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1、 哈尔滨师范大学学士学位论文题 目 论简爱中的女性意识 学 生 指导教师 年 级 专 业 英语教育系 别 英语教育系学 院 西语学院 哈 尔 滨 师 范 大 学学士学位论文开题报告论文题目 论简爱中的女性意识学生姓名 指导教师 年 级 专 业 英 语 教 育 说 明本表需在指导教师和有关领导审查批准的情况下,要求学生认真填写。说明课题的来源(自拟题目或指导教师承担的科研任务)、课题研究的目的和意义、课题在国内外研究现状和发展趋势。若课题因故变动时,应向指导教师提出申请,提交题目变动论证报告。课题来源:导师指导下自拟题目。课题研究的目的和意义:目的:简爱从妇女地位问题这一独特角度,通过女主人公简





6、过自我奋斗而争取独立自主和维护人格尊严的理想,表达了对女性解放的关注和思考。主要问题:由于受到能力和水平的限制,对文学,女性意识的研究还不是很深,因此在本课题的研究过程中还存在一些困难,难以达到融会贯通、运用自如的程度,从而把这个课题彻底弄清楚,研究分析的过程远不够透彻。解决方法:收集资料 研读数目 教师指导 充分利用网络资源 充分利用图书馆资源 吸收和借鉴他人分析成果课题研究起止时间和进度安排:1. 2009年12月1日至12月15日:选导师及撰写论文方向。2. 2009年12月16日至12月31日:与导师商榷论文题目。3. 2010年1月1日至2010年3月10日:撰写并提交开题报告。4.

7、 2010年3月11日至2010年4月28日:撰写并提交毕业论文。5. 2010年4月29日至2010年5月7日:准备并参加毕业论文答辩。6. 2010年5月8日至2010年5月12日:导师上交所有论文材料。课题研究所需主要设备、仪器及药品:无外出调研主要单位,访问学者姓名:指导教师审查意见:指导教师 (签字) 2010年3月 13日教研室(研究室)评审意见:理论教研室主任 (签字) 2010年3月 13日系(部)主任审查意见:英语系(部)主任 (签字) 2010年3月 13日GRADUATION PAPERFOR BACHELOR DEGREEHARBIN NORMAL UNIVERSITY

8、 TITLE: Analysis the Feminist Consciousness of Jane EyreSTUDENT: YANG Zhong-lingTUTOR: SONG Ying-jie (Lecturer)GRADE: Grade 2006MAJOR: English EducationDEPARTMENT: English Education DepartmentCOLLEGE: Faculty of Western Languages And Literatures May 2010HARBIN NORMAL UNIVERSITYAnalysis the Feminist

9、Consciousness of Jane Eyre YANG Zhong-lingAbstract: Jane Eyre was written by famous talented English critical realist woman novelist Charlotte Bronte in 1846. Base on real womens experience, the author portrayed a new image of a woman who had strong fighting spirit and the rebellious consciousness.

10、Since publication, the Jane Eyre had been given a very strong feminist color. Janes feminism was reflected in her constant struggle of a lifetime. Throughout Janes life, it was filled with four rebellions, and each rebellion meant a progress. In the end, she achieved her life value in the struggle.

11、Through this image, the author expressed the awakening of womens subjective consciousness promoted the idea of gender equality in love and marriage, proposed the idea of womens independence and human dignity by self-struggle and the fight and expressed concern about the liberation of women and thoug

12、hts.Key Words: Jane Eyre; feminist tradition; woman; resistance; ownership 1. The Overview of Jane EyreJane Eyre was the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte who was a famous talented English critical realist woman novelist in the 19th century. It had been popular with readers all over the world since it

13、s publication in 1847, although having more than 152 years by now. It was popular with lots of people because of its heroine Jane Eyre. In the early years of the 19th century Victorian Age, it was a male-dominated and “money above all” society, and women were regarded as second-class, unexpectedly,

14、emerging a girl who disdains money and power and had a great courage to combat traditional injustice and oppression. Jane Eyres life was full of tears, misery, and starvation, but she constantly strived to become stronger and has the courage to fight continuously for freedom and equality. She became

15、 strong-minded and persistent in struggling against her fate. 1.1 The Life and Career of Charlotte BronteThe author, Charlotte Bronte was born in Yorkshire, England on April 21, 1816 and was one of the most famous female workers in English literature. In this period of tense class struggle appeared

