《新概念英语》同步测试卷book1 (49-72)

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1、新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 (49-72) 一、选择题。 1._the matter with him? A. Whats B. What does C. What are D. What do 2.He _well we must call the doctor. A. dont feel B. isnt feel C. isnt feeling D. doesnt feeling 3.She reads English _every day. A. in two hours B. at two hours C. for two hours D. after two hours 4._w

2、ith matches. A. Not to play B. Not play C. Play not D. Dont play 5.Im going to the park. A. Enjoy you B.Enjoy youself C.Enjoy yourself D. Happy yourself 6._you at the butcers yesterday morming. A. Did B. Were C. Are D. Do 7._he absent from school last week. A. Were B. Was C. Is D. Are 8.He often _to

3、 see me, but today, he didnt_. A. come, come B. comes, came C. come, comes D. comes, come 9.Where were you last weekend? I_. A. were at my mothers B. was at my C. were at my mother D. was at my mother 10. Where were you _Monday? I was _the dairys. A. at, in B. on, at C. at , at D. on, on 11. Where w

4、as he _January 1st? He was _the church. A. on, at B. in, at C. at , at D. in, in 12. Where were you _July? I was _Denmark. A. in, in B. on, in C. in, on D. on, at 13. He _me several times last night. A. telephones B. telephoned C. telephone D. was telephoning 14. When _the shoes? I cleaed it yesterd

5、ay morming. A. do you clean. B. did you clean C. did yu cleaned D. are you cleaning 15. He _his homework last night. Tonight he_TV. A. does, watches B. did, watch C. did, is going to watch D. is going to do , watched 二、用所给词的正确形式填空,注意时态。 1.She _(read) English in the classroom now. 2.The sun_(rise) la

6、te and _(set) early in winter. 3.Look! The little girl _(swim) across the river. 4.Tom often_(come) late for class and now he_(wait) for the bus. 5.Tom is ill we must _(call) a doctor:? 6.Does he _(have) a temperature, doctor? 7._(be) four men in the office last week. 8.There _(be) four men in the o

7、ffice last week. 9.Yesterday my mother_(not, boil) egg for me. 10. What _you _(say) to him? I said that Tom was not in. 三、填入下列对话中所缺的单词。 1. What _are you? Im Chinese. 2. _you like banana? Yes , I do. 3. _ _the weather like in spring here? Its often windy, but warm. 4. _ _the bay and his mother doing?

8、 They are reading books.5. The weather here _oftern cold in winter and it often_.Everything becomes white. 6. There is much rain in summer here. It often_. 7. Does he want a biscuit? No , he_. 8._that your classroom? 四、用所给的词语组成句子。 1.do , I , not , chicken , like , cither 2.any , do , want , meat , t

9、oday , yor? 3.after , their , them , take , school , to , day , every 4.the , man , tea , drinks , usually , living , the , room , in 5.want , I , a , large , chalk , box , of 6.I , have , can , the , key , front , to , door , the , please 7.he , stay , in , bed , must , for , week , a 8.arrived , h

10、e , the , before , yesterday , day 9.did , listen , the , radil , last , not , night , to , she 10. on , Monday , were , Tom , and , Mary , where 五、英汉互译。 1.He likes spring best of four seasons. 2.Some students are listening to the radio. 3.Do you want the large size or smalll size? 4.When did you fi

11、nish the wouk yesterday? I finished it at half past seven. 5.He saw a film last night . The film was very interesting. 6.昨天你的老板对你说了什么? 7.你不要打碎这个杯子。 8.她有时读报纸。 9.她喜欢牛排,但不喜欢鸡肉。 10. 请给我拿一个信封。 六、从下列中选出恰当的选项完成对话。 A What are you ? B Is it interesting? C But you did not answer the telephone. D Where were yo

12、u . E There were many people there. F What are you going to do ? G Did you enjoy yourself?Tom: Hello.Jack.Jack: Hello. Tom.Tom: I telephoned you last night, _.Jack: I were not in.Tom: _.Jack: I was at my grandmothers.Tom: What did you do there?Jack: There was a great game near my grandmothers.Tom:_.Jack: Yes, it is._.Tom: Was your grandmother there too?Jack: Yes , she was.Tom:_.Jack: Certainly, We had a good time.


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