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1、山东省大学生村官考试资料山东省大学生村官考试资料- -理论篇理论篇词语搭配(五)26. school 1) attend/go to:上 e.g. Which school go you attend? 2) expel from:开除 e.g. He was expelled from school for his bad manner. 3) found/set up:创立 e.g. Our school was founded in 1950. 4) operate/run:管理,经营 e.g. This school is operated by a Christian church.

2、 5) graduate from:毕业于 e.g. She graduated from this school last year. 27. secret 1) disclose:泄露,透露 e.g. I will never disclose your secrets to anyone. 2) keep:保守 e.g. Can you keep a secret? 3) discover:发现 e.g. Everyone wants to discover the secret of perpetual youth. 4) confide:吐露,向人倾诉 e.g. She confid

3、ed all her secrets to her husband. 28. sense 1) have:具有 e.g. He has a sense of humor but no sense of shame. 2) lack:缺乏 e.g. He lacks a sense of responsibility. 3) develop/cultivate:培养 e.g. I am helping him to cultivate a sense of system and order. 4) sharpen:使变敏锐 e.g. How can I sharpen my sense of m

4、usic? 和 sense 搭配的形容词: common sense(常识) sense of guilt(罪恶感) sense of direction(方向感) sense of beauty(美感) 29. ship 1) board/go on board/go aboard:登上 e.g. I left the pier after I saw her board the ship. 2) leave/disembark from:下(船) ,登岸 e.g. I left the ship immediately after the gangplank was lowered. 3)

5、 capsize:翻,倾覆 e.g. Suddenly great waves rose and capsized the ship. 4) load/unload:装货/卸货 e.g. When I reached the pier, the ship was still loading. 和 ship 搭配的形容词: ocean-going(远航的) stranded(搁浅的) cargo/passenger(货/客轮) 30. skill 1) acquire:获得 e.g. We can acquire skill through practice. 2) display:显示,表现

6、e.g. Lets take part in the competition! It is a good opportunity to display our skill. 3) require:要求 e.g. It requires much skill to make this marble statue. 和 skill 搭配的形容词: newly-developed(新发展的) first-rate(第一流的) delicate(精妙的) matchless(无与伦比的) photographic(摄影的) 31. smell 1) give out/give off:发出 e.g.

7、The tainted meat gave off an offensive smell. 2) fill:充满 e.g. A fishy smell filled the room. 3) waft:飘送,吹送 e.g. The breeze wafted the fragrant smell of the flowers to us. 4) bear/stand:忍受 e.g. I cant bear the smell of cigarettes. 和 smell 搭配的形容词: agreeable(好闻的) aromatic(芳香的) faint(轻淡的) nauseous(令人作呕的

8、) pungent(刺鼻的) repulsive/repugnant(令人讨厌的) spicy(香喷喷的) foul(恶臭的) 32. song 1) hum:哼 e.g. When I feel bored, I will hum a song to myself. 2) compose:作曲 e.g. He has composed many beautiful songs for many television series. 3) whistle:用口哨吹 e.g. Can you whistle this song? 4) play:演奏 e.g. Please play me a

9、song by Beethoven. 和 song 搭配的形容词: favorite(最喜爱的) folk(民歌) patriotic(爱国的) popular(流行的) sad(悲哀的) swan(最后的作品) theme(主题歌) 33. speech 1) make/give/deliver:发表 e.g. He was invited to give a speech on environmental protection during the schools morning assembly. 2) improvise:即席而作 e.g. I forgot to bring the

10、script of my speech, so I had to improvise. 3) prepare:准备 e.g. He is busy preparing the speech he will deliver tomorrow. 和 speech 搭配的形容词: abusive(骂人的) blunt(直言不讳的) brief(简洁的) flattering(祝贺的) long-winded(冗长的) maiden(首次的) refined(精炼的) slovenly(马虎的) splendid(极佳的) stirring(振奋人心的) touching(动人的) 34. stude

11、nt 1) enroll:录取,招取 e.g. That prestigious school will soon start enrolling students for the new school year. 2) cram:填鸭 e.g. A lot of teachers cram their students for examination. 3) inculcate:谆谆教导 e.g. She inculcated in her students the importance of punctuality. 和 student 搭配的形容词: bright(聪明的) docile

12、(听话的) hopeless(无希望的) promising(有前途的) responsive(反应快的) talented(有天赋的) 35. sun 1) bask in:晒 e.g. I enjoy basking in the sun. 2) keep off/fend off:遮挡 e.g. She held an umbrella over her head to fend off the hot summer sun. 3) bathe in:(日光)浴 e.g. In winter, Dad often goes for an walk in the park, bathing in the sun. 4) sit in:坐在下 e.g. In winter, we like to sit in the sun. 和 sun 搭配的形容词: rising(上升的) setting(落下的) scorching(灼热的) smiling(明媚的) *JimiSoft: Unregistered Software ONLY Convert Part Of File! Read Help To Know How To Register.*


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