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1、合肥工业大学硕士学位论文基于Petri网的第三方物流信息系统的建模研究姓名:张志萍申请学位级别:硕士专业:电子商务导教师:左春荣20070701Research on Third-party Logistics Information System Modeling Based on Petri NetABSTRACTLogistics Information is accompanied by the occurrence of logistics activities, throughout the entire logistics process, and plays a central

2、 nervous system role in the third-party logistics .Not only supports for logistics activities,but also connects with integration of the efficiency of the logistics system. It becomes increasingly important in the modern enterprise management strategy because of logistics information .It is nesscessa

3、ry for enterprises gaining competitive advantages to establish the logistics information system to provide rapid, accurate, timely,overall message.The modeling analysis of logistics information systems, in fact its practical value and theoretical of research value,is widespread concerned widespread

4、increasingly. A good system modeling is the basis and key of a flexible,reliable, available,scalable logistics information systems .System modeling has become the core of outstanding software development.On account of the features Petri Net in the logistics information system modeling, This paper fi

5、rst makes detailed explanation for the basic concept of Petri Net,then introduces the steps and methods of Petri Net modeling. As a study of the business functions of third-party logistics,decomposing the entire logistics business process and using Petri Net to construct all object models of strong

6、express ability, setting up the whole logistics information system model through the object models changes. The model not only describes the integrity of the whole system of logistics and information flow process, but also it supports its logistics system to establish the dynamic process to some ext

7、ent, and shows the Petri Net model for the description capacity of complex systems.Finally, based on the Petri Net model, the article builds simulation environment in the use of DaNAMiCS software,analyzing the various nature of Petri Net model and simulating, for the assessment of actual system perf

8、ormance and structure,so on. Its research has the theoretical and practical value,and provides with the builds to our third-party logistics information system .Keywords: third-party logistics; Petri Net; modeling of information system; DaNAMiCS software; simulationI IX X插图清单图2.1表示化合反应的Petri网模型-9图 2.

9、 2 存在冲突的 EN 系统 El -10图 2. 3 存在冲突的 EN 系统 -11图 3.1 物流信息系统功能结构图 -21图 3.2 业务流程图的基本图形符号 -22图 3. 3 订单处理业务流程图-23图 3. 4 订单受理的 Petri 网子模型-255 库存控制管理业务流程图-266库存控制管理Petri网子模型-277 配送管理的业务流程图-288配送管理的 Petri 网子模型 -299 货物交付业务流程图-3010 货物交付的 Petri 网子模型-311 DaNAMiCS 软件的配送管理模型图-422 配送管理的 Petri 网模型关联矩阵分析图 -423配送管理的Petr

10、i网模型性质分析图-434 配送管理模型的托肯运行图-455 配送管理的时间长度的模拟仿真图-46图3 图3 图3 图3 图3 图3 图4 图4 图4 图4 图4表格清单表 3. 1 订单业务受理的变迁和库所含义表-25表 3. 2 库存控制管理的变迁和库所含义表-27表 3. 3 配送管理的变迁和库所含义表-29表 3. 4 货物交付的变迁和库所含义表-31 表 4. 1 配送管理系统的事件和条件表-38I II II I独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的硕究 成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人己经 发表或撰写过的研

11、究成果,也不包含为获得合肥工业大学或其他教育机构的学位 或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解合肥工业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,有 权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人搜权合肥工业大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行 检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名:; - 签字曰期年 7 月学位论文作者毕业后去向- 工作单位: 通讯地址:学位论文作者签

12、名:签字日期妙年 7 月/iT 日导师签名:签字曰期:年 7 月曰电话: 邮编:V VI I致谢值此定稿之际,首先谨向辛勤培育我的导师一左春荣老师,表示崇高的 敬意和衷心的感谢!两年来,左老师在学习上、生活上给了我很多关爱和帮助, 我所取得的每一点进步都倾注了恩师的大量心血。左老师精心指导、悉心培养、 傳谆教诲,使我不断进步;左老师严谨求实的治学态度、敬亚忘我的奉献精神, 始终鞭策着我;左老师渊博的学识、宽厚谦和的处世风格,始终感染着我;左 老师对管理科学深遽的见解、开阔的科研思路,始终启迪着我!在这里,要特别感谢杨善林教授。杨老师在我的开题报告上给予我精辟的 点评和详尽的指导,使我的论文幵题得以顺利展幵。杨老师在学术上的高深造 诣、学风上的严谨求实、对科学前沿敏锐的洞察力、勇往无前的开拓精神以及 对我的严格要求都使我受益匪浅,在此谨向杨老师致以衷心的感谢和崇髙的敬 *要特别感谢马溪唆老师,其严谨的治学态度和广博的学识、精益求精的工 作态度、诲人不倦的师者风范必将使我终身受益。感谢网络所的王硕老师、余本功老师、胡小建老师、胡笑旋老师、付超老 师、孙超平老师、潘申老师、潘若愚老师、褚伟老师、毛雪岷老师等对我的关 心和帮助。


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