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1、英语背口诀记单词英语背口诀记单词书利华教育网 您的教育资源库 1猫和老鼠 1.背口诀记单词有一个 rat(老鼠) 非常地 fat(肥胖)跳进了 vat(缸)* 偷吃了 salt(盐)变成了 bat(蝙蝠) 气坏了 cat(猫) 咬破了 hat(帽子)当成了 mat(垫子)2.识音标,记单词rat n.老鼠,不忠实的人(like a rat in a hole 像洞中之鼠,喻陷于绝境); vi.背叛,背信(常与 on 连用),捕鼠(The dog went ratting 狗去捉老鼠);习语smell a rat 觉得可疑。fat n.脂肪,油脂;adj.肥大的,费用巨大的 a fat pri

2、ce(很大的代价); vi 长肥(fatted,fatting);get fat 发胖;习语 The fat is in the fire(事情弄得不可收拾了)。vat n.大桶大缸(rotting vat 发酵瓮);vt.把.装入大桶(vatted,vatting);VAT(大写)增值税,附加价值税 Price includes VAT(价格包括税额)商业用语。salt n.食盐,俏皮话,刺激:a talk full of talk 富有风趣的谈话; adj.咸的 salt beef (咸牛肉),尖刻的,费用过高的;vt.给.加盐;给.调味; 习语 That s rather too sal

3、t!(太贵了! )。bat n.蝙蝠,球拍 vt.用棒球击打,用球拍打球(batted; batting),眨眼(He heard the bad news without batting an eyelid.他听到这个坏的消息丝毫没动声色)。cat n .猫;vt.(catted; catting)起锚,嘲弄(catting around with every lady in sight 跟见到的每个女人勾搭);cat-sleep 打盹,cats-paw 被人利用的人,Dog my cats!见鬼!他妈的;我可以赌咒!a cat with nine lives(有九条命的猫;富有生命力的人)

4、; 习语That cat wont jump(这一手行不通)。hat n.有边的帽子,职权地(wears two hats one as parent and one as corporate executive 双重身份-既是父母又是法人代表);vt.给.戴上帽子(hatted,hatting);习语 Ill eat my hat .(假若.我情愿受罚),get /into/ the hat(进退两难),My hat!(哎呀!好家伙!)。mat n.垫子,草席,蹭脚垫;vt., vi.(matted; matting)在.上铺席,缠结;习语leave someone on the mat(拒

5、绝接待某人)。3.邻里邻外rat-在 rat 后面加 e 就变为:rate n.比率;vt.估价,斥责salt-在 salt 后加 y 变为:salty adj.咸的,尖锐的bat-在 bat 加 e 后变为:bate vt.减弱,减少,抑制hat-在 hat 前加 sun 变为:sunhat 遮阳帽mat-在 mat 后加 h 变为:math n.数学, mathematics 数学4.佳句背诵Rats desert a sinking ship. 船沉鼠先逃,家败亲友输。Laugh and be fat. 心宽体胖。You cannot draw white cloth from a dy

6、ing vat. 染缸里找不到白布。Giving advice to a stupid man is like giving salt to a squirrel 给傻瓜忠告就像给松鼠喂盐。(喻跟愚蠢的人讲道理是没用的)Youre really as blind as a bat. 你的眼力真是糟透了。Dont let the cat out of the bag! 不要泄露秘密!A cat in gloves catches no mice.带手套的猫捉不到耗子;四肢不勤,一事无成。All cats are grey in the dark.猫在暗中都是灰色;黑暗中难分丑俊。The cat

7、did it.是猫打破的;不是我搞的。(推托责任的话)The scalded cat fears cold water.被烫过的猫,连冷水也怕(一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳)When the cats away, the mice will play. 猫儿不在,老鼠成精(大王外出,小鬼跳粱)。Take off your hat to your yesterdays. 向昨日挥手告别。Laziness spreads a mat for hungry. 懒惰是饥饿的温床。2谁要杀死鹅? 1.背口诀记单词后院一群 goose (鹅)一个一个 choose (挑选)把头塞进 noose (绳套)*结果绳

8、索 loose (松弛的)2.识音标,记单词goose n.鹅,雌鹅,鹅肉;vt.突然加大油门,嘘骂;习语cooked goose (不可救药的人,无希望的事)。choose v.(chose, chosen)选择,选定;习语pick and choose(挑挑拣拣,挑剔)。noose n.套索,束缚,陷阱;vt.用套索捉。loose n.解放,放纵;adj.宽松的,不牢固的,散漫的,自由的; vt.(loosed,loosed)释放,放枪,开船; vi.变松,开火; adv.松散地; 习语hold loose(表示冷淡,漠然置之)。3.邻里邻外goose-在 goose 后加 pen 变为:

