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1、城关小学六年级上册期中考试卷学校 班级 姓名 座号 得分 听 力 部 分(共 30 分)一、听音选择:听句子录音,选出所听到的单词、词组或图片,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。 (10 分)( )1. A. on foot B. bus C.plane( )2. A. film B. crossing C.trip( )3. A.wait B.go C.stop( )4. A.traffic lights B.traffic rules C.green light ( )5. A.by ship B.by taxi C.by subway( )6. A. turn left B. tu

2、rn right C. go straight( )7. A.tomorrow B.evening C.next week( )8. A. comic book B. word book C.postcard( )9. A. B. C. ( )10.A. B. C. 二、听音配对。听句子录音,根据所听的内容,选择与人物相对应的信息,并将其标号写到人物头像下面的括号内,每题读两遍。 (5 分)Wu Yifan Mike Chen Jie Amy Bai Ling( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A 向前直走的图片 B 一本词典的图片 C 医院的图片 D 电影院的图片 E 向左转的图片三、听

3、音选择:听问句,选答语。并将其序号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。 ( 5 分)( )1.A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike. ( )2.A.Yes,he does. B.No,he isnt. ( )3.A.Yes,there are. B.Yes,it is. ( )4.A.This morning . B.An English book ( )5.A.Its next to the bookstore. B.Its near the library . 四、听音选择。听对话录音,根据听到的内容选择正确的答案,并将其标号填到

4、题前 的括号内。每题读两遍。 (10 分)( )1.The post office is near the .A.library B.bookstore C.hospital ( )2.Sarah goes to the cinema .A.by bike B.on foot C.by bus ( )3.He is going to . A.see a film B.take a trip C.go to the supermarket ( )4.Amy is going to buy a newspaper . A.this morning B.this afternoon C.this e

5、vening ( )5.Amy is going to buy a . A.comic book B.newspaper C.magazine笔试部分(共笔试部分(共 7070 分)分)五、字母大、小写转换。在四线三格线上根据大写字母写出相对应的小写字 母或根据小写字母写出相对应的大写字母。 (20 分) 1.E j i O p 2.W m x q A 3.R f h k s 4.b D U v z 六、补全单词并与中文意思配对。选用括号中所给的字母或字母组合补全单 词,并把选项 A 或 B 填在单词前的括号内,然后把单词前的序号写在相对 应的中文意思下面的方框内。 (20 分)1.( ) s

6、c nce(A.ie B.ae) 2.( ) l ft (A.a B.e) 3.( ) t rn (A.a B.u) 4.( ) b kstore(A.oa B.oo) 5.( ) tr n(A.ai B.ei) 6.( ) v sit (A.o B.i) 7.( ) diction ry (A.a B.i) 8.( ) t night (A.o B.a)9.( )str ght(A.ei B.ai) 10.( ) st p (A.o B.u)停脚请公共汽车医院火车书店自行车交通左边NorthWest EastSouth六年级英语(一、二)火车笔直地转弯今晚左词典科学书店拜访停下七、选择填空(

7、20 分) ( )1.- ? -She goes to work by bus.A.Where does she work? B.How does she go to work? C.How do you do? ( )2.-Is there a cinema near here? - . A.Yes,there are. B.Yes,there arent. C.Yes,there is.( )3.-Where is the post office? - .A.Its next to the museum. B.Turn right at the bookstore. C.I like ap

8、ples. ( )4.- ? -She is going to take a trip.A.How does she go to work? B.What is she going to do tomorrow? C.Where does she work? ( )5.- ? -Its next to the hospital. A.What are you going ? B.Where is the cinema ? C.Is it far?( )6.- ? -Next week. A. What are you going to do ? B.When are you going? C.

9、Where are you going? ( )7.- ? -Im going to the library. A.When are you going? B.What are you going to do ? C.Where are you going this afternoon? ( )8.- ? -You can go by the NO.321bus .A.How can you go to the library ? B.How do you go to school? C.How can I get to the museum?( )9.- ? -Turn left at th

10、e nature park. A.How can we get there? B.When are you going? C.Where are you going? ( )10.Whats this?- .A. A helmet. B.Yes,she can. C.Yes,she is. 八、阅读理解。 (10 分) Hello. Im John. Im eleven. Today is Saturday. Im going to the bookstore, I want to buy an English dictionary. The bookstore is next to the

11、cinema, It is far from my home. So Im going there by subway. The bookstore is a tall building . It is white. After buying the dictionary, Im going to the ZhongShan park on foot. Im going to fly kites with my friends. ( )1. How old is John? A.12 B.11 C.13 ( )2.What is John going to do? A.He is going

12、to the bookstore. B.He is going to buy a dictionary. C. She is going to the shop. ( )3.Where is the bookstore? A.Its next to the cinema. B.Its next to the Zhongshan park. C.Its far from the cinema. ( )4.How does John go to the bookstore? A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By subway. ( )5.How does John go to the ZhongShan park?A.By bus. B.By subway. C.on foot.


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