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1、TheThe CharityCharity ofof AmericanAmerican MillionairesMillionaires谈美国富翁的慈善捐助AbstractAmerica leads the worlds charities to develop forward. More and more American millionaires join in donation. Some of them donate directly through helping the poor out of difficulties. And other millionaires donate

2、indirectly through establishing charity foundations. They help poor people and social development. The entire world pays attention to this phenomenon. And American millionaires doing charities does not happen suddenly, but develops gradually. America inherits the charitable tradition of Europe and e

3、nriches charities. On the other hand, American economy develops fast, and America becomes the richest country in the world. This situation creates a condition for American charities, because many millionaires appear under this background. American charity foundations are managed correctly. It makes

4、American millionaires donate their money to charity foundations affirmatively. Millionaires doing charities can not be detached from the governments work. The government of America makes some related taxes and laws to promote charities. American millionaires charities not only promote the developmen

5、t of America, but also have profound influences on the world.Key WordsAmerican millionaire; charitable donation; charity foundation 摘 要当今美国的慈善事业发展良好,是全世界慈善事业的领头羊。美国富豪在慈善事业发展过程中所起的作用引起了人们越来越多的关注。而这一现象的出现是经过日积月累的发展而呈现的。美国继承了欧洲,尤其是英国的慈善传统,并且发扬光大。同时美国经济的快速增长和高度发达造就了许多的富翁,他们积聚了巨额财富。这就为他们从事慈善捐助打下了坚实的经济基础。

6、而美国慈善基金会的良性运作,又使得富翁们放心大胆的进行慈善捐助。美国政府在促进富翁门做慈善的过程中所起的作用也是不容小视的,他制定的遗产法,个人所得税都从侧面鼓励了富豪们进行慈善捐助。美国富豪做慈善这一现象对世界各国慈善事业的发展都起到了巨大的推动,对人类社会的进步和发展有着深远的影响。关键词美国富豪;慈善捐助;慈善基金会 IntroductionIn July of 2006, businessman Warren Buffett announced a gift about thirty seven billion dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates

7、 foundation. Mr. Buffet, an investor, is the chief of Burk Shower Halfway. He is the worlds second richest man and Bill Gates is the richest. Mr. Gates starts and remains the shareholder of Microsoft, the worlds biggest software maker. He started his foundation with his wife in 2000. It gives money

8、to health and educational causes around the world. Because the sum of money is so big, the entire world began to discuss this thing. They want to know why Mr. Buffet donates so much money in charity and then what he could get. Everyone knows that thirty seven billion dollars could finish many things

9、 in helping other people in difficulty there are many people learned the reason. Some people analyses the reason from American history, because American inherited the charity tradition of Europe. Religion is also one of the most important reasons. Governments contribution is obvious in promoting the

10、 development of American charity. The government issues the tax and law, and some clauses are related to charity. These clauses encourage millionaires to donate, because these millionaires have to donate from their own interests. But on the other hand, Chinese also want to know why Chinese millionai

11、res dont like to donate. Are there not many millionaires in china? The answer is no. there are enough millionaires for charity. But they dont like to donate. In China, we dont lack charity tradition in history. All Chinese understand that human should help each other. We only need to do exactly in o

12、ur lives. All the donors should gain applause and praise. And surely, the government can also help charity developing. So we should learn the reasons of American millionaires doing charity, and then make full use of their experiences in our countrys charity.IThe Background of American Millionaires C

13、haritiesA. The Origin and Development of American Charities1. Historical Root of CharitiesAmerica is a multinational country where people are comprised of immigrants from other countries all over the world and the culture was also diverse. But the main stream of its culture is the white Anglo-Saxon

14、protestants religious values. The origin of American culture is from Europe, especially its motherland-Britain. In America, the charitable ideology, rules and related laws also originated from European, of which England is the most important country.The first charitable foundation we know was Plato

15、School which was founded by Plato in Athens the captain of ancient Greece. The main purpose of Platos founding the school was to study the universe, philosophy and so on. So some scholars thought that Plato School was the earliest philanthropic foundation. Ancient Rome followed the charity tradition

16、 of ancient Greece. Some charity organizations were founded in ancient Rome time. Some people also thought these organizations were the earlier charitable foundation. Those foundations received donation, and used these donation to help the sick and those in need and to do some religious activities. In the remote ancient times, charity activity was always related with religion. As soon as the rise of Christianity, it began to encourage people to donate. At the same time, t


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