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1、1.在 Wordlist 中找出学习目标中新单词,划出其元音字母组合及其读音,并根据音标默写单词。2. 根据首字母及句意写单词。(1.)He often gets some information from the I_. (2.)You are so t_. Thank you! (3.)They are p_to pay a visit to the Great Wall next month. (4.)The boy often gets l_ when he is alone in the street. (5.)He h_ from his good friend once a mo

2、nth. 3.阅读本课完成下列任务。 (1.)Why did Mr. Wu write this letter? Mr. Wu wrote this_t _ Daniel for this years_ (2.)What kind of boy is Daniel? *Daniel is_. He learn things_(quick).He can use the computer _(good). *Daniel is_. He thinks _(careful)when he works. He plans everything _ and works _in a team(good)

3、. *Daniel is_. Last week a 5-year-old boy_(迷路)and cried in the street. Daniel_(在去的路上)the police station. He stayed with the boy and played with him_(两个小时)before the boy s parents came. (二)合作探究(二)合作探究 学习的过程中有不懂的句子和短语吗?你可以自己解决也可以合作 讨论完成。 1. He looks after our childrens group on Sundays and all the chi

4、ldren like him.look after 意为 “照顾”与 take care of 同义 Dont worry about me, I can _myself.2. We look forward to hearing from you soon. look forward to 意为“盼望,期盼”。to 为介词,接动词时应用动词 _的形式。 hear from 意为“收到的来信”,后接某人 receive/get a letter from 3.Last week, a 5yearold boy lost his way. lose ones way 意为“迷路” get los

5、t 5-year-old 5 岁大的 复合形容词只能作前置定语 (三)达标检测:(三)达标检测: 1.用适当的介词或副词填空。 (1)Would you like to recommend Chen Dan_ for this years award? (2)Daniel often helps_ the Helping Hands Club. (3)Daniel works well_ in a team and he looks_ the childrens group_ Sundays. (4)He played_ the boy _ two hours. (5)We look forward_ hearing from you soon. 2.书面表达 如果你是 Simon,想推荐 Mary 获今年的优秀少年奖,请根据下面的 提示,写一封信给王老师。词数:不少于 60 词。 1.对人友好乐于助人,经常帮助打扫教室。2.他擅长游泳,有时教其 他人游泳。3.学习努力,各门功课优秀,大家都喜欢她。4.上星期天 她在去看电影的路上看到一个迷路的小女孩,把她带到警察局。 _ _ _ _



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