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1、学校编码:学校编码:10173 分类号分类号 密级密级 学学 号:号:220070160 UDC 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文汇率波动对我国国际直接投资的影响研究汇率波动对我国国际直接投资的影响研究基于人民币汇率传导中介目标基于人民币汇率传导中介目标Research on the Volatility of Exchange Rate Affect FDIIn View of the Conductive Medium Object of RMB Exchange Rate崔 丹指导教师姓名:指导教师姓名: 孙孙 刚刚 教授教授 一级学科名称:一级学科名称: 经济学经济学 二级学科名称:

2、二级学科名称: 金融学金融学 论文答辩时间:论文答辩时间: 2009 年年 12 月月 I摘 要2005 年 7 月 21 日,我国实行了新一轮的汇率改革,实行以市场供求为基础的、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制,目的在于保持人民币汇率在合理、均衡水平上的基本稳定,最终实现汇率决定的市场化,充分发挥汇率对国际收支及实体经济的调节作用。从人民币汇率改革的实际效果来看:“汇改”几年来,一方面,人民币汇率形成的市场化程度不断提高,汇率的灵活性增强,人民币对美元的汇率实现了双向波动;另一方面,人民币汇率的调节作用并没有充分显现、汇率传导机制存在阻滞,我国的国际收支持续盈余、外汇储备急剧增长。

3、事实上,国际收支持续盈余的主要贡献因子是 FDI 及其国际贸易效应,这是因为我国的资本项目尚未实现自由开放。由于我国的 FDI流入与 FDI 输出之间存在着严重的不协调,所以这也导致了目前我国国际收支的巨额顺差问题。在开放经济中,汇率作为国内外商品与生产要素的相对价格,决定了国际直接投资 FDI 的流向和规模。本文从分析汇率波动对国际直接投资的传导中介目标入手,应用理论和实证分析的方法,阐明了汇率波动对国际直接投资的传导机制。全文共分五章内容,第一章为导论,主要介绍了本文的选题背景和研究意义,相关的文献研究综述,本文的主要内容及研究方法,本文的创新点与不足。第二章为汇率波动作用于我国 FDI

4、传导机制的理论分析,这部分内容包括资本化率作为汇率的传导中介目标;汇率预期因素作为汇率的传导中介目标,并阐述了汇率预期的自我强化与冲销式干预的有效性;经济增长率作为汇率的传导中介目标。第三章是基于我国 FDI 输出相对滞后的角度研究汇率传导机制,论述了 FDI 输出相对滞后所引发的经济问题;从理论上研究了冲销式干预,对国内货币供应量的边际贡献,从而得出了国内经济增长率是封闭浮动汇率制下作用于 FDI 的传导中介目标;运用 IS-LM 模型分析国内经济增长率作用于我国 FDI 的效应。第四章为汇率中介目标作用于我国 FDI 的实证分析,由于GARCH 模型特别适合于对金融时间序列的波动性和相关性

5、进行建模,所以本文采用自回归条件异方差(GARCH)模型来测量汇率的波动幅度。根据 Granger表示定理,如果变量之间存在协整的关系,则一定存在一个与之等价的误差修正模型,它能够将变量的短期关系和长期关系概括在同一方程内。因此,本文II使用 ECM 模型来研究汇率波动与 FDI 的数量逻辑关系。第五章为本文的结论与政策性建议,在此归纳了本文的主要研究结论,并提出了相关的政策性建议。本文采用 ECM 模型来做汇率传导中介目标的实证分析,结论为在短期内扩宽人民币汇率的波动幅度,而在长期内要保持汇率波动的相对平稳性;因为在短期内加强汇率形成的市场化程度,可以提高国内货币政策的独立性,从而可以缓解货

6、币当局的被动性对冲干预压力。在封闭浮动汇率体制下,汇率波动能够带来经济产出的可持续增长,是汇率有效地调节 FDI 的必要条件。汇率波动作用于 FDI 流入与输出的实证结果是大相径庭的,这表明汇率传导具有明显的非对称性。一国的 FDI 流入与输出之间长期存在失衡,这势必会对宏观经济带来不利影响。本文的主要创新点是从汇率传导中介目标出发,研究汇率波动作用于 FDI的效应。以往众多学者研究汇率与 FDI 的关系时,主要集中于汇率波动本身对 FDI 的成本效应与财富效应,然而我国客观经济运行的规律表明 FDI 的变动并非仅是基于此。笔者认为如果汇率波动的本身没有对经济产生影响,或是对经济造成了负面影响

7、,那么汇率就难以发挥其调节 FDI 的杠杆效应。关键词:汇率波动,传导中介目标,国际直接投资,误差修正模型IABSTRACTOur country began to implement a new round of reform for RMB exchange rate on Jul. 21st, 2005 that it based on the supply and demand of market with restricted floating exchange rate system, according to the fluctuation of multinational mo

8、neys. Its aim lies in keeping the reasonable and harmonious level for RMB exchange rate and then exchange rate will be decided by market. As a result, exchange rate will play effectively a regulative role for substantial economy and international revenue on the other hand, international revenue ther

9、efore the regulative role of RMB exchange rate has not been reflected fully, due to the obstacle of conductive mechanism for exchange rate. In reality, the major contributory factor of sustainable surplus for international revenue the factor of anticipation for RMB exchange rate, and furthermore dem

10、onstrates on self-IIconsolidation of the anticipation for exchange rate and the efficiency of neutralized intervention; the increasing rate of domestic economy. The third chapter researches the conductive mechanism for exchange rate in view of the comparative lag for the outflow FDI in our country.

11、Neutralized intervention to the marginal contribution of domestic currency is researched in theory, and therefore draws a conclusion that increasing rate of domestic economy is the conductive medium object for FDI, under the closing system of floating exchange rate. The writer analyzes what is the e

12、ffect for increasing rate of domestic economy to FDI, by using the model of IS-LM. The fourth chapter is the empirical analysis that conductive medium object of exchange rate affects FDI in our country. As the model of GARCH adapts especially to build model of the volatility and relevance for the or

13、der of financial time, this paper calculates the volatility of exchange rate by using the model of GARCH. According to the theory of “Granger”, there must be an equal error correct model, if there is co-integrated relationship among variables. So this paper does the empirical analysis of conductive

14、medium object for exchange rate by using the model of ECM. The fifth chapter induces major conclusions for the research in this paper, mentions relevant suggestions for policy and poses the prospects of research. The key conclusion for the research is that the range of volatility for RMB exchange ra

15、te should broaden in short term, while the relative stability of the volatility for exchange rate should be kept in long term. The independence of domestic monetary policy can be improved, and thus the passive pressure of neutralized intervention for the money authority will be mitigated, because th

16、e degree of market for exchange rate is reinforced in short term. It is the prerequisite that exchange rate adjusts FDI that the volatility of exchange rate is able to bring sustainable development for economic output, in the system of restricted floating exchange rate. It is the totally different that the volatility of exchange rate affects FDI between inflow and outflow, and therefore this illuminates


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