英语沙龙广播稿 三八妇女节

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1、总报头 分报头 歌曲歌曲B:Hi everybody! This is English Solon on Tuesday,March 9. Nice to meet you guys here. This is Betty!J:And I am your friend Jim.欢迎各位光临每周二的英语沙龙,享用我们为您精心准备的英文大餐!betty, what do we have for the main course today?B:In todaymain course ,we will fouce on an important festival,ok?J:Fine! 一个重要的节日,

2、到底是什么节日呢?B:你想想啊,其实就是昨天J:呃 oh, International womenday, right?(yes) frist Happy the Chinese had a good second!B:嗯 昨天呢就是妇女节 Jim 你昨天怎么过节的?J:你搞错了吧 我过什么妇女节啊B: 不是那个意思 我是说呢 你看我们以前在家上学的时候,每当过什么三八节 母亲节 我都会在放学的时候从花店买束康乃馨或者玫瑰带回家 给我妈J:嗯 我以前也是不过昨天 我只是往家里打了个电话,和爸爸妈妈聊了几句 在电话里祝妈妈节日快乐的。B: yeah, I think thats typical

3、for us college students. You know when you are away from home, you dont actually need any fine present, sometimes even a phone call is sweet enough.J: I agree with you. Without flowers or presents, my mother still seemed very happy when I called her yesterday.B: Yes, absolutely.J: ok, now everybody

4、lets take a close look at the weather and some news in brief before we begin the maincourse.B:先来关注一下今天的天气 然后是 News Appetizer 新闻开胃菜,稍后再回来 进入 maincourse 主菜部分。新闻开胃菜完了插首歌插首歌B:Welcome back to English Solon presented by Betty and Jim!we are talking about the International womenday .J:Betty, frist I hope y

5、ou had a happy day yesterday!B:啊?我又不是妇女你为什么要祝我节日快乐呢?(不解的样子)J:呵呵,Betty,do you know it is a misunderstanding,in fact its a festival for all the women who are over 18 years around the world.现代汉语规范字典中“妇女“一词的含意,仅指“成年女子“并无其他特殊意指.已婚女子被称作“妇人“.也就是说成年女子只要是年满十八岁,就属于是“妇女“的范畴,并不是专指结了婚的女性!它是属于所有年满十八岁周岁以上女性的.B:oh,

6、I see.it is a common for our dairy life. International Womens Day is an occasion marked by womens groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. “三八“妇女节是全世界劳动妇女团结战斗的光辉节日。在这一天,世界各大洲的妇女,不分国籍、种族、语言、文化、经济和政治的差异,共同关

7、注妇女的人权。they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. J:International Womens Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an

8、 equal footing with men.B:也就是说妇女节的由来是因为几十年来的妇女权利运动,随着国际妇女运动的加强使得妇女节成为团结一致、协调努力要求妇女权利和妇女参与政治、经济和社会生活的日子。插歌插歌J:ok, we just talk about the backgound of the international womenday.不过我更关心的是在这么重要的一天我们应该送他们什么礼物以及他们是如何度过这一天的呢?B: AnAn arrayarray ofof enticingenticing productsproducts forfor women,women, incl

9、udingincluding clothing,clothing, cosmeticscosmetics andand jewelry.jewelry. areare onon displaydisplay inin fashionablefashionable shoppingshopping malls.malls. TheThe scalescale ofof “Womens“Womens Day“Day“ promotionspromotions thisthis yearyear farfar exceedexceed previousprevious years.years. So

10、meSome shoppingshopping mallsmalls areare eveneven advertisingadvertising a a “Womens“Womens Month“Month“ promotion.promotion.J:是的,and Many women are finding it difficult to resist the temptation of such bargains. But at the same time, they Do seem to be enjoying the special attention .A customer sa

11、id: “Shopping makes me happy. this is the best gift for me.“B:当然她们很难抵制商场促销的诱惑但同时他们又乐在其中哈。Flowers are another popular focus on Womens Day. A colorful display of flowers are on show in various flower markets. A flower seller said: “We have prepared a wide range of flowers for Womens Day, 像茉莉花(Jessamin

12、e)呀,它代表:纯洁和永恒爱情;凌霄花:寓意慈母之爱,经常与冬青、樱草放在一起,结成花束赠送给母亲。香草:象征代表着母亲品德高尚、高贵的花卉。康乃馨:母亲之花、母亲节的主花。J: you can alse send some gift she love most to them.比如适合妈妈的香水、她喜欢的衣服、鞋子、袋子等。如果可以,亲自送到她手上哦。B:of course 不管是送花也好还是送她最爱的礼物我们千万要知道conmunication is the most important.所以希望在这一天,大家能够记得打个电话回家,和妈妈聊聊天,让她知道你的近况,多关心关心妈妈。其实呢,爱

13、不是节日的点缀,不要等到妇女节 母亲节才想起她,要知道,她时时刻刻都牵挂着你。J:Taking short trips is another way to celebrate the special day honoring women. (对,为了让妈妈开心还可以全家一起短途旅行)Since “Womens Day“ falls on Sunday this year. many women are choosing to travel with their families or friends. In the eastern city of Qingdao in Shandong Pro

14、vince, many women are spending their weekend holiday taking short trips. Some companies are even chipping in to subsidize travel for female employees.J:咱们今天聊的够多的了吧B:是啊J:I find it so interesting and meaningful to know sth about a festival .B:Yes ,we learn a lot about different culture diversity ,most

15、 importantaliy,I know how to express inner emotion to my mum !J:Ok, 亲爱的观众朋友们您现在收听的是。 。 。 。 。周二的英语沙龙节目B:time flies, 时光飞逝啊又到了节目最后了。J:ok, goodbye to everyone! See you next week!插歌插歌You taught me everything 你教会我所有的东西, And everything youve given me 你给我的一切 Ill always keep it inside 我都会珍藏在内心深处。 Youre the d

16、riving force in my life 你是我生命的动力。 There isnt anything 如果没有你, Or anyone that I can be 就没有今天我的一切。 And it just wouldnt feel right 如果你不在我的身边。 If I didnt have you by my side 一切都不对劲。 You were there for me to love and care for me 你爱我,关心我, When skies were grey 当天空乌云密布时候。 Whenever I was down 当我失意的时候, You were always there 你总是在那里 To comfort me 给我安慰。 And no one else can be 在我生命中, What you have been to me 没人能取代你的地位。 Youll


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