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1、1.To find the area of a square or oblong,you merely multiply its length by its width. 将长乘以宽就可以得到这个长方形的面积。 2.This suggests that matter can be converted into energy. 这就是说物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化为物质。 3.Quantum chemistry is still in its infancy. 量子化学仍处于发展初期。 4.Even the protective environment is no insurance ag

2、ainst death from lack of oxygen. 即使有防护措施,也不能保证不发生因缺氧而死亡的情况。 5.In any amchine, input work equals output work plus work done against friction. 任何机器的输入功都等于输出功加上客服摩擦所做的功。 6.Earthquakes are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions. 地震通常比火山爆发更具有杀伤力。 7.Heat should be applied slowly to avo

3、id localized overheating. 应慢慢加热以避免出现局部过热现象。 8.How rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen or air. 燃料燃烧的速度取决于它与氧气或空气的混合程度。 9.Gene mutation is of great importance in breeding new varieties. 在新品种培育方面,基因突变是非常重要的。 10.Peptides can act directly on the brain to change aspects

4、of mental activity. 肽能够直接作用于大脑,改变各种脑力活动。 11.The language allows a concise expression of arithmetic and logic processes. 这种语言能简要地表达算术和逻辑过程。 12.E-Chemmerce, now offers two main levels of online business intelligence on chemical,platic and energy e-commerce. 电子化工商务目前主要提供两个层次的有关化学、塑料和能源电子商务的在线商务信 息服务。 1

5、3.These images tend to exaggerate the robets similarity to human anatomy and behavior. 这些概念常常夸大了机器人与人类在形体和行为方面的相似之处。 14.Since some materials are not demaged easily as others,the possibility exists of developing radiation-resistant parts. 由于有些材料不像另一些那样容易被损坏,所以有可能研制出防辐射的零件。 15.A lot of counties have s

6、et up paver stations,chemical fertilizer plants and a hundred and one other factories. 许多县已建立了发电站,化肥厂以及许多别的工厂。 16.The periodic table contains more than one hundred chemical elements belonging to eight families. 元素周期表由属于 8 个族的 100 多个化学元素组成。 17.An increase in the oxygen content of coal by 1% reduces t

7、he calorific value by some 1.7% . 煤的含氧量每增加 1%,其热值则下降约 1.7%。 18.Putting two and two together, he came to the conclusion that mechanical energy is different from electrical energy. 他根据事实推断出一个结论:机械能不同于电能。19. 地球转轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.

8、20. 一边钻洞,一边下钢管,以防周围土层塌陷。 As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to protect the sides from falling in. 21. 直流电是一种总是沿着同一方向流动的电流。 A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. 22. 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 23.我们应该

9、十分重视超导体在电器应用上的重要性。 The importance of superconductors in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated. 24.因此我们说,除了电压外,还有一些因素决定着电流的大小。 Therefore we say there is something in addition to the pressure that determines the amount of the current of the electricity. 25. 电视通过无线电波发射和接收各种活动物体的图像。 Television

10、 is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 26. 人们一直推崇丁民生所说的“雨既有用,又能带来麻烦。 ” Mankind has always reverenced what Tennyson called “the useful trouble of the rain.” 27.The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird. 高空飞机过去是而且现在仍是一种了不起的飞行器。 28.The lack of re

11、sistance in very cold metals may become useful in electronic computers. 这种低温金属中没有电阻的现象可能对电子计算机很有用处。 29.最近在纽约对学龄前儿童进行的调查发现,年仅三四岁的超重儿童已经出现了高血压的 症状。 A recent survey of preschoolers found that the overweight kids as young as 3 and 4 showed signs of high blood pressure. 30.自那时起的 40 年间,科学家们耗费了数十亿美元的巨资,试图在

12、安全的条件下产生同 样的能量。 In the 40 years since then,scientists have spent thousands of millions of dollars attempting to produce the same kind of energy in a safe peaceful way. 41.在有 5%二氧化碳存在的情况下,一氧化碳的毒性比没有二氧化碳时大一倍。 In the precence of 5% carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide becomes twice as toxic as it is alone.

13、42.The sun is 330000 times more massive and a million times more bulky than the earth. 太阳的质量是地球的 33 万倍,体积是地球的一百万倍。 43.石油、天然气和煤都是三亿三千万年以前的植物形成的。 Petroleum, natural gas and coal come from plants that lived 330 million years ago. 44.千千万万的机械零件都是由简单的几何形状组成的,例如,方形、圆形、三角形及其他 类似的形状。 Thousands and tens of th

14、ousands of machine parts are made up of simple geometric figures such as aquares, circles , triangles and other simple shapes. 45.In practice, the best that the analog computer can achieve is an accuracy of about 1 part in 10000. 实际上,模拟计算机所能达到的最高精度大约为万分之一。 46.The hydrogen atom is already 16 times as

15、 light as oxygen atom. 氢原子质量大约是氧原子质量的 116.47. These versatile wheeled tractors are reliable enough to tackle a variety of field jobs such as ploughing, harrowing, seed drilling ,cautivating, harvesting ,etc. 这种多用途轮式拖拉机适用于梨、耙、播种、耕作、收割等多种田间作业。 48.配料:优质鲜牛肉、白砂糖、辣椒油、芝麻油、盐、调料。 Ingredients: fresh beef of h

16、igh quality, sugar ,chilly oil , sesame oil , salt, condiments. 49.热饮:取乐口福两至三茶匙,倒入适量开水,搅拌至完全溶解。 For drinking hot: put two or three teaspoonfuls of Lacovo in a cup, then add hot water and stir until the grains are thoroughly dissolved. 50.Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。加:When A is added to B,the sum is C 减:When B is abstracted from A, the remainder is C 乘:When A is multiplied by B, the product is C 除:When A is divided by B, the quotient is C 51.The control l


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