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1、本书由“考鸭论坛”制作,资料来源于网络,版权归原作者所有 更多资料:http:/ 年 02 月 19 日雅思 A 类机经听力 考试日期2011年02月19日 版本号场景题型 Section 1NewConsultingCompletion 详细说明 讲爬山的,一个男的咨询类似课程,分为初级,中级,高级等类似的课程, 然后有时间和针对的训练目的不一样。1-10填空题 1. safety 2. Tuesday 3. 1 hour 4. wall / rock 5. 25 6. Thursday 7. summer 8. not include transports 9. prevention 10

2、. supervision版本号场景题型 Section 2NewTravellingChoice / Matching 详细说明 一个 desert travel agency 的介绍。都去哪里,在那里都能干些什 么。前面选择,后面地点配对都能干什么。11-13选择题 11-13. A, A, C 14-20搭配题 14-20.选项 live in tent accommodation, mountain climbing, horse riding 和 wild animals。版本号场景题型 Section 3V06130 S3TutorialChoice / Completion详细说

3、明 一个女生 essay got a low score, she felt so depressed, tutor 给她 分析她论文的不足,并告诉她正确准备论文的步骤。本书由“考鸭论坛”制作,资料来源于网络,版权归原作者所有 更多资料:http:/ 21.论文分数为什么低?The grade is so bad because: 选 C.缺乏好的证据来支持论点 didnt support the essay with evidence. 22.老师对她 example 的 advice? Problem with examples: 选 B.有些例子不合适 Some of them are

4、inappropriate. 23. Jen find it extremely difficult to: 选 C. Decide how much detail to include 24. Professors suggestion: 选 A. Try to read in other readers standpoint25-30填空题 写 essay 的步骤 25. Decide the purposeof the essay 26. what reader knowsand expects 27. Collect only relevantmaterial 28. Use one

5、sentenceto summarize the whole essay 29. Write a outlinenote 30. Write first draft版本号场景题型 Section 4V08125=V0 8231S4ChemistryCompletion 详细说明 利用太阳能进行水净化31-40填空题 31.一些地下水,海水因为有太多的 salts 所以不能使用(可能这里 salts 是 指多种矿物质,不是盐,所以用的复数) 32. SW40可以用在 hospitals 33.虽然这个 SW40比较好用,但是它 purify water too slow 34.这个设备的推广使用

6、得到了哪个组织的协助 Health International 35. SW40 can output 9 litres water in a sunny day.(先出现了7 litres,可 能是一般天气情况下的,但是在一个气温大于18度的晴天里就是9 liters) 36. A SW40 can support the water use of a family(先出现了一个 man 每 天用多少的水,后来出现了个 family)翻页后面是一个流程图,题目中间没有停顿 37. clip made of glass. 38. SW40和水平面的夹角是12.5 39. UV 射线 can d

7、estroy germs 40.一个管子滴水到一个圆心的桶里,这个桶叫什么?water tanks本书由“考鸭论坛”制作,资料来源于网络,版权归原作者所有 更多资料:http:/ 两新两旧,难度适中两新两旧,难度适中口语 考试日期: 2011.2.19Part 1Introduction 1. Tell me something about your work? 2. Tell me about your studies?City 3. Tell me about the city you come from. 4. What do you think about the lifestyle

8、in the city? Cooking 5. Do you like cooking? 6. When do you usually cook?Reading 7. Do you like to read book? 8. How much time do you spend in reading book? 9. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read? 10. What kind of book do you like best? 11. What do you usually read? Why? 12.

9、What is your favorite magazine? 13. What kind of newspaper do you have in China?House 14. What are the requirements for your house decorations? 15. Is the place you are living good for your child? Why? 16. Do you know your neighbors? If not, Why?School 17. How long have you been a student? 18. What

10、do you enjoy most about your studies? 18. Why did you choose this university? 19. What is your major in your university? Why did you choose it?本书由“考鸭论坛”制作,资料来源于网络,版权归原作者所有 更多资料:http:/ Why did you choose this school? 21. How long have you been a college student? 22. Tell me something about your campu

11、s life? 23. Do you prefer to be a student or to be a working person? Why?TV program 24. What kind of TV program do you like when you were younger? . Hometown 25. Is your hometown good for raising a child?Transportation 26. What kind of transportation do you usually take and why? 27. How to improve t

12、he transportation system in your country? 28. How is the traffic in your hometown? 29. How much do you spend on transportation? Is the fare high? 30. How to improve the traffic problem?Communicating 31. What kind of communication do you prefer? 32. How often do you use telephone? 33. How often do yo

13、u write an email or letter? 34. Which do you prefer to use telephone or email? 35. Do you prefer to send an email or write a letter? Why? 36. When do you use telephone? 37. Do you prefer to have a face to face communication or to communicate by phone?Clothes 38. Do you think clothes is important for

14、 you? 39. What is your opinion about clothes? 40. When do you wear formal clothes?Household Chores 41. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores? Why? 42. Is there any changes in your household chores now?本书由“考鸭论坛”制作,资料来源于网络,版权归原作者所有 更多资料:http:/ What kind of household chor

15、es did you do when you were a child?Shopping 1. How do people shop now? 2. What is the difference between the way people shop before and now? 3. Do you like shopping? 4. Do you often go shopping? 5. Do you think that modern people spend too much time on shopping? 6. What kind of shop do you like?Language 1. Did you learn your English well?Film 1. What type of film do you like?Computer 1. Do you use computer?Relax 1. Do you think to it is important to relax? 2. How do you usually relax?Friend 1. Do you like to make friends with people? 2. What kind of friend do you like ? 3. Talk about a inter


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