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1、在这炎炎夏日,酷暑到来的时候,我们常常会听到“天天一苹果,医生远 离我”这样的话。苹果一度被当作“减肥圣品”而广受关注。其实,苹果除了 减肥效果惊人,还在预防代谢症候群,防癌,改善牙龈炎、脚气等方面也都有 不俗表现。此外,苹果也有生发、美容的奇效。苹果中所含的表儿茶素能提高 机体抗氧化性,增强免疫力。原花青素可改善过敏状况,也可美白。花青素则 能预防高血压,改善视力。苹果中的苹果酸、柠檬酸等有机酸能中和人疲劳时 产生大量碱分所导致的“碱中毒”状况,因而吃苹果能缓解疲劳。苹果都有哪些营养成分和效果?1、维生素 C:苹果中含有的维生素 C 是即使加热,营养价值也不会被破坏 的氧化型维生素 C。2、

2、苹果多酚:苹果中所含的表儿茶素能提高机体抗氧化性,增强免疫力。 原花青素可改善过敏状况,也可美白。花青素则能预防高血压,改善视力。3、有机酸:苹果中的苹果酸、柠檬酸等有机酸能中和人疲劳时产生大量碱 分所导致的“碱中毒”状况,因而吃苹果能缓解疲劳。4、食物纤维:特别是苹果皮中所含的纤维能促进肠蠕动,改善消化功能。 而且,纤维成分之一的缩氨酸还能调整肠胃功能紊乱。5、钾:钾元素能帮助排出体内盐分。对改善慢性疲劳和肌肉发育不良也十 分有效。6、神经酰胺:美容效果惊人。据说苹果还能消除表情纹,是不是非常奇妙?In this hot summer, when summer comes, we often

3、 hear “an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me,“ these words. Apple was once considered as “slimming San goods“ wide concern. In fact, apple except amazing weight loss results, in the prevention of metabolic syndrome, cancer, improve the gingivitis, beriberi and also have good performance. In

4、addition, Apple has hair, beauty effect. The apple contains epicatechin could improve antioxidant, enhance immunity. Proanthocyanidins can improve allergic condition, can also be white. Anthocyanin can prevent hypertension, improve eyesight. Apple of malic acid, citric acid and other organic acids c

5、an neutralize human fatigue is produced when alkali branch leads to the “alkali“ status, so apple can alleviate fatigue.Apple has what nutrients and effect?1, vitamin C: apple contains vitamin C is even heating, nutritional value is not oxidized vitamin C is destroyed.2, apple polyphenols: apple con

6、tains epicatechin could improve antioxidant, enhance immunity. Proanthocyanidins can improve allergic condition, can also be white. Anthocyanin can prevent hypertension, improve eyesight.3, organic acid: apple in the malic acid, citric acid and other organic acids can neutralize human fatigue is p

7、roduced when alkali branch leads to the “alkali“ status, so apple can alleviate fatigue.4, food fiber: especially the apple peel fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, improving digestion. Moreover, ammonia acid can adjust the gastrointestinal disorders are one of the important components of shrinkage fiber.5, K: potassium can help the body to excrete salt. It is very effective to improve chronic fatigue and muscle dysplasia.6, ceramide: cosmetic effect is amazing. It is said that the apple can also eliminate expression lines, is it right? Very wonderfu。



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