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1、Old English(450-1100) 1 The old English vocabulary has strong characteristics of the Germanic language. Compounds is an important word formation methods and alliteration is a special king of figures of speech. 2 Owing to the Christianising of Britain and the Vikings” invasions, old-english borrows s

2、ome words from Latin and Scandianvian. 3 Inflectional language . old English is sometimes describes as the period of full inflections. Middle English (1100-1500) 1 A large part of the old English word stock have been replaced by French equivalents since the Norman conquest . A lot of French loan wor

3、ds were used at that time. 2 Romanization of English . Many old English prefixes and suffixes gradually lost their vitality or even disappeared, whereas a number of French or latin affixes were introduced into the language as new resources for word formation. 3 Inflectional language analytic languag

4、e Middle English is known as the period of leveled inflections. Modern English(15001700 早期现代英语 1700现在 后期现代英语) 1 The Renaissance: 14th_16th century under the impact of the renaissance there began the large scale adoption of foreign words through books. 2 Loan words from different countries The 18th a

5、nd the early 19th century saw the overseas exploration of the British Empire ,so thousands of new words poured into English language from almost the entive inhabited world. 3 Word formation There are two main types of word formation methods :clipped words and blends 1.明枪易躲,暗箭难防 It is easy to dodge a

6、 spear thrust in the open, but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hiding 脚踏两只船 straddle two boats 脚踏实地 have a down-to-earth manner 胆小如鼠 as timid as a mouse 顶天立地 dauntless 调虎离山 lure the tiger out of the mountains 丢盔弃甲 throw away everything in headlong flight 哭笑不得 not know whether to laugh

7、or to cry 枯木逢春 get a new lease of life 居高临下 occupy a commanding position 蒙在鼓里 be kept in the dark 2.糖葫芦 Tanghulu, a sugar-coated fruit on the stick which is a kind of childrens favourite food in winter 文房四宝 the four treasures of the study(writing brush, inkstick, inkstand and paper) 文明礼貌月 Socialist

8、Ethics and Courtesy Month 章草 zhangcao (a cursive hand formerly used in memorials to the throne) 站票 standing-room-only tickets 特困生 the most needy students 三八红旗手 a woman pace-setter 三八式干部 a thirty-eighter (a person who joined the revolution in 1938) 三教九流 people in various trades 一日之长 a slight superior

9、ity 一穷二白 poor and blank 乌纱帽 an official post 五星红旗 the Five-Stared Red Flag(the national flag of the Peoples Republic of China) 五岳 The Five Sacred Mountains(Taishan,the Eastern Mountain in Shan-dong Province;Hengshan,the Southern Mountain in Hunan Province;Huashan,the Western Mountain in Shanxi Provi

10、nce;Hengshan,the Northern Mountain in Shanxi Province and Songshan,the Central Mountain in Henan Province ) 五经 The Five Classics(The Book of Songs,The Book of History,The Book of Changes,The Books of Rites,and The Spring and Autumn Annals) 3.三乱 indiscriminate fines,charges and assessments 传、帮、带 Pass

11、 on experience,give help and set an example in training new hands. 抓大放小 to invigorate large enterprises which releasing control over small ones 老少边穷地 old revolutionary base areas, frontier areas, poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by national minorities 4.浓茶 strong tea 浓墨 thick ink 浓烟 dense

12、smoke 治国 administer a country 治家 manage a household 治病 cure disease 治水 tame rivers 茶馆 tea house 照相馆 photo studio 美术馆 art gallery 展览馆 exhibition hall 科技 馆 science and technology center 打的 take a taxi 打水 fetch water 打井 sink a well 打圆场 mediate a dispute 打毛衣 knit a woolen sweater 打农药 spray insecticide (

13、给车胎)打气 inflate a tyre 基本工资 basic wage 基本建设 capital construction 基本设施 infrastructure 基本 物质 essential commodity 基本工业 primary industry 基本利益 fundamental interest 经济法制化 manage economic affairs within a legal framework 经济全球化 economic globalization 社会知识化 build a knowledge-driven society 国际关系民主化 the practic

14、e of democracy in international relations 国民经济信息化 build an information-based national relations 科研成果产业化 apply scientific research results to industrial production 5.干货 dried food 海狗 fur seal 纸钱 joss paper 绿豆 mung bean 酸奶 yoghurt boot fair 廉价市场,两手货。bootleg 制造或贩卖非法商品 酒店 restaurant 油性皮肤 oily skin 食言 go

15、 back on ones word pull ones leg 愚弄某人 look out 当心 美国中学 high school 黄色书籍 pornography to move heaven and earth 不遗余力 street people 无家可归的流浪者 好好先生 yes-man 头脑一根筋 to have a one-track mind 6.(昆虫的)口器 mouthpart 口琴 mouth organ 小炒 home-style dishes 不重要的人 small-fry 大人 adult 大人物 big man 白酒 Chinese liquor 白葡萄酒 whi

16、te wine 红酒 wine 烈酒(威士忌)red liquor 宰客 swindle money from customer 屠杀顾客 slaughter customer 彩票 lottery 彩色的票证 colorful ticket 黑点 black dot 交通事故多发的地点 black spot 糖人 candy figurine 毒贩(俚语)candy man 削笔刀 pencil sharpener 美工刀 pencil knife 复习备考 to prepare for test 出考卷 to prepare the test 你个猪头 you are a big fool 非常固执 pigheaded 7.胡同 hutong 普通话 putonghua 乒乓 ping-pong炒面 chow mein 剪纸 paper-cut 长征 The Long Match 大字报 big character poster 四人帮 Gang of Four 北京烤鸭 Bei



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