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1、1三星考试复习三星考试复习目录目录第一章、看图说词第一章、看图说词 2第二章、朗读第二章、朗读 2第三章、看看说说第三章、看看说说 3第四章、看图说话第四章、看图说话 7第五章、情景对话第五章、情景对话 9第六章、听说相反第六章、听说相反 21第七章、听听做做第七章、听听做做 23第八章、快听快答第八章、快听快答 252第一章第一章 看图说词看图说词一、考试要求(难度系数一、考试要求(难度系数) 1、考试时间、考试时间 0.5 分钟,分钟,6 张卡片说对张卡片说对 4 个可通过。个可通过。 2、要做到看到卡片、要做到看到卡片 1 秒钟内说出来单词,读音准确。秒钟内说出来单词,读音准确。 二、练

2、习方法二、练习方法 1、平时练习,出来说出来,尽量将卡片背后的单词拼写也背出来。在快听快答环节,会考到拼写。 2、练习时观察卡片的图案、颜色。在快听快答环节,会考一些问题 1)冬瓜、西瓜的外表是什么颜色,里面是什么颜色? 2)哪种水果是热带水果? 3)动物:澳大利亚有什么特殊的动物? 4)动物:什么动物长着长尾巴和大耳朵?第二章第二章 朗读朗读一、考试要求(难度系数一、考试要求(难度系数) 1、考试时间、考试时间 0.5 分钟,只能说错分钟,只能说错 2 个词个词 2、切记用手指着单词一个个读,容易被考官发现读错的字。、切记用手指着单词一个个读,容易被考官发现读错的字。 3、先浏览下文章再读,

3、遇到不认识的字尽量用自然拼读法来读,千万不要不读、先浏览下文章再读,遇到不认识的字尽量用自然拼读法来读,千万不要不读 二、练习方法二、练习方法 1、练习册上的朗读练习比实际考试难,可将练习册上看图说词部分的解说当作朗读教材练习。 2、自然拼读法sksg 如 skirt scsk 如 school st sd 如 student sp sb 如 spoon c :在 i, e, y 之前的发s 如 circle s:s 在单词开头的,发s 如 study ; s 在单词中间的发z 二、补充练习二、补充练习 儿歌:儿歌: Fairy tale Fairy taleListen to my fair

4、y tale About a pretty young woman and a brave young man and an ugly old woman, too. This is a very old fairy tale for you. A beautiful princess in a land far away sees an ugly old witch in the woods one day. The witch gives her poison. But a prince comes to save the beautiful princess. Oh, the princ

5、e is very brave! 短文:短文: 1. Mary is an American student. One day she asked her Chinese teacher how to get around the city. “The best way to get around the city is by taxi.” The teacher said, “A taxi drive knows the city like the back of his hand. He can quickly take you to any place. The taxi is expe

6、nsive, but it is time-saving.” 2. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is north-east of Hong Kong. You can see a lot of tall buildings, huge department stores and famous hotels there. Tourists usually go shopping in Tokyo. There are about 12 million people in this city. They love eating sushi. 3. Beiji

7、ng is the capital of China. It is north of Hong Kong. You can find museums, palaces, and parks there. Many tourists go sightseeing in these places. They always visit the Great Wall. There are more than 12 million people in Beijing. They like riding bicycles. 4. Miss Wang is from Shanghai. Now she li

8、ves in Canada. Miss Wang speaks Chinese and she also speaks English very well. Miss Wang works as a nurse in the hospital. She takes care of the patients and the patients all like her very much. 35. When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because people drive and walk on the

9、 left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Everyone should be very careful with the cars. 6. The spring Garden Hotel is a four star hotel. Its close to the cen

10、ter of the city and not far from the airport. It has more than five hundred rooms. Some are double rooms; some are single ones. The hotel has several restaurants on the first floor. They serve very good Chinese and western food. Behind the lobby, one can find the travel service and postal service. M

11、any tourists like to say in hotel because it makes them feel at home. 7. I smoke a lot and I know smoking is bad for my health. Now, many people have given up smoking and I will try to give it up again. I think giving up smoking is not so difficult because I have given it up for many times. One day,

12、 my wife said, “Smoking makes the air dirty. It is not only bad for you but also for our daughter and me. You know, many of our friends have given it up just for their families and other people. If you really stop smoking, you will be a very good father and husband.” 8. Sometimes you will find somet

13、hing interesting when you are learning foreign languages. When we are talking about meat on our tables, we use French words. But when we speak about animals, we use English. For example, a pig is called pig when it is living. But its meat on the table is called pork. Cattle are called cattle when th

14、ey are raised, but at the dinner table, we call the meat beef. 9. Robert William is a salesman. He works for a small company. Robert is always in a hurry because he wakes up quite late everyday. He jumps out if the bed at quarter to eight, brushes his teeth and washes his face. At eight, he eats two pieces of bread and one cup of milk as his breakfast. He rings the doorbell of his first customer of th



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