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1、沈阳吴军高分英语家教沈阳吴军高分英语家教 024-31688948沈阳英语家教吴军沈阳英语家教吴军 20122012 中考免费教案中考免费教案地址地址:铁西区启工街地铁口旁第一城 A 组团 3 号一层 2012 年沈阳中考英语年沈阳中考英语 Peter 高分教案系统高分教案系统中考英语单选、完型倾向词教案中考英语单选、完型倾向词教案复习测试复习测试:1.There are a lot of Chinese people throughout the world. There are Chinese people the world.There are Chinese people the w

2、orld. 2.remindof inform of warnof(against)He tried to her against the race.3.Dont break in when we are talking. 写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 4.The whole students are cheerful.写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 5.Reply to the question right away.写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 6.The treatment was thorough.写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 7.The situation here is quite

3、weird.写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 8.The ring is precious.写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 9.He decided to go there.He to go there.He to go there.10.He also went there .He went there, . He went there .11. He didint go there , (也).did he.沈阳吴军高分英语家教沈阳吴军高分英语家教 024-3168894812.go across the road写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 13.He is known for his pa

4、intings写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 14.find two more members= find two members15.It took place suddenly.写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 16.form groups of four写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 17.an excellent chance写出划线部分的同词词或近义词 18.在某个方面 / 在某些方面 19.exercise to keep fit = keep 20.Everybody knows that Paris is the of France.(首都)21.One of the main in

5、Shenyang is the EXPO.(吸引力)22.We have lunch in middle of the day.23.“Do you like playing chess or guitar?” “I like both.”24.Taiwan is island. It is the largest island in china.25.I want to go to big city where I can learn French language.26.Do you know about Peter? -Yes,I know very well.27.Britain is

6、 well-known as a nation of animal lovers.Britain is being a nation of animal lovers.28.Childrens literature has created many famous animal characters as well., Childrens literature has created many famous animal characters., Childrens literature has created many famous animal characters.29.Children

7、get interested animals at an early age.30.Many animals in these books have their own characters, lions are usually brave.31.有机会看其他的动物 32.填情态动词:填情态动词:You jump onto a bus while it is still moving.沈阳吴军高分英语家教沈阳吴军高分英语家教 024-31688948To make our school more beautiful, you throw rubbish everywhere.You touc

8、h an electric fire.33.You must change the bulb you switch off the electricity.A.when B.after C.before D.until34.We arrange non-fiction books in alphabetical order by .A.the subjects of the books B.the autors namesC.the titles of the books D.the topics of the books35.We shouldnt pick the flowers. Its

9、 the rules.A.against B.off C. out D.obey36.Lucy and Lily study very hard and teachers love very much.37.I keep a dog, Eyes are brown.38.Is this MP3 Janes? Yes,its .一、辨别拼写相近的词语一、辨别拼写相近的词语这类动词有:lie(位于,在), lie(散谎)与 lay(放置,下蛋); find(找到,发现)与 found(成立,建立); share(分享)与 spare(抽出,匀出,腾出)等。Let Harry play with y

10、our toys as well, Clareyou must learn to _. A. support B. care C. spare D. share二、动词与主语的搭配二、动词与主语的搭配1. All the leading newspapers _ the trade talks between China and the United States. A. reported B. printed C. announced D. published“主要报纸”report(报道)“中美贸易会谈”。print(印刷); announce(宣布); publish(出版)。2. Wo

11、rds _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house. A. failed B. left C. discouraged D. disappointed【分析】words fail me 是惯用语,与 I cannot find words 相当,意为“我无法用语言来表达(自己的感情等)”。三、动词与介词的搭配三、动词与介词的搭配1. As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends. A. separ

12、ated B. spared C. lost D. missed【分析】只有 separated 能与 from 连用:get / be separated from 与分散了。沈阳吴军高分英语家教沈阳吴军高分英语家教 024-316889482. Mary finally _ Bruce as her life-long companion(伴侣). A. received B. accepted C. made D. honored【分析】能与 as 搭配的有 accept 和 honor,但由句思可知用 accept:acceptas认可是;honoredas尊敬为。四、动词与名词的搭

13、配四、动词与名词的搭配1. The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ their parents silver wedding. A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome【分析】动词 celebrate(庆祝)与名词 their parents silver wedding(父母亲的银婚)搭配恰当。memorize 记住;congratulate 祝贺;welcome 欢迎。2. The cars give off a great deal of waste gas into streets. Yes. But Im sure something will be done to _ air pollution. A. reduce B. remove C. collect D. warn【分析】reduce air pollution 降低污染。remove 移开; collect 收集; warn 警告。3. If anybody calls, tell th



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