9、goosepen 鹅圈,鹅棚choose-在 choose 后加 y 变为:choosey adj.慎重选择的,好挑剔的noose-去掉 noose 里的一个 o 变为:nose n.鼻loose-在 loose 后加 n 变为:loosen v.解开,放松,松开4.佳句背诵Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs . 杀鸡取蛋,愚蠢荒唐。A fox should not be of the jury at a gooses trial. 审鹅不应狐陪审。The old goose plays not with foxes.老鹅不跟狐狸耍。Wha

10、t is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.适用于甲的也适用于乙。Choose a wife by your ear rather than by your eye 择妻靠耳,不靠眼。Choose an author as you choose a friend. 择书如择友。Beggars cant be choosers. 乞丐没法挑肥拣瘦;有求与人者不能讲条件。To choose time is to save time.选择时间就是节省时间。You are putting a noose around your neck. 你在自找

11、麻烦。Shes a loose woman. 她是一个放荡的女人。 3七个小松鼠 1.背口诀记单词天气非常 fine (好的)松鼠爬上 pine (松树)站成一条 line (直线)把松果油 refine (提炼)* 发动汽车 engine (发动机)事迹搬上 magazine (杂志)2.识音标,记单词fine adj.美好的,优良的,杰出的,精美的,纤细,纯粹;n.罚款,罚金,晴天;vt.罚款,精炼,澄清;vi.变清,变细;adv.很好,妙;习语in fine(最后,总之)。pine n.松树,树木;v.消瘦,憔悴,渴望,渴慕;习语pine away(因忧伤而憔悴)。line n.绳,索,

12、线路,航线,诗句 vt.排成一行,顺.排列,划线于; vi.排队。refine vt.精炼,精制,使文雅高尚。engine n.发动机,机车,火车头,引擎,蒸汽机,机械。magazine n.杂志,期刊,军火库,弹药库,弹仓,胶卷盒。3.邻里邻外pine-在 pine 后加 apple 变为:pineapple n.凤梨,菠萝line-在 line 前加 air 变为:airline n.定期航线refine-在 refine 后加 ment 变为:refinement n.精致,言谈、举止等文雅,精巧engine-在 engine 后加 er 变为:engineer n.工程师,技师4.佳句

13、背诵Everything new is fine. 凡物崭新皆好看。Fine feathers make fine birds.鸟看羽毛,人看衣。She was pining for her mother 她思念母亲。Lawyers gowns are lined with the willfulness of their clients.律师总是偏向当事人。Its not in my line. 这不是我所擅长期的Gold refines in the fire and man in trouble. 金凭火炼,人凭苦练。 4对虾的苦难 1.背口诀记单词某一天 dawn(黎明)在河边 law

14、n(草坪) *来几只 prawn(对虾) *在那里 spawn(产卵) *累了正 yawn(呵欠) *被人捉去 pawn(典当出去) *2.识音标,记单词dawn n.黎明,曙光,开始,破晓;vi.破晓,开始现生,逐渐被了解。lawn n.草地,草坪,草场,菌苔。prawn n.动对虾,明虾,大虾;vi.捕虾。spawn n.卵,菌丝,根源,产物;v.产卵,产生,引起。yawn v.打呵欠,张开,裂开,间隙;n.呵欠,张开,乏味的东西;习语 make sb. yawn(使人厌倦,使人打呵欠)。pawn n.典当 pawn-shop(当铺),抵押物,人质, (象棋)兵、卒,爪牙,无足轻重的人;v

15、t.当掉,以.担保,抵押;习语 be in pawn(当掉,抵押出去)。3.邻里邻外lawn-在 lawn 后加 mower 变为:lawnmower n.剪草机prawn-把 prawn 里的 p 换为 b 变为:brawn /brC:n/ n.强壮的肌肉4.佳句背诵It is darkest before the dawn. 黎明前最黑暗。We look forward to the dawn of better days. 我们期待较好的日子的来临。The neighbours lawn is green. 邻家的草坪绿(太太别人的好)。You young devils spawn! 你

16、这小鬼!The movie was nothing more than one big yawn.这部电影只能令人哈欠连天。We are mere pawns in the struggle for power.在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒。 5向往自由的猿猴 1. 背口诀记单词有个聪明 ape(猿) *从动物园 escape(逃跑)这天披着 cape(披肩) *在湖边看 landscape(风景) *夜晚开始 gape(打呵欠) *被人捉住 nape(后颈) *送回园吃 grape(葡萄) 被录制成 tape(磁带)2.识音标,记单词ape n.猿,模仿者,笨拙的人;vt.模仿;习语 play the ape(模仿,效颦,逗笑,装傻),go ape(发疯)。escape n. 漏出,解闷,出口, 逃跑, 植野生;v


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