16、a new literary trend-critical realism. English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the England society and criticized the capitalist system from a dem

17、ocratic viewpoint. She created several works. But Charlottes first book, The Professor, never found a willing publisher during her lifetime. Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre later that year which is her typical works. The book, a critique of Victorian assumptions about gender and social class, became one o

18、f the most successful novels of its era, both critically and commercially .The narrators habit of addressing the reader directly throughout the book, making statements such as “Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt,” and “reader, forgive me for telling the plain truth!” are quite effect

19、ive in drawing the reader into the action of the novel. On June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nichols, her fathers curate. She died nine months later during her first pregnancy.1.2 Historical Background of Jane EyreThe period of Charlotte Bronte writing Jane Eyre was fighting for the democrati

20、c rights of the British proletariat age of rising charter movement; this movement rose of womens right to the status of important issues and put forward the slogan of power for womens freedom. They created pictures of bourgeois civilization, showing the misery and suffering of the common people. Alt

21、hough capitalist had appeared, old convention and prejudice remained dominant. Women were still regarded as the second-class hierarchy. At this time, women were employed as cheap labor and were forced to do very hard jobs, and they did not get the vote until 1918. So in the late period of Victorian

22、Age, a feminist movement started fighting for womens equality and freedom, and for their educational and employment opportunities. Petitions to parliament advocating womens suffrage were introduced as early as in the 1840. Charlotte breathing the broad requirements of democratic rights of the people

23、 and according to their own teaching experiences portrayed an image of Jane Eyre.2. The Brief Introduction of Feminist ConsciousnessFemale consciousness is womans self-consciousness of status, influence and value as the subject in the objective world. It is a personal motive to stimulate womens purs

24、uit for independence, freedom, initiative, and creativity. Concretely speaking, female consciousness means women wake up and fulfill her historical mission, social responsibility, personal obligation; meanwhile they know their self-feature well and take part in social activities in their own ways.Th

25、e establishment and development of female consciousness is a process of changing and enrichment with the change and development of the society. The standards of female consciousness status are still in research. Peking University scholars Fu Xin and Wang Sufang claimed that the wakening and improvem

26、ent of female consciousnesss manifest in four main aspects: Women realize themselves as the subjects in the society, this realization is one of the universal attributes of human beings, according to human beings overall necessities to establish their lives spontaneously; they realize womens special

27、qualities and portray a real female quality in harmony with their physiology and psychology; they understand and play a variety of roles in balance; they regards man properly and can work with man in harmony. I think the standards of wakening should include the sex consciousness, which requires wome

28、n to be self-respective、self-confident but not self-abased、self-flabby; They can take a correct judgment on the two sexes, insisting on sexual equality, but not male superiority nor female inferiority or woman supremacists; the female groups consciousness awakening begin with self-respect, self-conf

29、idence, independence, and towards to female groups self-reliance.3. The Feminist Consciousness of Jane Eyre Jane Eyre was a novel about one womans journey through life, so Charlotte Bronte described Janes experience and her four rebellions in detail to show the inferior position of the woman and the

30、 poverty of society. It gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that made us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality, She was a marvelous figure, and it was safe to say that Jane Eyre gave readers treasure feminist tradition, such as self-respect, pursuit of equality a

31、nd so on, through her four rebellions. Such as in the opening chapters of Jane Eyreindeed on its very first pagethere was writing with that special female ink trampled from the grapes of wrath and a female who had her say “no”. “No-saying, for a woman writer, is not quite the same unimportant thing

32、it is for a man. The first and most important qualification in a woman is good nature or sweetness of temper.” At the very beginning of Jane Eyre, there was a conversation between her and her aunt, Mrs. Reed, which can show her rebellion to some extent. “What does Bessie say I have done?” I asked.”

