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1、看神舟五号成功发射看神舟五号成功发射激情过后的冷静思考看神舟五号成功发射 Clear thinking needed after euphoriaChina took a step forward in its space programme at 9am on Oct 15 when, with the entire nation watching, its first manned space flight Shenzhou V blasted into space. Every Chinese was elated and Jiuquan city in Gansu province,

2、the closest place to the launch center, became the focus of global attention. For any Chinese or Asian, the successful launch of Shenzhou V is doubtless a cause for jubilation. A developing Asian nation has become a space power and joined the elite club of nations that have sent man into space. Like

3、 thousands of overseas Chinese students, I was flushed with pride over this historic moment for China. But when the euphoria was over, the question that struck me was: What should we really be cheering about? Lets take a look back at history. In April 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin marked the

4、first chapter in manned space flights in human history by becoming the first man to orbit the Earth for seven days. In July 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. Many will still remember vividly Armstrongs now-famous comment when he first stepped down on the lu

5、nar surface: “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. Admittedly, with the intense Cold War rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States, the glory of such achievements was somewhat diluted by the strong element of space competition between the two superpowers. Military comp

6、etition can, of course, quicken the pace of development in space technology. The significance in the difference between a small step and a giant leap provides much food for thought. While Chinese should rightfully be proud of Shenzhou V, they need to understand that it is development that is peacefu

7、l, forward-looking and unlimited that China should take pride in. The determination to continue Chinas space exploration should be motivated by the desire to make peaceful progress and not narrowed-minded nationalism. Technological spin-offs from growth in the space industry should not be overlooked

8、 either. Yes, China has grown in national strength but its people should realize that the road ahead is a bumpy one when the celebration is over. The challenge for the Chinese is to be able to always hold their heads high, not just momentarily. This requires them to focus on practical, rather than s

9、ymbolic significance as well as rational thinking. Further development in space exploration by mankind calls for cooperation between countries. The launch of Shenzhou V has made China the third country in the world to have a successful manned flight. Perhaps this could help promote the “spirit of co

10、operation”. Space is the ultimate frontier of human exploration and its far-reaching impact is on the entire human race, not just confined to a particular country or a few sci Cooperation and development are both crucial. The issue for the Chinese is not only how to develop, but also how to work han

11、d in hand with other countries. At the same time, willingness by other countries and regions to work together with China is equally important. If, for some political reasons, they chose to ignore the significance of Shenzhou Vs success or refuse future cooperation, it would be a sad day for mankinds

12、 efforts in space exploration. Now that the euphoria is over, perhaps everyone should cool down and ask what he or she should do next. 2003 年 10 月 15 日上午 9 时,中国人在载人航天发射上终于迈出了自己的第一步,神舟五号在万众瞩目之下升空,全中国为之沸腾,全世界聚焦甘肃酒泉。没有疑问,对任何中国人、亚洲人而言,神舟五号的升空是值得骄傲和自豪的。 一个亚洲的发展中国家向世界展示了太空力量的崛起,世界尖端技术的势力图呈现了不同的画面。我同千千万万的留

13、学生一样为之雀跃,为之欢呼;然而激情之后,我静下来问自己:我们究竟应该真正为什么而欢呼? 1961 年 4 月 12 日,苏联宇航员加加林乘坐东方一号航天船绕地球一周,谱写了人类载人航天发展的首页。1969 年 7 月 20 日,美国宇航员尼尔阿姆斯特朗和巴兹奥尔德林乘阿波罗 11 号飞船登月成功。阿姆斯特朗踏上月球说的第一句话让人记忆犹新:“这是我迈出的一小步,却是人类迈出的一大步。 ” 诚然,在苏联和美国剑拔弩张的冷战时期,这样的成就固然是载人航天发展技术谱写的乐章,但我们必须承认这样的乐章所带有的强烈太空竞争色彩影响了它的辉煌程度。 无可否认,军事竞争可以带来航天技术的快速发展。这一小步

14、与一大步之间那不大不小的一步的意义似乎耐人寻味。 因此,当全中国人为神舟五号而骄傲的时候,必须要明白,我们所骄傲的发展是和平的、前进的、深入而没有局限性的。中国人所应该具备的是继续和平发展的决心,而不是将自己的民族主义思想狭隘化。 此外,航天技术的发展所推动的其他科学技术的连锁发展也是不容忽视的。中国的国力是强大了,但是中国人所应当欢呼的该只是过去的发展和辉煌,明天的路仍然是一条坎坷的路。 扬眉吐气只是一时痛快,但要怎样才能把眉扬得更高,气吐得更长就是该剖开象征意义,看清实际意义和理智思考的问题了。 人类的宇航发展需要在各国之间寻求互补和完善。神舟五号的发射改变了世界航空发展的格局,也许可以将“合作精神”上升到一个更高境界。探索宇宙的确是世界的终极前沿,探索宇宙的深远意义所影响的范围并不只是某一个 合作和发展都至关重要,因此作为中国人,所应当思考的问题将不仅仅是如何发展,还有将如何共同发展。 而与此同时,其他国家和地区的合作精神也至关重要,如果出于政治因素而故意忽略这次航天发展的实质意义或不参与之后的合作,那将是人类航天史上的巨大缺憾。 激情过后,大概所有人都该冷静下来,明白自己到底该做点什么。



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