七年级英语《Unit2 Is this your pencil? 》学案

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1、用心 爱心 专心1备课时间 月 日上课时间 月 日 星期 第 节课 题Unit2 Is this your pencil? 第 1 课时累计 课时学习目标1.认识并记住这些单词: this, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, case, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary, that, yes, no, not, isnt=is not 2.操练并运用这些句子:Is this/that a/an .?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Is this/that your penc

2、il?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its her pencil.学习重点认识并掌握新单词的音形意,熟练的操练新句型学习难点运用新学的词句与人熟练的交流学 习 过 程学习内容及预见性问题时间学习要求Step1Step1 Warm-upWarm-up ( (巩固旧知,激趣导入巩固旧知,激趣导入) )1.Dictationyour, his, her, first name, last name, telephone number, phone number, ID card, family name, given name.2.Leading-inA story:TomTo

3、m go to school with his backpack New words: backpackbackpackStep2Step2 PresPresentation(entation(明确目标,新授学习明确目标,新授学习) )1. Learn the new words.a backpacka book a pencil case a dictionarya pencil a pencil sharpener a pen a ruler an eraser 7Remember these words before class. (课前记住这些 单词)Arouse the studen

4、ts interest.(激 发学生学习兴趣)They should study with their whole heart.(全心全意的学习)学习内容及预见性问题 学习要求用心 爱心 专心22. Words GamesRead togetherPK Step3Step3 Practice(Practice(合作探究,落实目标合作探究,落实目标) )1.Sentences:Show some things and learn the sentencesThis is a/an. . Is this/that a/an .? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Is this/

5、that yo ur/his/her . ? Is this/that your. ?Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its his . 2. Games:Ask and answerGuessStep4Step4 ProProduction(duction(交流展示,体验成功交流展示,体验成功) )1.Find the owner2.Let students make own dialogues and prepare to reveal.3.Ask some groups to act out.4.Finish 1a and 1b.Step5Step5 Test(Test

6、(抽测达标,拓展延伸抽测达标,拓展延伸) )Do some exercises. 按要求完成下列各题1.This is a . 2.That is . Its his . 3.Is this your ? No, it isnt. 4.( )-Is that her backpack?- . A.Yes, it isnt. B.No, it is. C.Yes, it is. D.No, she isnt. 5.( )-Is this English dictionary?-No, its Chinese dictionary.A.an, an B.a, an C.an, a D.a, aExtracurricular practices.(课时先锋 P18 选做)Take study seriously. (认真对待学习。 )Work hard at openings. (勤于动口说)Make own dialogue.(组 自己的对话) Prepare to reveal.(准备 展示) Feel free to try.(大胆尝试) Its very important to practise listening。 (练 习听力是非常重 要的)Do these exercises by yourself.(独立 完成练习)备课组 学科组 教务处


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