33、Jane, I didnt like cavilers or questioners; besides, there was something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner. Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent.” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003) 3.1The First RebellionPursuit of Freedom and Independence Chines

34、e often say that peoples childhood in human life plays an important role. No matter what kind of doctrine, she recognized the experiences of Jane Eyre in her aunt family had a huge influence on her future personality. Because her parents died, she was staying at her uncles family. The important role

35、 that changed her from an orphan into having relativesMr. Reed did not appear in Janes life at the very beginning. As the original owner of Gates, Hyde, he should have the absolute right. Under his asylum, Jane Eyre should have been treated as a small master. However, also the role made Jane too ear

36、ly to leave. Being confined to red house, Jane cannot ask for help but wonders: “If Mr. Reed still alive, I must be treated very well.” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003) However, such a person also caused the ultimate success of Janes defection. Before she came into the red house, Jane was a person who used

37、to endure. Jane often sit on the windowsill, covered up by the curtain, she did not want to get attention. However, faced with her unreasonable cousin, Jane cannot always hide. Therefore, she used to obey John. “I have not only understood John. Reeds curse, but also never wanted to retort, I thought

38、 only to survive the beat.” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003)In the Red House, Janes thought was complex and multi-change, she thought she should be free and protest. She suspected herself as a mediocre new person. Finally, she deeply understood that Mr. Reed had been dead. These understandings made her wake

39、 up from self-pity and instead have created an enormous sense of apprehension. This fear made her humble to her aunt. Aunts impatience made Jane psyche to understand that her aunt thought she was a vicious nature, despicable idea, and insidious cunning person. Jane began to realize that she wanted t

40、o leave. Jane was accustomed to the life, which was not seam to be a master. Mr. Reeds death made Jane understood that she couldnt live there. If we said that Mr. Reed was once a simple hope lies for Jane, then his death was fuse despair. And such despair made Jane escape from the habits of life. Fr

41、om Janes journey of life, we had learned that she was exposed to a hostile environment. But she still struggled continuously and fearlessly for her ideal life. The story could be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit. 3.2 The Second RebellionPursuit of OwnershipJane came to Redwood after

42、 she escape from Gates head, compared to the ravages of the mind and spirit, the living of poverty in redwood not hurt Jane. She met new friends, and increased in knowledge. Jane felt that she would never get the poor life of Redwood in return for the luxury of Gates head. But here, Jane still had a

43、 competitorMr. Brocklehurst. In the redwood, Mr. Brocklehurst enjoyed an absolute right. From the first time they met, Brocklehurst gave a great distrust to Jane. In the early days, Jane often fell into the “high stool” of fear. And when that day came, Janes heart was extremely angry, and she even h

44、ad “difficulty in breathing, throat tightening” “difficulty in breathing, throat tightening” of the situation, however, the emergence of Helen and the Temple of the teachings in time to curb this strong self-esteem girls anger However, it was extremely important that the two persons were not always

45、accompanied in Janes life, but it was precisely because of their leaving, which achieved Janes another fight. Helen premature passing away, this was Janes first face of the death, but the final conversation with Helen made Jane understood death was not terrible, which gave more fearless to this brav

46、e woman. Temples departure took away with Janes felling-somewhat like a solid family affection and contact. Jane felt such a change by herself. The past emotions had become active again. Jane began to go forward to that filled with all kinds of hope and anxiety, excitement and excitement of the Heav

47、en. This rebellion compared to the first case that also had a sense of ownership. Jane realized sensitively that she should go to a larger world to find her own value when there was not much nostalgia around. Such was a pro-active rebellion, which was strongly advocated by the feminist. 3.3 The Thir

48、d RebellionPursuit of Equality and Freedom of loveIn Thorn field, she met the third oppressor, Mr. Rochester, who she fell in love with and he fell in love with. After an arduous life of experience, Janes thinking became more mature. In the brutal, arbitrary face of Rochester, Jane always performed

49、neither haughty nor humble. In the course of love with Rochester, Jane pursuit a kind of equality and freedom love. This ultimately left over for her down the hint. Most writers agreed that the theme of Jane Eyre was the search for love. Lawrence had said: “The novel is revolutionary in its treatmen

50、t of love” (Blackburn, 2002). Rochesters oppression did not come from the fact that Rochester wanted to marry Jane without telling her his mad wifes story. Here the point was that Rochesters love oppressed Jane and jeopardized her independence. When they prepared things for marriage, Rochester said,

51、 “I will myself put the diamond chain around your neck, and the circlet on your foreheadand I will clasp the bracelets on these fine wrists, and load these fairy-like fingers with rings” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003). He used visible jewelry to limit Jane invisibly. Jane felt that she was oppressed; She

