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1、1广州福妮格医广州福妮格医疗疗用品有限公司用品有限公司员员工手册工手册Guangzhou Fortunique Limited Handbook2Content 目目录录1. 前前 言言 Foreword2. 公公 司司 简简 介介 Brief Introduction3. 聘聘 用用 制制 度度 Recruiting Management4薪薪 酬酬 制制 度度 Salary System5工作工作时间时间和休假和休假 Working Hours there are different levels to different grades. The salary is consists of

2、 a basic salary and allowances.公司将根据员工的教育、技术水平、经验,工作责任等决定工资。 The salary will be set according to your education degree, technical skills, working experience and working duty, etc.保险包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、生育保险、工伤保险等。 The insurance includes pension, medical, unemployment, birth control, working injury etc.员

3、工必须按国家规定自行负担个人所得税及社会保险中的个人缴费部分,并由公司11在工资中予以代扣代缴。 You employees shall be responsible for part of the individual tax and relative insurance expenses according to statutory regulation; it will be deducted from your monthly salary.2. 发发薪方式薪方式Salary Payment 工资于每月的固定日期,由银行转帐存入员工银行帐户。 Pay day shall be on o

4、ne the fixed day of every month, the salary will be transferred by bank into your bank account.3. 薪酬保密薪酬保密Confidentiality of the salary公司为员工的薪酬保密,员工应对自己的薪酬信息保密,不得泄露自己的薪酬信息,亦不得打听和传播他人的薪酬信息,如有违反,公司将对员工进行扣罚 100 元工资处理,严重者给予辞退处理。Both you and the company shall keep the salary information confidentially.Yo

5、u should not release your salary information to others, should not inquire or disseminate any salary information of other employees. Any violation will be subject to a fine of RMB100.00 form your salary or dismissal for seriously violation.4工工资调资调整整Salary adjustment公司将根据物价指数、同行业工资水平、公司生产经营情况及员工的工作表现

6、等因素,原则上每年对员工工资级别和个人工资进行一年一调整。 The company will review/adjust the salary once a year according to the market price index, salary level, the P leaves over three days but less than seven days shall require 7 days notice 18请假的最少时间为半天(即 4 小时)。Minimum time for leave shall be half of one day ( 4 hours).五五五

7、 培培训训及及职业职业生涯生涯发发展展Training and Career Development培培训训政策政策Training policies公司坚信公司的成长与员工的成长息息相关,公司鼓励员工不断进取,利用业余时间自我提升工作素质及能力。员工可以与部门经理讨论自己的培训计划。公司将会予以员工相应的培训及经济资助,以同时达到公司的商业目标。We believe that the companys development is closely bound with that of the employee, employee upgrading and improvement of th

8、eir skills in their spare time is strongly encouraged. Employees are encouraged to consider their career objectives and discuss with their department managers. The company will assist in provide relative necessary training and sponsorship to meet your career target as well as to achieve the companys

9、 business goals.1. 资资格格Qualification for sponsorship在公司服务年限满一年,具有良好工作表现的正式员工For the permanent employee has a minimum of one year continuous service, and with a good working performance.申请的进修课程应与本职工作密切相关The course applied must be closely related with duties.培训机构需经公司认可Training institution must be acce

10、pted by our company.时间应避免与日常工作相冲突Training time shall not conflict with daily working time.2.审审批及批及资资助程序助程序19Application and reimburse procedure (1(填写申请表,提供课程内容大纲,学习时间安排及个人学习目的。Fill in the application form, present the course content, training schedule and the individual learning aim.(2(部门经理、人力资源经理及总

11、经理审批申请表,与员工签订培训合同。Department manager,HR department manager and GM review and approval the application, sign training contract with the employee.(3(员工在缴费注册后,向人力资源部提供有关申请表及单据备案后交财务部审核报销 50%费用。After paying the fee, shall submit employee provide the application form with bill to HR department for record

12、, and then pass the bill to finance department to apply for 50% reimbursement.(4(另外的 50%将在完成课程培训,向人力资源部提供学业合格证书后由财务报销The remaining 50% fee will be reimburse by the Financial Dept. after the employee has successfully completed the training course and produced the training certificate to the HR depart

13、ment. (5)接受公司培训资助的员工,如在合同服务期内离职的,将按培训合同的规定对公司进行相应的违约赔偿。Employee shall compensation the company by ratio if they leave the company within the contract period.第六章第六章 健康与安全健康与安全Chapter 6 Health close all equipment such as computer upon leaving the office at the end of the working day.(2)最后离开办公室的员工,应在离开

14、检查照明、空调、办公设备是否关闭,并锁好门后方能离开You must check and turn off all the lights, air-con and other work equipment, and lock the main door when you leave the premises.(3)文件要及时归档,机密文件要妥善保管,废弃时必须用碎纸机消毁。Documents must filed in time, confidential documents must be kept secure and 22disposed of by the cutting machin

15、e .(4 ) 工作时间员工不得擅离岗位,未经同意不得随意翻阅他人文件。Absence without permission in the working hour is prohibited, Thumbing others document without approval is prohibited.内部文件,内部文件,请请小心使用保管,离小心使用保管,离职时职时交回人力交回人力资资源部源部Please keep this internal handbook carefully. Return to HR & Admin. Department when you terminative

16、the employ relationship with the company.23确确认认Confirmation本 人 特 此 确 认 本 人 已 阅 读 本 手 册 并 对 本 手 册 的 内 容 完 全 理 解 。 本 人 将 完 全 遵 守 本 手 册 之 规 定 。 I have read and understood the policy of this handbook. I will fully compliance with the regulations of this handbook.本 人 知 道 本 手 册 为 公 司 财 产 , 因 此 , 本 人 如 离 开 公 司 将 归 还 本 手 册 给 公 司 。 I am understood that this handbook is property of the company. Therefore, I will return this handbook when


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