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1、RTKLIB provide the following general purpose Cfunctions callable from user AP (application program).User can use these function to develop user original positioning APs.(1) Matrix and vector functions 矩阵与向量函数(2) Time and string functions 时间和字符串函数(3) Coordinates transformation and geoid model 坐标变换和大地

2、水准面模型(4) Navigation processing 导航处理(5) Positioning models (troposphere, ionosphere, antenna PCV) 定位模型(对流层,电离层,天线 PCV)(6) SBAS DGPS/DGNSS correction DGPS / SBAS DGNSS 校正校正(7) Single point positioning 单点定位(8) Carrierbased and codebased relative positioning 基于载波和代码基础相对定位(9) OTF integer ambiguity resolu

3、tion OTF 求解整周模糊度(10) Receiver raw binary data input 接收原始二进制数据输入(11) Positioning solution/NMEA input/output 输入/输出的 NMEA /定位解决方案(12) RINEX observation data/navigation message input/output RINEX 观测数据和导航信息的输入/输出(13) Precise ephemeris input 精密星历的输入(14) Stream data communication library 流数据通信库(15) NTRIP (

4、Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) library NTRIP(网络传输协议通过 Internet 协议)库(16) RTKGPS/GNSS positioning server rtkgps / GNSS 定位服务器(17) RTCM 2.3 and 3.0/3.1/3.2 message handling RTCM 2.3 和 3 / 3.1 / 3.2 信息处理(18) Downloader functions 下载功能The following instructions shows the way to utilize

5、the library of RTKLIB in user AP.下面的说明显示在用户 rtklib AP 利用库的方式(1)Add the following include directive to the source program of user AP.#include “rtklib.h“(2)Set the following compiler option to add RTKLIB source directory path to compiler include paths.-I rtklib_src(3)Add the necessary RTKLIB library s

6、ource files to source programs set for the AP build. Refer AppendixC Library APIs for the library function list and source programs provided by RTKLIB.Appendix A CUI Command ReferencesA.1 RTKRCVSYNOPSIS 简介简介rtkrcv -s-p port|-d dev-o file-t levelDESCRIPTIONA command line version of the realtime posit

7、ioning AP by RTKLIB. To start or stop RTK server, toconfigure options or to print solution/status, login a console and input commands. As default, stdin/stdoutare used for the console. Use p option for network login with telnet protocol. To show the availablecommands, type ? or help on the console.

8、The initial processing options are loaded from defaultconfiguration file rtkrcv.conf. To change the file, use o option. To configure the processing options, editthe configuration file or use set, load or save command on the console. To shutdown the program, useshutdown command on the console or send

9、 the USR2 signal to the process. For configuration file, refer B.4.通过 rtklib 的实时时间定位命令行版本,启动或停止 RTK 服务器,配置选项或打印解决方案/状态,登录控制台, 输入命令。作为默认使用的是标准输入/输出,为控制台。使用P 选项为 Telnet 协议的网络登录。要显示可用 的命令,输入“?”或在控制台上的帮助。最初的处理选项从默认的配置文件加载 rtkrcv.conf。更改文件,使 用O 选项。要配置处理选项,编辑配置文件或使用集,加载或保存在控制台上的命令。关机程序,使用 shutdown 命令在控制台上

10、或发送给进程的 usr2 信号。配置文件,是指 B4。OPTIONS-s start RTK server on program startup -S 启动,启动 RTK 服务器程序-p port port number for telnet console -P,端口号,指定用,端口号,指定用 telnet 控制台端口控制台端口-m port port number for monitor stream -m 端口号端口号, 监视器流的端口号监视器流的端口号-d dev terminal device for console 控制台终端控制台终端-o file configuration f

11、ile 配置文件配置文件-r level output solution status file (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) 输出解决方案状态文件(输出解决方案状态文件(0:关闭,:关闭,1:状态,:状态,2:残差):残差)-t level debug trace level (0:off,1-5:on) 调试跟踪级别(调试跟踪级别(0 off,1-5:ON)COMMANDSstartStart RTK server. No need the command if the program runs with -s option.RTK 服务器启动。如果程序运行与选

12、项的选项,不需要命令。stopStop RTK server.restartRestart RTK server. If the processing options are set, execute the command to enable the changes.RTK 服务器重启。如果设置了处理选项,则执行命令以启用更改solution cycle 解决方案解决方案周期周期Show solutions. Without option, only one solution is shown. With option, thesolution is displayed at interva

13、ls of cycle (s). To stop cyclic display, send break (ctr-C).显示解决方案。没有选项,只有一个解决方案。与选项,该解决方案是显示在周期的周期(S)。要停止循环显示,发送中断(ctr-C).status cycle 状态状态周期周期Show RTK status. Use option cycle for cyclic display. RTK 状态显示。循环显示的使用选项循环。状态显示。循环显示的使用选项循环。satellite cycle 卫星周期显示卫星状态。循环显示的使用选项循环。observ cycle 观察观察循环循环Show

14、 observation data. Use option cycle for cyclic display.显示观测数据。循环显示的使用选项循环。navidata cycle 导航数据导航数据循环循环Show navigation data. Use option cycle for cyclic display.显示导航数据。循环显示的使用选项循环。stream cycle 流流周期周期Show stream status. Use option cycle for cyclic display.显示流状态。循环显示的使用选项循环。errorShow error/warning messa

15、ges. To stop messages, send break (ctr-C).显示错误显示错误/警告消息。停止消息,发送中断(警告消息。停止消息,发送中断(ctr-c) 。option optShow the values of processing options. Without option, all options are displayed.With option, only pattern-matched options are displayed.显示处理选项的值。没有选项,所有选项都显示出来。有了选项,只显示模式匹配选项。set opt valSet the value

16、of a processing option to val. Without option val, prompt messageis shown to input the value. The change of the processing option is not enabled显示处理选项的值。没有选项,所有选项都显示出来。有了选项,只显示模式匹配选项。before RTK server is restarted. 在在 RTK 服务器重启。服务器重启。load file 加载加载文件文件Load processing options from file. Without option, default file rtkrcv.conf is used.To enable the changes, restart RTK server.从文件中加载处理



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