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1、Lesson 50 New year resolutions 1、resolution n.决心 take to do sth.= make up ones mind to do sth.= decide to do sth.= be determined to do sth. n. formal 决议 同根:reslove vi. to do sth.= take resolution to do sth. -Before we came to the New Oriental, we ed to learn English hard. sb. on sth.使某人下定决心做某事 -Nobo

2、dy him on this decision. Resolute a.坚决的,果断的 -We must be true in word and in deed. -我们必须言必行,行必果。 2、formidable a.令人敬畏的 同: Dreadful/ fearful/ horrible/ horrific/aweful a.难以克服的,难对付的 task 难以完成的任务 obstacle 难以克服的障碍2、recur v.再发生 ring dream 反复出现的梦境 occur vi.happen -A good idea red to me= It red to me that In

3、cur vt.导致 (=cause/ lead to / result in/ give rise to) 3、accomplishment n. 成就 【辨】 Accomplishment 指修养、才艺、本领 等方面的成就accomplish ones goal / dream Attainment 指经过艰苦的努力获得的成 就attain success Achievement 最通俗的说法(可代替 accomplishment)achieve -This is what he achieved after so many years of hard work. 4、self-improv

4、ement n.自我完善 类: Self-discipline n.自我约束Self-examination 自省,反省 Self-abandoned 自暴自弃的 -I am a self-made person. -我是一个自力更生的人。 5、scheme n.简单的计划,方案 Color design Pension 退休金方案 Pilot 试验性计划 to do sth. 做某事的计划;阴谋,策划 -He is a greedy man and he schemes to earn money at all costs. 6、ambitious a.雄心勃勃的 -Everybody in

5、 the modern society must be ambitious. Ambition n.中性词 词的褒贬: Planscheme Farmerpeasants (贬) Statesman 政客politician (贬) Propaganda 宣传(蛊惑人心)publicize 使公开化 7、modest a.谦虚的;适度的-Be id one of our traditional virtues. -Modesty helps one go forward , whereas conceit makes one lag behind. amount 适量 -They had sp

6、ent the night at a modest hotel. (普通的旅馆) 8、betray 1)vt.暴露,显露 -Her face ed her shyness. 2)出卖,背叛 -Those who betrayed the country will sooner or later be punished. 9、taunt v/n.(try to make sb. angry or upset by saying unkind remarks) 嘲笑,奚落人的 话 -other people him with being silly , but Forrest never care

7、 about that. Jibe vi.(that is intended to make the person look silly) at sb./sth. -I ed at him ,in my opinion , he was dull. 10、wane v.(becoming less or waker)逐渐变小,变弱 -The parents exert great influence to children, but their children are growing up, so his influence is waning. -The moon waxes and wa

8、nes. Wax n.蜡 vi.月亮渐满,增大 -月有阴晴圆缺。 -人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难 全。没有什么是完美的,不仅仅是在古代。Men have sorrow and joy,they part and meet again. The moon dims or shines,it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days. 11、undoing n.祸根,毁灭的原因Undo v. 解开;破坏 Undoundidundone -He tries to the parcel. -The fire u

9、ndid the work of eight month. Apple of discord/ curse 祸根 “apple” As American as apple pie. 像苹果派一样具有美国特色 -Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as apple pie. -日本寿司和越南春卷都已经变成像苹果派 一样的美国食品了。 Adams apple 喉结 apple of love 爱情的信物 -Hey, dont touch that bike. Its my apple of love.

10、 -嗨,别动那辆自行车。它可是我的爱情信 物。 apple of ones eye 掌上明珠,心肝宝贝 apple polish 讨好,拍马屁,贿赂 apples and oranges 不同种类的物与人 12、screen n.屏幕,帘;v.遮蔽,包庇 TV / computer Touch 触屏 Silver 银幕,电影 -The food should be from direct sunshine。 Text: 1、 (L1)be a time for 是做的时候了-It is a time for wish.“Time” Take your time. Its about time.

11、 Behind the time 晚点,不及时 Behind the times 落后,跟不上时代 Beat time 打拍子 -You beat time and Ill play. Do time 蹲监狱,服刑/ server ones time Have an easy time of it 日子过得悠哉 Two-timer 爱情不专一的人 2、 (L2)dos and donts 做和不做 类:likes and dislikes Highs and lows 兴与衰 Ins and outs 来龙去脉 Ups and downs 沉与浮 写作: -Parents should oft

12、en has heart -to-heart talks with their children about the dos and donts when surf on interntet. 3、 (L3)年复一年 Year in year out= year after year=year by year=one year after another日复一日 Day in day out=day after day=day by day=one day after another 一整年 all year long 终年 all the year around 4、 (L15)1)appl

13、y oneself to 全力以赴地 干 -Ill apply myself to pass the exam. 扩:apply ones time / mind/ energy to= Be devoted/ dedicated to 2)申请 Apply for sth. for a job/ visa 签证 Applicant application form reapply 3)适用,适合 -The new machine was applied to farming. -这种新机器适用于农业生产。 4)涂,敷 Apply sth. to -Please apply this eye

14、ointment. 5、 (L27)propose v. 1)提议,建议 proposal n. -What do you propose we do?Propose a toast 提议为干杯 -我建议为我们的友谊干杯。 -I wish to propose a toast to our friendship. 2)提名,推荐 propose sb. for -I proposed him for candidate. 3) 求婚 -他跪着向她求婚。-He proposed to her on bended knee. 4)计划,打算 to do/ doing -We propose to

15、set off early tomorrow. 6、 (L21)twist v./n. 使缠绕,扭曲,拧 and turn 蜿蜒曲折 -The path twists and turns for over several miles. -这条小路蜿蜒曲折数英里。 A road with a lots of twists and turns 一条弯 弯曲曲的路 Twister n.难题,棘手的事 Tong twister 绕口令 7、entitle 1)给权利,资格 be ed to -Everyone is ed to their own choice. -每个人都有自己选择的权利。 Enti

16、tlement n.应有的权利 2)给书、文章等提名 a book Entitled a.名为的A film entitled “sunrise” 混:title 标题,头衔 Subtitle 副标题,字幕 语法:(L22)强调句的时态 -It was this that betrayed me.(皆用过去时) -It is I who am in trouble.(皆用现在时) -It will not be you who will attend the meeting next week.(皆用将来时) 总:主从时态一致 -It is these very novels that Mary enjoyed reading as a pastime. -玛丽作为消遣所读的正是这些小说。 (说明读书的动作发生在过去,而


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