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1、One hundred years of struggle casting brilliant history, confidence promote great revival. Up and down the country in the party earnestly study and implement the spirit of the partys eighteen upsurge, general secretary of CPC central committee, chairman of the central military commission xi and the

2、central political bureau standing committee li keqiang, zhang dejiang, YuZhengSheng, LiuYunShan, wang qishan, ZhangGaoLi and 29 came to the national museum, visit the renewal “basic display, review since modern times Chinese people to realize national rejuvenation through history process, called on

3、all the comrades in the past, carry forward our cause into the future, our party construction is good, unite all Chinese people in our country, the construction of our national development is good, continue to move in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation goal buffet.29 morning, xi , etc to t

4、he national museum, enter a gallery, carefully exhibition, listened to staff interpretation. Painting pictures, one of the chart, a stretch of physical, sections of video, the people back to the modern times ups and downs, surging forward with great momentum of unforgettable years.In the 19th centur

5、y powers GeZhan territory, establishment of concession, delimit sphere of influence diagram before the opium war cannon, humen before in reflecting the revolution of cultural relics and photos before, in the communist manifesto, the first Chinese versions were before, in the first program of the com

6、munist party of China “reflect the communist party of China established cultural relics and photos in front of li dazhao prison by manual before the Peoples Republic of China on the first side before the five-star red flag, in the partys third plenary conference of eleventh session before the photos

7、, xi and stopped from time to time, to watch, a detailed inquiry and understanding about it.In the process, xi delivered an important speech. He said, “the renewal of the exhibition, and reviews the Chinese nations yesterday, show the Chinese today, declare the Chinese tomorrow, give a person with d

8、eep education and enlightenment. The Chinese nations yesterday, can be said to be “city ManDao really like iron“. Modern later, the Chinese nation suffered by the heavy, pay a sacrifice, in world history are rare. However, the Chinese people never yield, and constantly stand and fight, and finally h

9、ave mastered their own destiny, started the construction of our country, and fully display the greatest progress with patriotism as the core of the great national spirit. The Chinese nations today, is it may be said “in the vicissitudes of life“. Since the reform and opening up, we summarize the his

10、torical experience, and constantly arduous efforts, finally found the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the correct path, and achieved remarkable results. This road is the socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese nations tomorrow, can be said to be “ride the wind and cleave the wav

11、es will sometimes“. After the opium war since 170 years of continuous struggle, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation show a bright prospect. Now, we are better than has ever been in the history of closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, more than at any time in hi

12、story have more confidence and ability to achieve this goal.Xi stressed that in the past, all party comrades must keep in mind that delays are dangerous, development to self-improvement. Look at now, all party comrades must keep firmly in mind, the road decided to fate, find a right way how not easy

13、, we must unswervingly go on. Looking to the future, all party comrades must keep in mind that the blueprint into reality, there is still a long way to go, we need to work long and hard work.Xi pointed out that everyone has an ideal and pursuit, all have their own dreams. Now, we are talking about t

14、he Chinese dream, I think, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Chinese nation is the greatest dream since modern times. This dream, condensed several generations of Chinese dream, reflected the Chinese nation and Chinese peoples overall interests, is each of the children look forward t

15、o together. History tells us, everyones future fate and the state and national future and destiny are closely linked. National, national good, everyone will be good. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a glorious and arduous career, need a generations of another generation of Chinese peo

16、ple to efforts. Talk WuGuo, work development. We this generation of communist party must be served, carry forward our cause into the future, our party construction is good, unite all Chinese people in our country, the construction of our national development is good, continue to move in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation goal buffet.Xi finally stressed, I firmly believe that the communist party of China was founded in 100


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