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1、授课提示:对应学生用书第 111 页 .单项填空 1Without an active attitude towards life, she_many years ago. Adied Bwould die Cwould have died Dhas died 解析:这是对过去的虚拟,因此主句用“would完成式”结构。 答案:C 2Do you still smoke? _. Its years since I smoked. AYes, I do BNo, I dont CNot too much DNever mind 解析:由“Its years since I smoked.”可知,

2、答案选 B。 答案:B 3He_his illness after the doctor had almost given him up. Apulled out Bpulled through Cpulled down Dpulled away 解析:pull through 意为“渡过难关,恢复健康” ,符合题意。pull out“撤退,(火车)出站” ;pull down“拆毁,捣毁” ;pull away“开动” 。 答案:B 4When can we go to visit you to have a look at your new house? Anytime you feel

3、like_. Ait Bone Cso Dthat 解析:这里 it 指代”go to visit you to have a look at your new house”这件事情。 答案:A 5How do you find this kind of rice? Pretty good. It_more quickly than that kind. Acooks Bis cooked Cis cooking Dis being cooked 解析:这里强调主语的性质特征,用主动形式表示被动意义。故选 A。 答案:A 6Lets go swimming in the river this

4、afternoon. _. It is fun to have a swim in such hot weather. AI dont think so BIm afraid not CI couldnt agree more DI believe not 解析:I couldnt agree more 意为“我很赞成你的看法” ,符合题意。 答案:C 7Confidence is a kind of quality, and thats_it takes to do anything well. Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhy 解析:空格后面是一个表语从句,这里的 take

5、意为“需要” ,及物动词,表语从句缺少 宾语,故用 what 来引导。 答案:A 8The number of people killed in the accident_to 30, the radio reports. Ahave increased Bhas increased Chave been increased Dhas been increased 解析:“the number of名词”意为“的数目” ,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。这里 increase 是不及物动词,因此不用被动语态。 答案:B 9It is very surprising that the top s

6、tudent_fail in the exam, which most average students pass. Amust Bmay Cwould Dshould 解析:should 有“竟然”之意。句意:那位尖子生竟然考试不及格,大多数中等学生都 及格了,真是令人惊讶。 答案:D 10They live in a common farm house, in front of which_. Astands a big tree Bdoes a tree stand Cstands big a tree Da tree stands there 解析:此处介词短语位于从句句首,作地点状语

7、,故要用全部倒装语序。 答案:A .完形填空 The Jonas Brothers are a boy band consisting of three boys from Wyckoff, New Jersey: Kevin, 21; Joe, 19; and Nick,16. Though theyve been famous for about three years, the brothers have been performing for_11_longer. As children, they_12_gave “concerts” for their parents in the

8、 family basement.Before they made their mark, each boy had already_13_individual success. Kevin had done commercials(商业广告), Joe had also performed on_14_and Nick had appeared in four Broadway plays. But it wasnt until the three brothers_15_with Hollywood Records in 2006 that their careers _16_off. T

9、oday, they have countless hit songs, a White House performance, a soldout European_17_and a TV movie under their belts. Theyve_18_even in their own Disney reality show called The Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream. While_19_behaviour defines many celebrities (名人) these days, the Jonas Brothers stand_2

10、0_. Instead of smoking, drinking and taking drugs, they_21_together, wear purity(贞 洁) rings and play golf! Teenage fans love their upbeat sound while parents_22_their wholesome(健康的) lyrics and positive messages. As a result, theyve become one of the most_23_pop rock bands in America. Following their

11、 parents advice to be a positive influence, the brothers now_24_ teens to do the same.They established “Change for the Children” as a way for kids to_25_ lessfortunate children. Through this foundation,people can choose one of five different charities and make_26_to it. Kids are encouraged to give t

12、heir own_27_, or if they borrow from their parents, to_28_it back. And for the first $10 000 given to each charity, the Jonas Brothers promise to_29_as much. Whenever asked what makes them so_30_, the brothers always credit their parents support. 【语篇解读】 当红歌星、电影明星和体育明星的故事一直对青少年有着非常强烈的 吸引力。本文为记叙文,介绍了最

13、近几年在美国迅速走红的流行乐队乔纳斯兄弟乐队的故事。 乔纳斯兄弟以他们帅气的外表、成功的演唱、慷慨的行为、谦虚自律的表现已经成为美国青 少年心目中不可替代的青春偶像。 11A.much Bvery Cquite Dtoo 解析:考查语境选词。根据第一段的大意可知,虽然他们才出名三年,可是他们从事表 演的时间要长得多。只有副词 much 可修饰形容词或副词的比较级。 答案:A 12A.continually Brepeatedly Cfrequently Doccasionally 解析:考查副词词义辨析。乔纳斯兄弟三人在儿童时期就经常在自家的地下室为父母 举办演唱会。frequently“经常

14、,频繁地” ,符合题意。continually“连续不断地” ;repeatedly“重复地,反复发生地” ;occasionally“偶尔,有时候” 。 答案:C 13A.acquired Bachieved Cpursued Dsought 解析:考查词义辨析。acquire“(通过努力、能力、行为表现)获得,得到” ;pursue“追求, 致力于”seek “寻找,寻求,争取” ,过去式为 sought。achieve success 为习惯搭配,表示 “取得成功” 。 答案:B 14A.television Bradio Ctheatre Dstage 解析:考查逻辑推理。因为乔纳斯兄

15、弟是青年歌手,因此他们经常登台表演。 答案:D 15A.signed Bjoined Ccombined Dseparated 解析:考查语境选词。sign 指通过签订合约产生雇佣或合作关系。句意:直到 2006 年, 在乔纳斯兄弟跟好莱坞唱片签约后,他们的演艺事业才真正地腾飞。 答案:A 16A.carried Bran Cgot Dtook 解析:考查短语辨析。carry off“运走,带走” ;run off“(从容器中)溢出,流出” ;get off“脱下,出发,动身” ;take off“突然大受欢迎” 。本句中 take off 比喻他们在事业上取得 成功。 答案:D 17A.travel Btour Cvoyage Djourney 解析:考查名词辨析。虽然 travel,tour,voyage 和 journey 都有“旅行”的意思,但是 tour 还可表示巡回表演活动。a soldout European tour 意为“门票销售一空的欧洲巡回演唱 会” 。 答案:B 18A.sung Bact



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