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1、KFC 中英文菜单及用餐英语Meal 特色主食New Orleans Roasted Burger 新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡zinger burger 香辣鸡腿堡extra-tasty crispy burger 劲脆鸡腿堡mini Burger 田园脆鸡煲cod fish Burger 深海鳕鱼堡shrimp Burger 至真七虾堡dragon twister 老北京鸡肉卷Mexican twister 墨西哥鸡肉卷beef wrap 鲜辣嫩牛五方Side item 精选配餐Corn salad 玉米沙拉French fries(L/M/S)薯条 mashed potato 土豆泥 egg & v

2、egetable soup 芙蓉鲜蔬汤Corn-on-the-cob 香辣粟米棒dinner roll 胡萝卜餐包Bucket 外带全家桶Snack 美味小食Original recipe 吮指原味鸡hot wing 香辣鸡翅new Orleans roasted wing 新奥尔良烤翅(对)Popcorn chicken (L/M/S ) 劲爆鸡米花nugget 上校鸡块 (四块装、六块装)cod fish finger 深海鳕鱼条Dessert and drink 甜点与饮料Ice cream cone 脆皮甜筒 chocolate Sundae 巧克力圣代strawberry Sunda

3、e 草莓圣代egg tart 葡式蛋挞Ice cream float-coffee OR Ice cream float-Irish coffee 雪顶咖啡、雪顶爱尔兰咖啡8 beauties 八娇混合果汁饮料9 lives juice 九珍混合果汁饮料grass jelly milk tea 仙草奶茶Pepsi cola/7up/Mirinda 百事可乐、七喜、美年达 nestea 雀巢冰爽茶lemonade 柠乐 citron tea 香柚蜂蜜茶tea 红茶 Milo 美禄 coffee 经典咖啡hot milk 热牛奶 classic milk tea 经典奶茶Set meal 蔬果搭配

4、餐New Orleans Roasted Burger combo 新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡餐extra-tasty crispy burger combo zinger burger 劲脆/香辣鸡腿堡餐 Mexican twister combo / dragon twister combo 墨西哥 /老北京鸡肉卷餐 shrimp Burger combo / beef wrap combo / hot wing combo/ new Orleans roasted wing combo Kids meal (get free Toy)Kid s meal A 快乐儿童餐 A B C D Good

5、morning. Welcome to KFC! 早上好,欢迎光临肯德基!May I help you, sir? 能为您效劳吗,先生?Welcome to KFC. May I take your order? 欢迎光临肯德基,您现在要点餐么?Hello! KFC Restaurant at your service! 您好,肯德基餐厅为您服务Excuse me, madam, what can I do for you? 我可以帮你什么忙么,女士?点餐 Ordering Would you like anything else? 还需要我为您点什么吗?Could you repeat th

6、e order, please? 请重复一下您点的餐,好吗?How many cups would you like to have, sir? 您要几杯,先生?May I know how many people? 请问一共几位用餐?Well, I would like to suggest you get it to take away if you are in hurry.如果您赶时间的话,我建 议您打包。What would you like to drink, sir? 先生,您想喝点什么饮料?Would you have it here or for take away? 请问您

7、在这里吃还是打包?Would you like to have a set meal or order them separately? 请问您是要套餐还是单点?建议性销售 Suggestive selling Would you like some soup, madam? 您要点汤么,女士?Would you like to try our latest promotion? 您想尝尝我们的新产品吗?Well, I would like to suggest the bucket meal, sir. 我向您推荐我们的全家餐,先生This bucket would be a perfect

8、 choice for a family of three. 我认为这份全家餐适合三口之家。If you prefer a light burger, the Mini Burger Combo would be a good option.如果您喜欢清淡一点 的汉堡,我建议您来个田园脆鸡堡餐。We have a variety of chicken foods. 我们有各种鸡类产品可供选择。Would you like one more order of French Fries? 要不要再来份薯条?找零和结账 change and check-out Do you have 50 fen?

9、 请问您有 5 毛钱吗?Here is your change, miss. 这是您的找零,小姐。I m sorry we dont accept foreign currency.很抱歉我们不收外币。It is very kind of you, sir, but we are not allowed to accept tips. 先生,您真是太好了, 但我们不能 收小费。Sorry, we cant accept this, it is counterfeit.抱歉,这是假币。Thank you, thirty eight yuan & fifty fen, please.总共是 38.

10、5。You have ordered 2 bucket for 116 yuan. Is that right? 您订了两个全家桶一共是116 元, 请问还 需要什么吗?呈递餐饮,感谢顾客Closing Every Kids Fun Meal comes with a free toy. 儿童餐有玩具送Have a nice meal. 祝您用餐愉快Have a pleasant weekend, sir. 祝您周末愉快,先生Hope you enjoy the meal. 希望您吃得开心It is a pleasure to be of service. 为您服务我很荣幸。Always at

11、 your service, madam. 欢迎下次光临,女士My pleasure.乐意为您效劳大厅服务 Lobby service Could you please wait in line, sir? 先生,请您排队等候好吗Excuse me, sir, may I take these away? 对不起,先生,我可以把这些空盘子收走吗Go straight ahead and turn left, and you will get to the washroom. 洗手间一直走然后左转Sorry, sir, this is a non-smoking restaurant. Sorr

12、y for any inconvenience. 先生,对不起,请勿吸烟May I suggest that you keep an eye on your handbag.请保管好您的手提袋Miss, do you mind sharing this table with others? 小姐,别的客人想和你共用这张桌子,好吗We open from 7:00 in the morning until 23:00.我们的营业时间是从早上7:00 到晚上 23:00 Would you like a baby chair for your child? 要不要给您的小孩拿张婴儿椅顾客抱怨处理

13、Service Recover Could you wait a minute? 请等一分钟左右,好吗Sorry, madam, I am afraid that you have to wait for about two minutes. Do you mind taking a seat here first? 对不起,女士,得等两分钟左右,请您先到那边座位上座下好吗I ll get the manager for you. Hell be glad to help you.我去把经理叫过来,他会很乐意帮助你I m terribly sorry, sir, there may have been a mistake.非常抱歉,可能弄错了,我向您表示道歉Beg your pardon, could you repeat that? 对不起,我没听请,重复一下好吗I m sorry I made a mistake with your order, madam.夫人,很抱歉我下错单了


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