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1、外研社新标准小学英语三年级起点第五册第五模块第一单元 Module 5 Unit1There are enough.教学设计 教学内容: Ms Smart: Sam please give out the pencils. Give one pencil to every child. Sam: Are there enough pencils? Ms Smart: Yes I bought twenty-five pencils yesterday .There are twenty-five children in the class. Sam: Oh! There are only fi

2、fteen pencils. There arent enough! Ms Smart: There are enough. I put ten pencils in the blue box. Look Sam. Sam: Oh Yes. There are ten pencils there. Ms Smart: Good weve got enough for everyone. Give them out Sam. Ms Smart: Be careful! Sam: Oh no! John: Im sorry Sam This is my bag. Sam: Im John. Thi

3、s is your bag. Amy: Youve got two pencils now! 教材分析和教学对象分析: 此课文内容比较长,学生理解起来有一定的难度,但是课文有一定的情景,借助再创情境,让学生在情景中理解掌握并运用。为了便于学生整体把握对话内容,我把课文中难理解的句子抽出来,让学生在符合语意的情景下先把课文的重点单词及句子理解好了,再进入课文的学习。对象是五年级的学生,通过一定的情境及任务,激发他们的学习积极性,使他们在教学活动中有更多的表现空间,从而培养他们的综合能力。 教学设计理念:本课主要是让学生通过对话掌握和理解本课的重要句型,能用 There are enough. 和

4、 There arent enough 表达物品数量是否充足。 教学目标 1.知识与技能:(1)能理解、认读生词:enough give out be careful everyone them 。 (2)能理解和认读句子 There are enough.; 和 There arent enough. (3) 能用 There are enough. 和 There arent enough 表达物品数量是否充足。 (4)能阅读、理解并模仿朗读课文。 2.过程与方法: 通过借助身边的资源来进行教学,学生比较容易理解重点生词、句型。同时,通过实际操练、游戏、分角色朗读课文来巩固重点知识,提高学

5、生的口语表达能力。 3.情感、态度、价值 (1)培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模拟。 (2)能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习乐趣和学习成就感。 教学重点、难点 重点:用句型 There are enough.和 There are not enough. 表达物品数量是否充足。 难点:单词 enough 和词组 give out 的理解与运用。 教学方法: 游戏法、情境教学法及任务型教学法 教学准备: 课本、笔、凳子等实物 录音机 教学过程 Step 1: Warming up(热身活动) 1. Greetings(日常问候) 2. Review(复习):S

6、ing a songHow many do you want? (设计意图:通过复,为学习本课句型作铺垫。 ) Step 2: Presentation(呈现活动) 1. 利用情境来导出句型:There are enough T: How many windows are there in our classroom? S:There are 4 windows in our classroom. T: How many doors are there in our classroom? S:There are 4 doors in our classroom. T: How many stu

7、dents are there in our class? S:There are T: How many English-books are there in our class? S:There are T: Are there enough? (呈现 enough) S:Yes! There are enough English-books. (教师引导学生回答,并板书) T: There arestudents and English-books. There are enough English-books for everyone. (呈现 everyone) T: Everyon

8、e gets a desk. There are enough. T: Look! There are some pencils in my hand. How many pencils are there? S:There are T: Are there enough? S:No! There arent enough pencils. 板书: There are enough English-books. There arent enough pencils. (设计意图:通过情境来导出,学生更容易理解这一句型。) 2.利用游戏来对这一句型进行操练,并导出 give out 和 give

9、 to T:Lets play a game.(抢凳子游戏) T:I want to play a game with you. Do you like playing games? (放 5 张椅子在教室前面,请 5 位同学上来) T:I want 5 students to come here. There are 5 chairs here. Are there enough chairs? Ss::Yes! There are enough chairs.(引导学生回答) T:You circle the chairs. When I say “stop”, you must sit

10、on one chair. Other students say“There are enough chairs.” Clear? (提醒学生做游戏的时候要小心:呈现 careful) Ss::Yes! T:Who wants to try? 玩了第一轮游戏后:(搬去一张椅子,5 个同学继续玩) T:There are 4 chairs and 5 students. T::Are there enough chairs? Ss::No,there arent enough chairs. T:Very good! 游戏结束后: T:Ok! You all do a good job. I w

11、ill give out the presents!(呈现 give out) T:Give candy to every actor. (把 candy 分给每一个表演的同学,呈现every) (设计意图:通过游戏来进行操练 There are enough.和 There arent enough.激发学生的积极性。通过奖励来导出 give out 和 give to,比较自然合理) 3. 回归课本: Lets go into the text. Open your book and turu to page 18. What did Ms Smart buy yesterday? Ss:

12、Pencils. T:Listen to the tape and answer my questions. T:How many pencils did Ms Smart buy? S:25. T:How many children are there in the class? S:25. T:So,there are enough pencils for students. But, why dose Sam say“there arent enough”? Read this paragraph again and find out the answer. T:How many pen

13、cils does Sam get? S:15. T:How many pencils are there in the blue box? S:10 (读一次学生还找不出答案,再读一遍) Look at the two pictures. What happened to them? Read this paragraph. S: T:Sam stumbled by Johns bag. And what happened to Johns pencil? S: T:Yes, Johns pencil is divided into 2 pencils. Who gets 2 pencils

14、? S:John gets 2 pencils. T:Ok! Lets retell the story. 复述:Ms Smart bought 25 pencils yesterday. She asked Sam to give out the pencils for everyone. There are 25 children in the class. But Sam gets only 15 pencils. There are 10 pencils in the blue box. There are enough pencils for everyone. Johns penc

15、il is divided into 2 pencils. John has got 2 pencils. (设计意图:课文比较长,通过问题的解决理清故事情节,复述课文内容更进一步理解课文。 Step 3: Practice(操练活动) 1.Read after the tape ,then read this text in roles. 2.模仿朗读课文,表演精彩片段。 Step4 Summery and homework(课堂总结和作业布置) 1. Summery2.Homework 1)读课文 2)活动用书练习 (设计意图:任务作业的布置帮助把课堂所学迁移到新的情景中,促进学生自主学习

16、和自觉完善,进一步巩固运用所学内容) Step5. Blackboard designModule 5 Unit 1 There are enough. 句型 单词 There are enough English-books. enough everyone There arent enough pencils. giveto be careful 课堂教学预测 课堂可能出现的问题:在呈现活动中,本课的课文比较难,老师在提问题的时候,学生可能回答不出来,这时老师要注意随机应变,可以通过再次读,来回答。老师要循循善诱,启发学生,引导学生回答。 在游戏这一环节中,学生只顾着玩,老师应给以提醒。 教学总结与反思: 1. 词汇、短语、日常用语及课文的理解与运用,是本 Module 教学要重点解决的问题,本 Module 词汇量较大,课文内容较丰富,是强化技能训练,发


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