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1、洋话连篇 II50 集 RM 文本 目 录: 1:Dig in 狼吞虎咽 2:aking suggestions 苦口婆心 3:Saying something is easy 小 菜一碟 4:Dislike and negtive 糟糕透顶 5:Asking personal questions 绝对隐私 6:Subtle hints 婉言相劝 7:Showing joy about something 开心辞典 8:Having a bad day 哎,喝凉水都塞牙 9:Likes 酷毙了 10:Performence idioms 妙喻种种 11:Pain 疼痛难忍 12:Saying

2、no firmly 你可以说不 13:Asking how to use something 这个怎么用啊? 14:Pets 宠物天地 15:Fight 拳脚相向 16:Kitchen idioms 厨房谚语 17:Cleaning up 净宅 18:Medical emergency 紧急呼救 19:Sold out 空空如也 20:Agree with someone 不谋而合 21:Time off 上班族必用 22:Addressing friends casually 呼朋唤友 23:Animal idioms 动物趣语 24:Good worker 埋头苦干 25:Lame car

3、 老爷车 26:Present“礼”多人不怪 27:When something amazing happens 飞来之福 28:Been robbed,theft.小心为妙 29:Coincident meeting 奇缘巧合 30:Hanging out 过把瘾 31:Clubbing 狂欢之夜 32:Suggest what to do using questions 游戏总动员 33:Weather 风云莫测 34:Loudmouth 喋喋不休 35:Experssing seriousness.嘿!正经点!36:Bad driver 笨司机 37:Ordering food 餐前点将

4、 38:Telling others to enjoy themselves 你快乐,所以我快乐 39:Seat 座位奇缘 40:Expressing confidence in somebody 加 油吧!朋友!41:Hearing news 消息灵通人士 42:Wish good luck in sports 赛场风 云 43:Praising 溢美之词 44:When somebody asks you stupid questions 玩世不 恭 45:Accept offers 欣然接受 46:Movement in crowd 人海之中 47:Vavation 悠 长假期 48:A

5、sking for direction 迷途知返 49:Say goodbye 一路顺风 50:In good mood 情绪飞扬=第 1 课=Dig in 狼吞虎咽 1:(Just) dig in 吃吧! 2:(I love) to pig out on junk food(我喜爱)吃零食 3:Im starving to death 我快要饿死了 4:Im stuffed 我吃饱了鹦鹉讲解: Dr.Weird knows a little bit about everything.奇怪博士什么事情都知道一点 I knew we could count on him.我知道我们可以信赖他 U

6、h huh.Uh huh.DIG: Come check out my new digs.来我的新房间看一看 I dig this place.我很喜欢这个地方 you dig?你喜欢吗?=第 2 课=Making suggestions 苦口婆心 1:Would you mind if I make a suggestion?我能给你一个建议吗? 2:No,go right ahead.3:If I were you I would (keep studying english)如果我是你的话,我会 4:Maybe you could give another example 你也许可以给些

7、别的例子。 5:Maybe you could try/use a diffrent color 6:I wonder if it might be at all possible, 7:Would you please use 鹦鹉讲解: Hey Hogle,look at this place.过来看看这个地方 Is this a great restaurant or what?这真是一个好饭店啊!SUGGERST: Do you have another suggestion?你有什么建议吗? What do you suggest?你要建议什么? I wouldnt suggest

8、that.我不会提那样的建议的。=第 3 课=Saying something is easy 小菜一碟 A piece of cake.小菜一碟! Its a breeze.不费吹灰之力! No sweat.太简单了! Its a snap 易如反掌! as easy as rolling/falling off a log口极其简单容易鹦鹉讲解: At first that can be a little tricky.刚开始也许会有一点儿难。Snap: Snap to it 开始干吧 Make it snappy 快一点儿! Dont snap at me.别冲着我大喊大叫!=第 4 课

9、=Dislike and negtive 糟糕透顶 Bites(I think that bites) 我看它可太差劲了! It bites/Your idea bites Lame(Thats so lame)不太好 That movies lame/thats lame/Its lame/youre lame/Im lame I really stink 我很差劲! The weather really stink today,Dont you think?鹦鹉讲解: on the subject of 关于, 论及Bite: This food has bite 这种东西有点儿辣 Don

10、t be scared,I dont bite 别害怕,我不吃人。Dont bite the hand that feeds you 不要恩将仇报哦!=第 5 课=Asking personal questions 绝对隐私 Do you mind if I ask you if youre married? May I ask you a personal question? Would you be offended if I asked you (your weight/age)鹦鹉讲解: But it softens things a little bit 但是这样就使之缓和一点了。P

11、ersonal: Its a personal matter.这是私人问题。 Dont take it personally 不要太个人感情用事。 Its not personal,its business.这是公事,不是私事。=第 6 课=Subtle hints 婉言相劝 Have you ever thought about (getting some new shoes) Do you think it would be a good idea if (you change your hairstyle/haircut) Have you ever considered (wearin

12、g some different clothing)鹦鹉讲解: What?These are great shoes.What are you trying to say?(怎么了?这是很棒的鞋啊, 你到底想说什么?)Consider Thank you for your consideration.谢谢你的关心。 How considerate of you.你真体贴人啊! I will consider it.我会考虑这件事的。/Im seriously considering it.我正在认真地考虑 这件事。=第 7 课=Showing joy about something 开心辞典

13、Thats good to hear!听到这个消息太好了! Thats great news!真是个好消息! Im so happy for you!我真为你高兴!鹦鹉讲解: Lets get outta(out of) here.我们走吧(换个地方吧) Get outta here.算了吧(我才不信你那一套) Water boy 端茶倒水的小厮News: Can I see that newspaper?我能看一下那张报纸吗? Have you heard the good news?你听到那条好消息了吗? I cant wait to tell them the news.我都等不及要告诉

14、他们这个好消息了。=第 8 课=Having a bad day 哎,喝凉水都塞牙 Im really having a bad day 我今天真的很倒霉。 I guess today is just not my day 我想今天不是我的幸运日 Id hate to be in your shoes 我真希望自己不是象你这个样子鹦鹉讲解: Well,If you see a guy like me.如果你看到某个象我一样(倒霉/幸运)的家伙Bad day: Im having a bad hair day.我今天的发型很难看。 Tomorrows a bad day for a meetin

15、g.明天不是开会的好时机。 You picked a bad day to ask me that.你询问这件事的时机不对。=第 9 课=Likes 酷毙了 (I think)The Olympics rock!(sth rock)奥运会太棒了! Blowguns awesome!(Anything that is awesome)吹箭运动很不错! Diving is excellent!潜水运动非常精彩! Womens gymnastics is bad!女子体操表演太出色了!鹦鹉讲解: Im more of a blowgun kind of guy.我更喜欢吹箭. (archery)Ex

16、cellent: I had an excellent time.我度过了一段美妙的时光。 Excellent!太棒了! You speak excellent English.你的英语说的很棒。=第 10 课=Performence idioms 妙喻种种 (Shes) faster than lightening 她比闪电还要快! (You are/Im) slow as a turtle 我跑的像乌龟一样慢! A big day of my life 我人生中重大的一天 (Thay are/He is) as cool as a cucumber 他比黄瓜还要酷(镇定)鹦鹉讲解: Good time.时间不错(指跑一圈所



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