52、felt Rochesters smile had “such a sultan might, bestow on a slave his gold and gems had enriched” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003), and she, herself, just like the east illusion, was without freedom. Jane knew, facing Rochester, she was no longer as independent as before. In this not a long time, Jane had a

53、 fierce inner struggle, she felt she had been caught in infatuation, willing to contribute her everything to him, but it is the efforts made and reminded her to be the master of her own soul. She became much more reasonable when she knew that the existence of Bertha Mason. She strongly opposed to Ro

54、chester romantic behavior, so the church and the government still believed that he married a woman with ties to other circumstances; she refused to live with the Rochester. Then, after three days of wandering, the Rivers admitted Jane and there she met the fourth oppressor, St. John Rivers. He was i

55、dealistic, very good-looking, religious and zealous. He turned egotism and ambition to the service of religion. He used the name of obligation to oppress Jane and gave Jane spiritual suffering. He did not treat Jane as a woman or as his future wife, but a slave, a slave of God as well as his. St. Jo

56、hn said to Jane,” Simplify your complicated interests, feelings, thoughts, wishes, aims; merge all consideration in one purpose that of fulfilling with effectwith powerthe mission of your great Master” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003). Here, “Master” was capitalized. It seemed that “Master” was the God. In

57、fact, St. John used the word to refer to his own mission. He regarded himself as Janes “Master”. He deprived Jane of all her rights, especially the rights of a woman. Jane was no longer an independent woman, but a doll, a machine in his eyes. The word “Master” also delicately discovered the most imp

58、ortant element of mans attitude towards woman. St. Johns proposal was even more outrageous than Rochesters, for it involves a spiritual prostitution instead of a physical one. Only when St. John involved Gods name in support of a false idea of marriage did Jane resist, “If I were to marry you, you w

59、ould kill me.” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003). Janes first “kill me” indicated that the miserable life in India would destroy her health and kill her. Janes second “kill me” referred to St. Johns oppression to her spirit. Jane Eyre bravely showed her feelings, but St. John denounced Jane as violent, untru

60、e and unfeminine. But what was feminine? Should women always regard man and their husbands as “Master”? Shouldnt women show their true feelings and be independent?If we say that the former two resistances are based on the control of emotional impulses, then the third resistance is Janes reflection b

61、ased on a post-rational thinking. This post-rational thinking is still attached to her desire for freedom and equal of love, not a result of extremely post-rational thinking.3.4 The Fourth RebellionThe Rebellion of the Religion and the Traditional Concept of LoveFace of St. Johns courtship, Jane esc

62、aped from Whit by. This escape meant Janes two kinds of rebellion.One was the religious rebellion. John was a Christian of ambitious, self-satisfied, personal heroism. He attempted to sacrifice Janes emotion to achieve the moral responsibility. Janes rebellion was the rebellion of religious hypocris

63、y. The other was the rebellion of the traditional concept of love. Jane returned to Thorn field and returned to Rochesters side that had already devoid of any self-care ability. Janes move was a subversive, which submersed the traditional good match and the previous fairy tale. In the end, she achie

64、ved the final victory of pursuit love and independence.This rebellion seems to be suddenly, as if somewhere is a point of arrangement. Thus Jane heard the cries of Rochester. Whether this is Gods willing, we cannot verify. However, at the moment of Jane saw Rochester and decided to marry him, I beli

65、eve everyone would have to acknowledge that this is a true purity woman.ConclusionCharlotte Bronte, a remarkable English woman writer in the 19th century English literature, created for the world of literature a brilliant heroineJane Eyre, which occupy an important position in English literature and

66、 will radiate with eternal light for her charm. Jane Eyre is a heroine written by woman writer, no wonder that it has attracted the literary critics to notice the feminist elements in it. As it has been mentioned, feminists try to explain how power imbalances due to gender in a given culture are ref

67、lected in or challenged by literary texts. Jane Eyre is in an oppressed position in the patriarchal society it is in. Jane Eyre longs to have her own career, and to have equality with man. In her eyes, men are not saviors, but equal beings. She tries to be both spiritually and financially independen

68、t, which makes her an uncomfortable woman. Broadly speaking, the essential idea of feminism is equality of women with men. Jane Eyre has her pursuit of equality between her and men to some extent, so it can be said that it embody the spirit of feminism In short, Jane Eyre reflect the social realitie

