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1、1qq 聊天开场白qq 聊天开场白1、很高兴认识你2、你好!3、真巧,又碰见你了。4、你有权选择要不要和我聊?虽然我知道这可能是你爱情生涯的转折点。5、幸会幸会!6、大哥身体可好!7、唉,长夜漫漫,无心睡眠,而此时夜空中恰恰是星光闪烁,月色撩人,朋友,在这美丽的夜晚,你就不想找一个网友倾述心声吗?8、小朋友,你好!9、感冒好点了吗?要多注意身体,多喝水,早日康复!10、这么久也不来个电话,你难道忘记我们这些哥们了?你这个重色轻友的家伙!11、大家好!12、上网新手,请多多关照。13、近来可好!214、网友你好!15、小生这厢有礼了。16、你是风儿我是沙,你是哈蜜我是瓜,你是牙膏我是刷,不和我聊


3、,你可能不信,但是我还是要事先声明,和我聊天的唯一的缺点就是使你不得不放弃其它聊友!?35、晚上好!36、小妹妹你好!37、各位老大小网虫你们好!38、天气凉了,注意加衣服,不要感冒!39、下午好!40、小弟来也!41、早上好!42、新年快乐!43、万事如意!presentation 开场白(一)Morning everyone! Today well have a talk about dream and success in America.Everybody has his or her own dream and standard of being a successful man,

4、but they are not actually the same because of different background and life experience and sex.There we have made an investigation about the topic. Lets have a look at the video.(Video)4OK! It looks as though different people have different opinion about being a successful man, and maybe they are al

5、ways dreaming of achieving success at an early age.The American Dream is a book about American dream written by a famous journalist Dan Rather, published in 2002. He provided many stories of ordinary men and women accomplishing the extraordinary.You know America is an integrated country with a histo

6、ry only more than 200 years. After the continent was discovered by Europe, people all over the world came here to search for their own dream. American culture lay emphasize on individuals value: self first, personal need first. So pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving in

7、dividual value by self-strive and self-design was highly respected. That is to say they usually have an ambition or desire to gain something they need. If they gain this, they would consider him as a successful man. Maybe thats just what we call American dream。The phrase American dream generally ref

8、ers to hopes one has for his own well-being(福利) in America. It usually means struggling to achieve their own desires and ambitions, materially or mentally or both. It is not necessarily a selfish 5notion(概念) 。 Everyone has right to pursuit his or her dream. For some, the American dream is simply to

9、own a home or own much money. Some wish to learn to read or run their own business. There are also those who want to get achievements in the career he or she is interested in, such as becoming a pop star or a successful sports man, just as Michel Jackson or Michel Jordan.Having a dream is no doubt g

10、ood to a person. In America, to make ones dream come true is to do efforts of their own. A dream motivates people to do efforts and exploit all his potential, and make the most of what they possess. So a dream is always a guiding star of ones way to success, if only you do your effort in a right and

11、 legal way.OK! Lets see the story about John. Maybe it can indicate something. Welcome three of my friends to give the story!presentation 开场白(二)1. Right, lets get started.2. Let me introduce myself.3. Ive divided my presentation into three main parts.64. Just to give you a brief overview.5. Ill be s

12、aying more about this in a minute.6. Im sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.7. Theres an important point to be made here.8. OK, lets move on. (go on to make your next point)9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.11. Are there

13、any questions youd like to ask at this point?12. Id like to look at this in more detail.13. Lets put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)16. So, to sum up?17. That brings me to the end of m

14、y talk.18. Thank you. Im sure you all have lots of questions.7第一场:开场(背景音乐:生日快乐 )男:各位来宾、各位亲爱的朋友:晚上好!烛光辉映着我们的笑脸,歌声荡漾着我们的心潮。捧着浓香的蛋糕,映着闪烁的烛光,高朋满座的皇朝 YY,又一次洋溢着欢乐祥和的气氛。踏着银白的月光,伴着优美的旋律,我们迎来了 SG 皇朝优秀队员代言小朋友的生日,在这里我谨代表 SG 皇朝的所有成员以及在线的各位好友祝代言小朋友生日快乐!,幸福永远!女:今晚的云停住了脚步,今晚的星撩开了面纱,他们在聆听,他们在窥视。聆听着皇朝内外声声的真诚祝福,窥视着皇朝

15、里灿烂的笑容。皇朝的朋友用网络传递着最真挚的情谊,用歌声表达最衷心的祝福,祝愿我们最信赖最真诚的代言小朋友万事如意,一生平安!男:生命的鲜花越开越艳丽,青春的大树越长越葱茏,代言小朋友,在你生日的这一天,请接受皇朝 YY 内所有佳宾对你的深深祝福。祝愿你在今后的日子里,更年轻、更帅气。愿你拥有溢彩的岁月,璀璨的未来,绿色的畅想,金色的梦幻!这里插麦序接受祝福吧。女:人生如诗,生命如歌,依梦女士,在你人生休闲的时候,请接受成人世界所有兄弟姐妹对你的真诚祝福,祝愿你在今后的人生中,永远拥有明媚的蓝天丰收的大地,多彩的生活,美丽的花季!8男:来吧!朋友,网络为我们架起友谊了的桥梁,激情在五彩的荧屏奔

16、放。愿微笑天天与你相伴,愿歌声带着我们一起飞翔,让我们乘着歌声的翅膀放飞希望、放飞晶莹的心情,共度这温馨浪漫的夜晚,女:来吧,朋友们!让我们开启欢快流畅的美丽音乐,让我们一起来深情注视着远方的依梦,为她祝福,为她祈祷,祝愿依梦女士生日快乐,是我们成人世界共同的情感,是在坐所有朋友的共同心愿。愿依梦女士永远年轻漂亮,永远开心快乐,永远阳光灿烂,永远是我们的好朋友!以我的心,依你的梦,依梦女士,请接受朋友们的祝福吧!首先,有请成人世界室主风信子致祝辞。第二场:祝福(背景音乐:茉莉花 )男:感谢室主的真诚祝福。网络是一根无形的纽带,把我们紧紧地连在一起,通过网络,我们架起了友谊的桥梁,通过网络,我们结下了深厚的情谊,通过网络,我们结识新朋友,不忘老朋友,下面,让我们一起来聆听依梦的好朋友快乐诗雨的心声。女:平实、真切的话语,温馨、真挚的祝福,谁不为之动容?谢谢诗雨姐的真情流露。此时此刻,我们的寿星,一定心情激动、更是感慨万分,那么,让我们一起来分享她的快乐和甜蜜吧。男:依梦,富有诗意的名字,她具有湘女的多情和温柔,也颇有辣妹子的风采,她一直呆在成人世界 ,为这个房间的


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