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1、1非谓语动词练习非谓语动词练习一写出以下动词(后面可以跟-ing 形式作宾语):介意赞赏,感激错过允许享受,喜爱完成原谅禁止逃跑,避开想象冒险练习,实践抵制,抵抗劝告考虑否定,拒绝避免,回避建议承认保持,继续二写出以下短语(后面可以跟-ing 形式作宾语坚持记住去做盼望后悔做过开始,着手记得作过献身于抱歉去做反对忘记做过习惯忘记去做注意试一试做推迟, 拖延尽力去做导致, 通向意味着做放弃, 停止, 抛弃意图去做意欲停止做停下来去做三把 2 句简单句合成 1 句(用动名词或不定式)Model: He always reads aloud in the reading room. It is a

2、bad habit.Reading aloud in the reading room is a bad habit. or: It is a bad habit to read aloud in the reading room. 1.I dont want to wait in a long line. It is a waste of time. 2. Few people like to fill in a long form. It takes a lot of time. 3. He gets up early every morning. It is a good habit .

3、 4. We should often read English newspapers. It can help us to improve our English. 5. He always watches English TV programs. It is a good way of learning English. 6. He did the work in that way. It is a waste of time. 7. We didnt attend the meeting. It made Jack very angry. 8. He doesnt know how to

4、 take care of himself. It makes his parents worried.29. He didnt tell the truth. He was scolded for that. 10.He never comes to class on time. He is always criticized for it. 四用非谓语动词结构完成下列句子。用非谓语动词结构完成下列句子。 1)It is difficult(照顾这么个小娃娃). 2)I pretended(睡着了). 3)Be careful(别着凉). 4)You have to work hard(考试

5、及格). 5)Tom intends(找个新工作). 6) His work is _(修自行车). 7) You will only succeed by _(努力工作). 8)Tom hates _(早晨九点以前起床). 9)Are you against _(今天开会). 10)Instead of _(挨批评), she ought to be praised. 五汉译英:(用非谓语动词) 1 我要点儿开水泡茶。 2 即将生产的那种彩电并不比进口的差。 3 我有许多事情要做,不能参加后天九点举行的会议。 4 背着一个篮子,他开始爬山了。(carry) 5 请填好表格,写下你的姓名和地址

6、。 6 我觉得特别疲倦,因此吃完饭我就上床了。 7 他一认出他童年时期的那位朋友,就走过去向他问好。 8 他认出了她,可是假装没看到她。 9 正在翻译成英语的那本小说是一位青年作家写的。 10 我觉得有人溜进了我的房间。 11 那孩子听到有人一步一步地在上楼梯。 12 你的衣服是自己做的还是叫别人做的? 13 老师们让孩子们在草地上玩。非谓语动词练习答案非谓语动词练习答案一写出以下动词(后面可以跟-ing 形式作宾语):介意mind赞赏,感激appreciate错过miss允许allow, permit享受,喜爱enjoy完成finish原谅excuse禁止forbid逃跑,避开escape想

7、象imagine冒险risk练习,实践practise抵制,抵抗resist劝告advise考虑consider否定,拒绝deny避免,回避avoid建议suggest3承认admit保持,继续keep二写出以下短语(后面可以跟-ing 形式作宾语坚持stick to 记住去做remember to do盼望look forward to记得作过remember doing开始,着手get down to后悔做过regret doing献身于devoteto抱歉去做regret to do反对object to忘记做过forget doing习惯be/get used to忘记去做forget

8、 to do注意pay attention to试一试做try doing导致, 通向lead to尽力去做try to do推迟, 拖延put off意味着做mean doing放弃, 停止, 抛弃give up意图去做mean to do意欲feel like停止做stop doing停下来去做stop to do三把 2 句简单句合成 1 句(用动名词或不定式)Model: He always reads aloud in the reading room. It is a bad habit.Reading aloud in the reading room is a bad habi

9、t.(or: It is a bad habit to read aloud in the reading room.)1. Waiting in a long line is a waste of time.It is a waste of time to wait in a long line. 2. Filling in a long form takes a lot of time.It takes a lot of time to fill in a long form. 3. He gets up early every morning. It is a good habit to

10、 get up early every morning. 4. Reading English newspapers can help us to improve our English. It can help us to improve our English to read English newspapers. 5. Watching English TV programs is a good way of learning English.It is a good way of learning English to watch English TV programs. 6. Doi

11、ng the work in that way is a waste of time.It is a waste of time to do the work in that way. 7. Our not attending the meeting made Jack very angry.It made Jack very angry for us not to attend the meeting. 8. His not knowing how to take care of himself makes his parents worried.It makes his parents w

12、orried for him not to know how to take care of himself. 9. He was scolded for not telling the truth. 10. He is always criticized for never coming to class on time.4四用非谓语动词结构完成下列句子。用非谓语动词结构完成下列句子。 1)It is difficult to look after the little child.(照顾这么个小娃娃). 2)I pretended to fall asleep.(睡着了). 3)Be ca

13、reful not to catch a cold.(别着凉). 4)You have to work hard to pass the exam.(考试及格). 5)Tom intends to find a new job.(找个新工作). 6)His work is repairing bikes(修自行车). 7)You will only succeed by working hard/ hard-working(努力工作). 8)Tom hates getting up before 9 a.m.(早晨九点以前起床). 9)Are you against having a meet

14、ing today.(今天开会). 10)Instead of being criticized (挨批评), she ought to be praised. 五1. I want some boiling water to make tea. 2. The TV sets to be produced will be as good as those imported from abroad. 3. I have a lot of things to do, so I dont be able to attend the meeting to be held at nine the day

15、 after tomorrow. 4. Carrying a basket on his back, he began to climb the hill. 5. Please fill in the form, giving your name and address. 6. Being very tired, I went to bed soon after super. 7. Recognizing the old friend of his in his childhood, he went over to say hello to him. 8. Having recognized

16、her, he pretended not to have seen her. 9. The novel being translated into English was written by a young writer. 10. I felt somebody steal into my room. 11. The child heard someone coming upstairs step by step. 12. Did you make your clothes yourself or have them made? 13. The teachers let the children play on the grass.


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