老友记 六人行 第一季第八集经典笔记

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1、TheThe OneOne WhereWhere NanaNana DiesDies TwiceTwiceWritten by: Marta Kaufmann and David Crane Transcribed by: guineapig Special thanks to Rachel Stigge for correcting my Italian108 (祖母)娜娜死了两回 钱德发现他给人们的第一印象通常是同性恋,他试图找出原因。 保路从罗马给瑞秋打来电话并给她买鞋。 罗斯和莫妮卡的祖母死了两次。 在葬礼上,乔伊通过一台便携式电视观看球赛; 罗斯失足掉进了一个坟坑,伤到背部。 莫妮卡

2、难以应付母亲的挑剔。Scene: Chandlers Office, Chandler is on a coffee break. Shelley enters.)Shelley:Shelley: Hey gorgeous, hows it going?gorgeous n.帅哥,美女Chandler:Chandler: Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights. does it getget better than this 夫复何求?hydrate n.氢氧化物 v.与水化合/dehydrate vt.(使)脱水/fluore

3、scent adj. 荧光的, 莹光的老友们的吃喝,这里做个小节:Decaf(无咖啡因的咖啡)、TikiDeath punch(一种自制的鸡尾酒,将含酒精的饮料同果汁或者糖混合在一起)、espresso(浓咖啡)、rum(朗姆酒)、cocktail(鸡尾酒)、Rocky road(rocky road 是一种冰淇淋,里面有坚果,巧克力和蜜饯, 由于这些东西让冰淇淋不平滑,所以叫 rocky road)、cookie dough(曲奇圈、有碎曲奇的冰淇淋)、western omelet(煎蛋卷)、lasagne(意大利宽条面)、spaghetti(意大利细面条)、lamb chop(小羊排)、t

4、art(果馅饼)、chocolate blobby(巧克力酱)、fatfree crust pizza(脱脂脆皮薄饼)、vegetarian pate(素菜面团)、 Dehydrated Japanese noodles(日式脱水面条)、cracker(饼干)、Pretzel(椒盐卷饼)、Cappuccino 是用蒸汽煮沸,通常加入热牛奶的意大利式咖啡。Shelley:Shelley: Question. Youre not dating anybody, are you, because I met somebody who would be perfect for you.Chandler

5、:Chandler: Ah, ysee, perfect might be a problem. Had you said co- dependent, or self-destructive.co-dependent adj.互相依靠/self-destructive adj.自我摧残这里的语境均 是形容爱情的Shelley:Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday?Chandler:Chandler: Yes please.Shelley:Shelley: Okay. Hes cute, hes funny, hes-Chandler:Chandler: H

6、es a he 他是男的?Shelley:Shelley: Well yeah! .Oh God. I- just- I thought- Good, Shelley. Im just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now 我要到马桶处把自己冲掉. .(backs out of the room) Okay, goodbye.flush v.a.脸发红 b.冲洗(flush the toilet 冲洗马桶)/toilet n.盥洗室,马 桶OpeningOpening CreditsCreditsScene: Monica and Rachels,

7、 everyone is there.)Chandler:Chandler: .Couldnt enjoy a cup of noodles after that. I mean, is that ridiculous? Can you believe she actually thought that?Rachel:Rachel: Um. yeah. Well, I mean, when I first met you, yknow, I thought maybe, possibly, you might be. Chandler:Chandler: You did?Rachel:Rach

8、el: Yeah, but then you spent Phoebes entire birthday party talking to my breasts, so then I figured 认为 maybe not.Chandler:Chandler: Huh. Did, uh. any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me?Monica:Monica: I did.Phoebe:Phoebe: Yeah, I think so, yeah.Joey:Joey: Not me.Ross:Ross: Nono,

9、 me neither. Although, uh, yknow, back in college, Susan Sallidor did.Chandler:Chandler: Youre kidding! Did you tell her I wasnt?Ross:Ross: No. No, its just cause, uh, I kinda wanted to go out with her too, so I told her, actually, you were seeing Bernie Spellman. who also liked her, so.(Joey congra

10、tulates Ross, sees Chandlers look and abruptly stops.)abruptly adv.突然地,唐突地Chandler:Chandler: Well, this is fascinating. So, uh, what is it about me?fascinate vt.使着迷, 使神魂颠倒/this is fascinating 这太神奇了Phoebe:Phoebe: I dunno, cause youre smart, youre funny.Chandler:Chandler: Ross is smart and funny, dyou

11、 ever think that about him?All:All: Yeah! Right!Chandler:Chandler: WHAT IS IT?!Monica:Monica: Okay, I-I dknow, you-you just- you have a quality.quality n.质量,品质,性质 to 气质=temperamentAll:All: Yes. Absolutely. A quality.Chandler:Chandler: Oh, oh, a quality, good, because I was worried you guys were gonn

12、a be vague about this.vague adj.含糊的, 不清楚的, 茫然的, 暧昧的/be vague about 对还不 够清楚(Phone rings; Monica gets it)Monica:Monica: Hello? Hello? Oh! Rachel, its Paolo calling from Rome. Rachel:Rachel: Oh my God! Calling from Rome! (Takes phone) Bon giorno, caro mio. Ross:Ross: (to Joey) So hes calling from Rome.

13、 I could do that. Just gotta go to Rome.Rachel:Rachel: Monica, your dad just beeped in, but can you make it quick? Talking to Rome. (Showing off to Phoebe and Chandler) Im talking to Rome.beep v.嘟嘟响/beep in 打来,插入/beeper n.寻呼机Monica:Monica: Hey dad, whats up? (Listens) Oh God. Ross, its Nana.Scene: T

14、he Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are there, along with Aunt Lillian. Ross and Monica enter and everyone says hi and kisses.)Ross:Ross: So, uh, hows she doing?AuntAunt Lillian:Lillian: The doctor says its a matter of hours 这不过是时间早晚 的问题.a matter of 大约,大概Monica:Monica: How-how are you, Mom?Mrs.Mrs. Gel

15、ler:Geller: Me? Im fine, fine. Im glad youre here. .Whats with your hair?Monica:Monica: What?Mrs.Mrs. Geller:Geller: Whats different?Monica:Monica: Nothing.Mrs.Mrs. Geller:Geller: Oh, maybe thats it.(Monica strides over to Ross, who is making coffee, and talks to him aside.)stride over to sb 大踏步向某人走

16、去/aside adv.在旁边,到旁边Monica:Monica: She is unbelievable, our mother is.Ross:Ross: Okay, relax, relax. We are gonna be here for a while, it looks like, and we still have boyfriends and your career to cover 谈论.Monica:Monica: Oh God!(They hug.)Cut to the hospital, later. Everyone is talking about Nana.Monica:Monica: The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse. fuzzy adj.有绒毛的,


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