英文验资业务约定书Audit Engagement Letter

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《英文验资业务约定书Audit Engagement Letter》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文验资业务约定书Audit Engagement Letter(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、AUDIT ENGAGEMENT LETTERNo. The purpose of this letter is to set out that Ernst Young Da HuaXXXX Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter referred to as “the Auditors”) is to audit the financial statements prepared by the company named (hereinafter referred to as “the Client”). Responsibilities of t

2、he Client and the Auditors are set as follows:I. Purpose and scope of the engagement:i.Purpose:ii.Scope: (“the Financial Statements”)II. Responsibilities of the either partyi.Responsibilities of the Auditors:1. The Auditors are to issue an authentic and legitimate report on these financial Financial

3、 statements Statements (“the Auditors Report”) in accordance with the Independent Auditing Standards for Chinese CPAs based on the performance of necessary auditing procedures on the Ffinancial Sstatements and other relevant data provided furnished by the Client. The design of audit procedures by th

4、e Auditors are based on the assessment of audit risks and effectiveness of internal control structure of the Client, and an audit is mainly composed of examining, on a test basis, amounts in accounts that constitute elements of the Ffinancial Sstatements. Thus individual accounting errors or irregul

5、ar activities may remain undetected. As a result, the Auditors cannot verify the audited Ffinancial Sstatements as 100% correct. But logical audit approach and scientific sampling methods should be applied by the Auditors to minimize the risk of material errors being neglected.2. The Auditors may, i

6、f warranted by practical situations, issue a management letter to the Client, addressing any problems noted in terms of accounting data processing, internal control structures and other matters and making suggestions for improvement thereof. 3. The Auditors shall finish the audit work and issue the

7、Aauditors Rreport within the time span as agreed with the Client. As our procedures are to be carried out on a test basis and after the closing of accounts, and due to the inherent limitation of the control system adopted by the Client and other factors which may affect our work, our examination sho

8、uld not be relied upon to disclose all frauds, errors or instances of non-compliance which may exist. Therefore the accountability responsibilities of the Client should not be substituted, relieved or exempted by the responsibilities born by us as auditors.4. The auditors Auditors should not let out

9、disclose to others, except when being approved by the Client, the trade secrets of the client (including but not limited to business and financial data) learnt in the course of audit workto the third party.5. The Y2K Problem shall not change the responsibility of the auditors, which is to issue audi

10、tors report in accordance with the requirements of the Independent Auditing Standards, and ensure truthfulness and legitimacy of the report. The audit of the financial statements should not include the verification of the Y2K compliance, thus no assurance is provided by the auditors in this respect.

11、5. The auditors shall pay due attention to the audited audited financial informationdata (including the Financial Statements) formally submitted to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and its publicity by the Client if asthe Client is a listed company., in In the case that any material differ

12、ences were found, the auditors Auditors should negotiate with the Board of Directors of the Clientdirectors onabout the matter and ask forrequest appropriate revisions; the Aauditors could may take further measures by notifying the board of directors in writing and submit the copy of the notice to t

13、he Stock Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission if no satisfactory resolution were got. The Aauditors might may publicize a proclamation in the newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to clarify the truth if appropriate.ii.The Clients responsibility:1. Th

14、e Client shall full-scope cooperate with the Aauditors and offer necessary facilities. The Client is responsible for making available to the Aauditors the accounting documents, account books, financial statements and related information as required for audit work. In addition, if there exist any ent

15、ities whose financial statements are not audited by the Auditors but should be included in the scope of consolidation or accounted for by equity method, the Client should arrange for other auditors cooperating with the Auditors.2. The Client has a responsibility to implement satisfactory mechanisms

16、for ensuring that reliable internal control structuresystems exist, its assets are properly safeguarded and its accounting records are trueauthentic, legitimate and, complete, all relevant information is fully disclosed and the assets of the company are safely guarded. The Client should ensure the Financial Statements are in compliance with the accounting standards, accounting reg



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