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1、1中考中考 5050 重点句型专练重点句型专练中考重点句型即中考经常考查的句型,在中考试卷中单项选择和句型转换以及完成句 子中经常考到这些重点的句型,同学们在中考冲刺阶段需要确认是否已经掌握了这些重点 的句型结构和它们的典型用法,特别是一些重点句子的表达方式。掌握了这些重点句型对 于同学们解答阅读理解、听力和书面表达等都会有很大的帮助。知识总结:知识总结: 一、常考重点句型:一、常考重点句型:1. be afraid of doing / to do /that 从句2. be busy doing sth./ with sth.3. be famous / late /ready / sor

2、ry +for sth.4. make/ let /have sb. (not) do sth.5. ask / tell /want sb. (not) to do sth.6. give/ buy/ lend/ sb. sth.7. tell/ ask sb. how to do sth.8. Its time +for sb. to do sth.9. Its 形容词for/of sb. to do sth.10. would rather do.11. had better do sth.12. Its better/ best to do sth.13. enjoy/ finish/

3、 practice/ mind/feel like doing sth.14. stop to do (doing) sth.15. keep/ stop/ prevent sb. from doing sth.16. prefer 宾语to 宾语17. used to do sth.18. be/get/become used to doing sth.19. 含有 too . to do sth.结构的句型20. 含有 so.that 的句型21. It takes/took sb. to do sth.22spend 名词on sth./ doing sth.23. see/ hear/

4、 watch sb. do/doing sth.24. Thanks for + doing sth.25. The 形容词/副词的比较级,the 形容词/副词的比较级.二、中考经常考到的重点句型详解:二、中考经常考到的重点句型详解: 1.1. bebe afraidafraid ofof doingdoing / / thatthat 从句从句这个句型表示“某人害怕做某事”,be 动词随着句子的主语人称和数的变化而变化。(1) be afraid of 的后面用名词或动名词形式作宾语,表示“某人害怕做某事”。也可以用 be afraidto do sth. 例如:My little sist

5、er is afraid of dogs.我的小妹妹害怕 狗.He doesnt want to speak English, because he is afraid of making mistakes.2他不想说英语,因为害怕出错。(2) be afraid +that 从句,一般用来要说出对方不想听到的内容的客气的说法。多译成 “恐怕”。例如:I am afraid that I cant help you. 我恐怕不能帮助你。随时练:随时练:Many girls are afraid of _ out at night.A. to go B. go C. going D. goes【

6、答案与解析】答案是 C。在动词短语 be afraid of 的后面可以用名词、代词或者动名 词形式作宾语,所以选 C。2.2. bebe busybusy doingdoing sth./sth./ withwith sth.sth.这个句型表示“某人忙于做某事”,be busy 的后面接动词时用动名词,接名词或者代词 时用 be busy with。例如:Our teacher is busy correcting our homework. 我们的老师正忙于批改我们的作业。=Our teacher is busy with our homework.随时练:随时练: Where is y

7、our mother? She is busy _ dinner for us at home.A. to cook B. cooks C. cook D. cooking【答案与解析】答案是 D。在动词短语 be busy 的后面用动名词形式作宾语表示“忙于 做某事”的意思,所以选 D。3.3. 主语主语bebe famousfamous / / latelate /ready/ready / / sorrysorry forfor 宾语宾语这个句型的意思是“因为某人或者某事而出名/ 迟到/ 做好准备/ 道歉”,其中介词 for 表示原因。例如:The old man is famous f

8、or his handwriting. 这个老年人因为他的书法而出名。We are sorry for not taking part in your birthday party.没能参加你的生日聚会我们感到抱歉。随时练:随时练:Are you _ for the class? Yes. Lets begin.A. ready B. sorry C. happy D. tired【答案与解析】答案是 A。be ready for 表示“准备好做某事”的意思,所以选 A。选项 B 虽然可以和 for 连用,但是意思不合题意;选项 C 一般和介词 with 连用,表示“对某事满 意”;选项 D

9、和 of 连用表示“厌烦某事”。4.4. make/make/ letlet /have/have sb.sb. (not)(not) dodo sthsth使役动词 make/ let/ have 的后面用省略 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,意思是“使/ 让某 人做某事”,而此句型谓语动词变成被动语态时要把省略的 to 加上。例如:My father often makes me do my homework for an hour at home.我的爸爸每天迫使我在家做一个小时的家庭作业。He was made to work more than ten hours a day. 每天

10、他被迫工作十多个小时。随时练:随时练:Our teacher lets us _ English every morning.A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads3【答案与解析】答案是 B。在动词 let 的后面用省略 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语, 所以选 B。5.5. askask / / telltell /want/want sb.sb. (not)(not) toto dodo sth.sth.动词 ask、tell、want 的后面可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语,意思是“要求/ 告诉/ 想 要某人做某事”。例如:My teacher ofte

11、n tells us to do our homework at home.我们的老师经常告诉我们在家做我们的家庭作业。随时练:随时练:What did your father say just now? He asked me _ him clean his car.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps【答案与解析】答案是 B。在动词 ask 的后面用动词不定式作宾语补足语表示“要求某 人做某事”的意思,所以选 B。6.6. give/give/ buy/buy/ lendlend sb.sb. sth.sth.give/ buy/ lend 等动词后

12、可以跟双宾语,谓语动词的变化和句子的主语保持一致,意思 是“给某人某物/ 给某人买某物/ 借给某人某物”,表示某物的宾语是直接宾语,表示某人的 宾语是间接宾语。如果直接宾语在前面,间接宾语在后面要用介词 to/for。有类似用法的动 词有很多,常见的能与 to 连用的有:give,lend,bring,hand,pass,read,return,sell,show,teach,tell,throw常见的能与 for 连用的有:buy,choose,cook,find,get,make,order,prepare例如:My mother bought me a new sweater. My m

13、other bought a new sweater for me.昨天晚上我妈妈给我买了一件新毛衣。随时练:随时练:Kelly cooked dinner _ her parents while they were cleaning the yard.A. to B. for C. with D. at【答案与解析】答案是 B。cook 的后面用双宾语,当表示物的宾语在前面,表示人的 宾语在后面时要用介词 for。cook dinner for sb. “为某人做饭”,所以选 B。7.7. tell/tell/ askask + + (sb.)(sb.) +how+how toto dodo

14、 sth.sth.动词 tell/ask/ know/ show 等动词的后面用“疑问词+动词不定式”构成的短语作宾语,相 当于疑问词引导的宾语从句。例如:Can you tell me where to buy this kind of flowers?Can you tell me where I can buy this kind of flower?你能告诉我在哪里买这种花吗?随时练:随时练:Why did your brother come here?He came here to ask _ computer games.A. how to play B. when can he

15、play C. for play D. how playing【答案与解析】答案是 A。在动词 ask 的后面用疑问词 how 和动词不定式构成的短语 作宾语表示“如何玩电脑游戏”的意思,所以选 A。48.8. ItsIts timetime (for(for somebody)somebody) toto dodo sth.sth.这个句型意思是“到了做某事的时间、该做某事了”,如果用名词表示事件,也可写成“Its time for sth.”。其中 it 指时间。例如:Its time for you to take some medicine. 到了你吃药的时间了。Its time for bed. 到了上床睡觉的时间了。随时练:随时练:It was time for them_ basketball when we got there.A. play B. to play C. for play D. played【答案与解析】答案是 B。 表示“到做某事的时间了”,动词要用不定式,所以选 B。9.9. ItsIts 形容词形容词for/for/ ofof somebodysomebody toto dodo sth.sth.这个句型 it 是形式主语,真正的主



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