desk, which she will naturally sit down at. Then continue

9、 pleasantries for a bit, before making your goodbyes and heading back.叽叽喳喳的话唠:多了解了解同事是件很好的事情,但有时候在工作时不断地听她讲她孩子的事情着实是件令人头疼的事儿。如果你不想显得很粗鲁,一个好办法是:站起来,一边继续谈话一边靠近她的桌子(她一般都坐在那儿) 。然后说些客套话,接着说声再见并往回走。Debbie Downer: Every other word coming out of her mouth might be a complaint, but dont let it get you down.

10、The worst thing to do in this situation is to commiserate with her because that will only encourage more bad-mouthing. If showering her with positivity doesnt work, try to change the topic when it comes up.抱怨狂:几乎每句从她嘴里说出来的话都是抱怨,但不要为此令自己心情不好。在这种情况下最差的方式就是对她表示同情,那只会使她变本加厉地口吐不满。假如你不能用积极的情绪感染她,那就在每次她挑起话

11、茬的时候都想办法换个话题吧。Backstabber: If your colleague doesnt hesitate to throw you under the bus, try not to give her anything she can work with. Limit your interactions with her and be careful with your actions and words around her. Give neutral responses and do your best to distance yourself. Pick your bat

12、tles, and dont react to everything she does if they are just minor hindrances and annoyances. When you are dealing with her, try to include others or have records of your conversations by sticking to emails.背后中伤者:假如你的同事会在坐公交车时毫不犹豫地抛下你,你就尽量不要和她有任何共事的机会吧。减少你和她的互动,在她面前小心自己的言行。使用中立的话语,尽力与她保持距离。有选择地战斗,假如她的所作所为对你只是造成了轻微的妨碍和烦恼,就不要作出回应。如果你不得不和她打交道,最好叫上其他人,或者通过使用 email 记录下你们的对话。


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