69、s, womens position and womens female consciousness in the certain period her creators were in to some extent. The comparison shows that, with the passage of time, womens position and womens female consciousness has been improved. Her contributions and position in feminism cannot be neglected even to

70、day.All in all, Jane is such a self-respecting, independent and decisive woman. Her female consciousness and her struggling experience set a brilliant example for the female worldwide. Her spirit encourages women to fight for liberation. Jane Eyre tells not only what an independent woman is like but

71、 also what a successful woman should do. In fact, Charlotte is presenting through the character of Jane Eyre some of her own most deeply felt convictions of permanent importance in human life such as the humblest person to affection, self-realization, honesty and integrity, the right to speak out fr

72、ankly and the claims of morality and religion. Janes long struggle to attain these values to become a person, who is admired, respected and cared for without compromising any of her other principles leaves an indelible impression on us. As a great book, Jane Eyre not only awakens its early readers o

73、f the Victorian Age, but also stimulates and encourages modern womens movement. Through the above analysis, we can know obviously that the author of Jane Eyre created successfully a typical woman character that has the courage to rebel and fight for freedom and equality.Bibliography: 1 Charlotte Bro

74、nte, (1967), The Evolution of Genius. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.110-1162 Back burn, (2002), Jane Eyre. Xian: Shanxi People Press Glen, Heather, pp.1013 Gas ell Elizabeth, (1975), Life of Charlotte Bronte. Hammondsport: Penguin Press, pp.78-90 4 Laurie, Harris, (1982), Nineteenth Century Literature

75、 Criticism, Detroit: Gale Research Company, pp.56-665 Liu Bingham, (1993), A Short History of English Literature. Zhengzhou: Hunan People Press, pp.24-446 Phillips Brian, (2003), Popular Study Guide. Tianjin: Social and Technical Printing House, pp.77-90 7 Wu Weyden, (1982), History and Anthology of

76、 English Literature, Beijing: Foreign Teaching Printing House, pp.14-208 傅新,王素芳,(2002),女性主义文学与女性意识觉醒,北京大学出版社9 李文野,(1991),译夏洛蒂布朗特简爱,陕西人民出版社10 西蒙波伏瓦, (1986),第二性女人,湖南文艺出版社11 赵勇, (1997),怀疑与追问中国的女性主义文学能否成为可能,中国当代文学研究中文摘要摘要:简爱是英国十九世纪著名的批判现实主义女作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的成名作也是她的代表作,写于1846年。作者以真实的女性体验,深刻的塑造到了具有强烈的叛逆意识和抗争精神的女性

77、新形象。自其出版以来,简爱被赋予了极强的女权主义色彩。我认为简的女权主义反映在她不断抗争的一生当中。纵观简的一生,充满了四次反抗,每一次反抗都意味着一次进步,最终,简在抗争中实现了自己的人生价值。通过这个形象,作者表达了女性主体意识的觉醒,宣扬了在爱情上、婚姻上两性平等的思想,提出了女性通过自我奋斗而争取独立自主和维护人格尊严的理想,表达了对女性解放的关注和思考。关键词:简爱 女性意识 女性 反抗 自尊论文评阅人意见论文(设计)题目论简爱中的女性意识作 者评阅人评阅人职称意 见评阅人签字评阅意见同意指导教师意见论文评阅人意见论文(设计)题目论简爱中的女性意识作 者评阅人评阅人职称意 见评阅人签

78、字评阅意见同意指导教师意见指导教师评语页论文(设计)题目论简爱中的女性意识作 者指导教师宋英杰 职 称讲师指导教师评语指导教师签字等 级本科毕业论文(设计)答辩过程记录院系 西语学院英语教育系 专业 英语教育 年级 2006 答辩人姓名 学号 毕业论文(设计)题目 论简爱中的女性意识 毕业论文(设计)答辩过程记录:答辩是否通过:通过( ) 未通过( )记录员 答辩小组组长签字 年 月 日 年 月 日本科毕业论文(设计)答辩登记表院(系):西语学院英语教育系 专业 英语教育 年级 2006 论文(设计)题目: 论简爱中的女性意识答辩人: 学号: 评阅人: 指导教师:宋英杰 论文(设计)等级:答辩小组成员:答辩小组意见:秘书签名: 年 月 日论文(设计)答辩是否通过:通过( ) 未通过( )论文(设计)最终等级:答辩小组组长签名:答辩委员会主席签名:


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