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1、八年级下册英语单词解析八年级下册英语单词解析1report /rip?:t/v报告,汇报【考点】reportdoing: The boy reported seeing UFOs.那男孩报告说他看到了飞碟。reportto do: He was reported to have broken the world record.据报道,他打破了世界记录。report for: He reports for CCTV.他是中央电视台的记者。make a report 做报告。report sth. /sbto sb: Ill report your laziness to your parents

2、.我要把你的懒惰报告给你父母。【引申】report card 学生成绩单;weather report 天气预报;reporter 记者。2mad /m?d/adj神经错乱的;着迷的,疯狂的【考点】mad with joy /anger 欣喜若狂气得发疯;mad about 热衷于:He is mad about music.他热衷于音乐。He is quite mad about her.他疯狂地爱上了她。be /get mad at /with sth. /sb.对某事、某人生气,恼火:Mother got mad at me for watching TV for hours.母亲因为我

3、看了好几个小时的电视而恼火。【引申】a mad dog 一只患狂犬病的狗。3anymore /enim?:/adv再,更,还4however /ha?ev?(r)/adv无论如何conj然而,依然【记忆法】however。【考点】辨析 but 和 however 的用法:两词意义相同,但 however是较正式的说法,可置于句首、句末和句中,而 but 只置于句首。5pass /p?s /p?s/v传递:Please pass me the bottle.请把瓶子递给我。通过:The shippassed the channel.船驶过海峡。经过,路过:The train passed thr

4、ough the station without even slowing down.那列车没减速就通过了车站。使及格,通过:She passed the examination easily.她很容易就通过了考试。【考点】pass by 经过:On my way to school, I pass by the post office every day.我每天上学都路过邮局。6message /mes?d?/n消息,信息,口信【记忆法】message。【考点】take a message for给某人捎口信;leave a message for sb.给某人留个口信;send a mes

5、sage to sb.带个口信给某人:Can you send a message to my parents?你能给我父母带个口信吗?【引申】同义词:note, letter。 messager 使者,送信人,邮差。7response /r?spns/n回答,答复:She made no response.她没有回答。反应,响应【引申】respond /ri5spCnd /v.回答;反应。8suppose /s?p?z/v猜想,料想:I suppose that you are right.我想你是对的。【考点】be supposed to do sth.被期望或被要求做某事:They we

6、re supposed to be here an hour ago.他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。9hard-working /?h?d?w?.k?/adj尽心尽力的,努力工作的10better / bet?/adj较好的,更好的;病好一些,身体好一些【考点】had better(do)最好(做):You had better go right now.你最好马上离开。【引申】反义词:worse。for better or for worse 不论是好是歹,祸福同当(源自结婚典礼时的誓词) 。11well /wel/adj(better, best)(身体)好:I dont feel ver

7、y well.我觉得不太舒服。adv好地,令人满意地;完全地,充分地:Its well worth trying.这很值得一试。n (水)井:sink a well 挖井;an oil well 油井interj.(表示同意,惊讶)好,那么,哎呀:Well, I dont think so.嗯,我不这么认为。【考点】as well 也,又,同样地:He was not only a great writer but a great thinker as well. 他不仅是一位伟大的作家,而且也是一位伟大的思想家。as well as 不但而且:She speaks English as we

8、ll as Spanish and French.她不但会讲英语还会讲西班牙语和法语。do well in 擅长:He does very well in English.他擅长英语。【引申】well-known adj著名的。反义词:badly。12average /?v?r?d?/adj& n.平均数【考点】on(an /the)average 平均,按平均数计算:This car runs 15 kilometers per liter on the average.这辆车平均每公升(汽油)跑 15 公里。13nervous /n?rv?s /n?v?s/n?:v?s/adj神经的;神经

9、紧张的【考点】习惯搭配:be /feel nervous about /at sth.因某事而紧张不安。14envelope /env?l?p/n信封,纸袋,封皮【引申】a pay envelope 薪水袋。15lucky /l?k?/adj有好运的,幸运的:Its my lucky day.今天我很走运。【记忆法】lucky 构成形容词形式。【引申】反义词:unlucky。副词:luckily 幸运地。16copy / k?p?/n (书报等的)一本,一份:If you cannot afford a new copy of the book, perhapsyou can find a s

10、econdhand copy. 如果你买不起新的,或许你可以找得到一本旧的。v抄写,誊写,复制:copy down 记下来【引申】copyright 著作权,版权。17village /v?l?d?/n村庄,乡村:village life 乡村生活【记忆法】village。【引申】villager 村民。18graduate / gr?d?t/gr?djueit/v (自大学)毕业,获学位n毕业生:a graduate student 研究生【考点】graduate from 从毕业:They graduated from high school last year.他们去年高中毕业。19vo

11、lunteer /?vl?nt?r /?v?l?nt?/n志愿者v自愿地或无偿地给予或提供(帮助、建议等)20program / pr?gr?m/(也作 programme)n节目;工作计划,活动安排,行动方案v编排节目,计划,安排21experience / ?ksp?r?ns/n经验:We all learn by experience.我们都从经验中学习。经历【考点】experience 作“经验”之意时为不可数名词,而作“经历”之意时为可数名词:He has told us a lot of experiences in Africa.他给我们讲述了许多他在非洲的经历。【引申】同义词:

12、knowledge, event。22level /levl/n水平线,水平面:The water rose until it was on a level with the river bank.河水涨至与河岸相平的高度。级别,水平23simple /s?mpl/adj简单的,容易的:Write an article in simple English.用简单英语写一篇文章。朴素的,简朴的:a simple life 朴实的生活【引申】反义词:difficult。simple-minded 纯朴的,头脑简单的。24dormitory / d?m?tr?/n宿舍25influence /?nfl?ns/n& v影响



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