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1、 XNXN 公司公司 1515#综合楼综合楼 建筑工程施工图预算编制建筑工程施工图预算编制 Budget Compilation of Architectural Engineering Construction Drawing of the XN Company of 15# Comprehensive Building独创性说明独创性说明作者郑重声明:本毕业设计是我个人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,毕业设计中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得辽东学院或其他单位的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研

2、究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作者签名:作者签名:_ 日期:日期:_XN 公司15#综合楼建筑工程施工图预算编制- -摘 要施工图预算又称为施工图设计预算,它是指建设单位或承包商依据设计图纸、预算定额和费用定额,在确定地区人、材、机等预算价格的基础上编制出的土建工程造价文件。在建设工程招投标中,施工图预算是业主编制工程标底的依据,也是承包商投标报价的基础;是编制或调整固定资产投资计划的依据,也是业主办理工程决算的基础;是计算和确定单位工程造价的依据。施工图预算主要编制方法有单价法和实物量法,其中单价法分为定额单价法和工程量清单单价法。本设计采用工程量清单计价模式,以 XN

3、 公司 15#综合楼建筑、结构施工图、2008年辽宁省建设工程计价依据之建设工程计价定额编制说明、辽宁省建设工程计价依据A 建筑工程计价定额(上、下)、辽宁工程造价信息、丹东地区建设工程规费计取标准、辽宁省建设工程费用标准、11G101-1、11G101-2、11G101-3 标准图集等估价依据为基础,采用工程量清单单价法来完成。本设计的主要编制过程为,熟悉图纸,列示出需计算的分项工程,保证分项列示准确,计算分项工程工程量;结合地方建设工程计价依据、建设工程费用标准、工程造价信息等计价依据资料,按照建设工程工程量清单计价规范GB50500-2008 的标准形式和辽东学院本科毕业设计模板格式要求

4、,形成施工图预算文档,工程量计算表等;最终完成完成 XN 公司 15#综合楼建筑工程的施工图预算。根据测算,XN 公司 15#综合楼建筑工程总价为 3089437.83 元,每平方米单价为1108.99 元。关键词:关键词:施工图预算;工程量清单;建筑工程施工图预算;工程量清单;建筑工程XN 公司15#综合楼建筑工程施工图预算编制- I -Budget Compilation of Architectural Engineering Construction Drawing of the XN Company of 15# Comprehensive BuildingAbstractThe C

5、onstruction Budget also known as construction design budget, it is the cost of civil works construction units or contractors in accordance with the design drawings, budget fixed and fixed costs in determining the areas, materials, budget price on the basis of the preparation of the document. In cons

6、truction project bidding, construction budget is the basis for the owners the preparation of engineering bidding, the contractor on the basis of the tender offer; preparation or adjustment of fixed asset investment plan based on landlords to carry out the basis of the budget of the project; calculat

7、ion and determination units the basis of the project cost. Unit price method and the physical volume of construction drawing budget compilation method, in which the unit price method is divided into fixed unit price method and s the quantities bill unit price method.This design uses the quantities b

8、ill valuation mode, based on XN company 15# comprehensive building construction, structure construction in 2008, Liaoning province construction project plan according to the construction project valuation quota formulation explanations of Liaoning province, the construction project valuation based o

9、n A construction project valuation quota, Liaoning engineering cost information, charging standard of Dandong , the construction project cost standard, 11G101-1、11G101-2、11G101-3 standard atlas, to complete it with engineering quantity list valuation mode . The design of the main preparation process

10、es, skimming the drawings, listed out to calculate subentry project, ensure the accurate calculation of itemized, subentry project quantity; combining the local construction project valuation basis, construction cost standard, engineering cost information and pricing based on the information; accord

11、ing to the“ code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works“ GB50500-2008 standard forms and Eastern Liaoning University undergraduate graduation design template format requirements, formation of construction graph budget documents, engineering calculation table, eventually finishing XN c

12、ompany of 15 # comprehensive building project construction budget. According to the estimate, XN company of 15#comprehensive building project construction charges 3089437.83 Yuan. The price of pre square meter is 1108.99 Yuan.Keywords: Construction budget; The norm valuation mode; Construction Engineering XN 公司15#综合楼建筑工程施工图预算编制- II -目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II一、绪论.1(一)选题背景.1(二)文献综述.1(三)本文研究的思路和方法.5二、工程概况.7(一)建筑工程概况.7(二)结构工程概况.7三、分项工程工程量计算.8(一)常用计算规则.


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