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1、土木工程词典土木工程词典( (土木工事専门用语土木工事専门用语) )鍦熸湪宸璇嶅吀(鍦熸湪宸簨灏傞杸鐢獮)鍦熸湪宸璇嶅吀(鍦熸湪宸簨灏傞杸鐢獮)杩斿洖 A Type Wooden Ladder A 瀛楁湪姊?A-frame A 鍨嬮鏋?A-truss A 鍨嬫瀯鏋?Aandon 搴熷純 Abandoned well 搴熶簳 Aberration of needle 纾侀拡鍋忓樊 Abnormal pressure 寮傚父鍘嬪姏 abnormally high pressure 寮傚父楂樺帇 Abort 涓 abrasion 纾崯 Abrasion surface 娴殌闈?abrasive cu

2、t-off machine 纾垏鏈?Abrasive Cutting Wheel 鎷 abrasive grinding machine 鐮旂(鏈?Abrasive Grinding Wheel 纾 abrasive particle 纾枡棰楃矑 Absolute address 缁濆鍦板潃 Absolute altitude 缁濆楂樺害 Absolute damping 缁濆闃诲凹 Absolute deviation 缁濆鍋忓樊 Absolute flying height 缁濆鑸珮 Absolute gravity 缁濆閲嶅姏 absolute permeability 缁濆娓楅忕巼 a

3、bsolute porosity 缁濆瀛旈殭鐜?absolute temperature 缁濆娓害 absorbability 鍚告敹鎬 紱鍚搁檮鎬?absorption 鍚告敹 abutment 妗 abutting end 閭绘帴绔?acceleration 鍔犻?acceleration lane 鍔犻熻溅閬?Acceleration of gravity 閲嶅姏鍔犻熷害 acceleration pedal 鍔犻熷櫒韪忔澘 accelerator 鍌嚌鍓傦紱鍔犻熷櫒锛涘偓鍖栧墏 acceptance criteria 鎺彈鍑嗗垯 access 閫氳矾锛涢氶亾 access door 妫

4、淇棬锛涢氶亾闂?access lane 杩涘嚭璺緞 access panel 妫淇棬 access point 鍏彛澶勶紱鍑哄叆閫氶亾澶?access ramp 鍏彛鍧亾锛涙枩閫氶亾 access road 閫氳矾锛涢氶亾 access shaft 绔栦簳閫氶亾 access spiral loop 铻烘棆寮忓洖鏃嬮氶亾 access staircase 閫氶亾妤兼 access step 鍑哄叆鍙笍姝?access tunnel 闅 亾閫氶亾 accessible roof 鍙埌杈剧殑灞嬮 accessory 闄勪欢锛涢厤浠?accident 浜嬫晠锛涙剰澶?accidental colla

5、pse 鎰忓鍧嶅 accommodate 瑁呰锛涘绾?accredited private laboratory 璁彲鐨勭浜哄疄楠屽 accumulator 鍌帇鍣紱钃勭數姹?accuracy limit 绮惧害闄愬埗 acetylene cylinder 涔欑倲鍦嗙瓛 Acetylene Hose 鐓枆 Acetylene Regulator 鐓 acid plant 閰告礂璁惧锛涢吀娲楁満 acid pump 閰告恫娉?acid tank 閰告恫缂?acidic rock 閰告 博 acoustic couplant 澹拌悎鍓?acoustic coupler 澹伴煶钘曞悎鍣紱闊虫晥钘曞悎

6、鍣?acoustic lining 闅旈煶鏉?acoustic screen 闅斿灞?Acoustic wave 澹版尝 acrylic paint 涓欑儻婕嗘枡(鍘嬪厠鍔涚殑娌规紗) acrylic sheet 涓欑儻鑳剁墖(鍘嬪厠鍔涚殑鑳剁墖) active corrosion 娲绘 厫铓 active earth pressure 涓诲姩鍦熷帇鍔?active fault 娲绘柇灞?active oxidation 娲绘 哀鍖?actual plot ratio 瀹為檯鍦扮 姣旂巼 actuator 淇冨姩鍣紱鍞 瓛锛涙縺鍙戝櫒 adapt 鏀硅 adaptor 閫傞厤鍣紱鎵挎帴鍣紱杞帴

7、鍣紱 addition 澧炶锛涘姞寤?additional building works 澧炶寤虹瓚宸 additional horizontal force 棰濆妯悜鍔?additional plan 澧炶鍥惧垯(闄勫姞鐨勫钩闈浘) additional vent 鍔犺閫氶鍙?additive 娣诲姞鍓?Address 鍦板潃 adhesive 榛忕粨鍓傦紱鑳堕粡鍓?adhesive force 闄勭潃鍔?Adhesive Glue 涓囪兘鑳?Adhesive Reflective Warning Tape 鍙嶅厜璀憡璐寸焊 adit 鍏彛锛涢氳矾锛涘潙閬撳彛 adjacent constr

8、uction 鐩搁偦寤洪犵墿 adjacent level 鐩搁偦姘村钩 adjacent site 鐩搁偦鍩哄湴 adjacent street 鐩搁偦琛楅亾 adjoining area 姣楅偦鍦板尯 adjoining building 姣楅偦寤虹瓚鐗?adjoining land 姣楅偦鍦熷湴 adjoining structure 姣楅偦鏋勭瓚鐗?adjustable 鍙皟鏍?Adjustable Wrench Spanner 鏄斿 adjuster 璋冭妭鍣?adjustment 璋冩牎锛涜皟鏁?Administrative Lawsuit 琛屾斂璇夎 Administrative Remedy 琛屾斂鏁戞祹 admixture 鎺哄悎鍓傦紱澶栧姞鍓?advance directional sign 鍓嶇疆鎸囪矾鏍囧織锛涙柟鍚戦鍛婃爣蹇?advance earthw


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