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1、公共英语五级作文精华公共英语五级作文精华.In conclusion, it is necessary to use computers and do something about their disadvantages. I do believe that, as time passes, the technology of computers can reach a point to overcome their deficiencies and solve those problems mentioned so far.whether students should be encour

2、aged to study abroad as early as possible默认分类 2010-10-11 14:21:38 阅读 7 评论 0 字号:大中小 订阅 Nowsdays,study abroad become more and more popular . It is a controversial question , which has aroused heated discussion among people . Some people claim that it is beneficial for their children , while others do

3、not agree with it . In my opinion , study abroad is a perfect choice.Many parents consider sending their children to further their education in a foreign country . They assume that being away from home at early age , children can develop independence , self-confidence and social skills . They can le

4、arn different things what their children in abroad , they can learn from the culture and abroaden their horizon .When they live in abroad , they will make friends with the children who is local . Making friends also help their children improve their commuication skills and oral English .Some other a

5、ssume that study abroad is not advisable . First , their children never been away from home , the children may miss family and could not look after themselves well . Second , due to different country has different culture , children may meet the culture conflict and culture shock . Third , their chi

6、ldren will meet different lifestyle . If children do not have a good self-control , they might waste their time to do something unuseful instead of studying hard .In fact , I prefer to side with the former opinion . It is benefit for children to study abroad . Even though they study abroad maybe com

7、e across many difficult , while it can make the children who study abroad become more and more stronger-Do you prefer staying in a place all your life?pet-5 2010-10-16 11:32:23 阅读 7 评论 0 字号:大中小 订阅 There is a widespread concern over whether it is a bad thing that people live in a place all their life

8、.But it is well known that one manmeat is otner mans poison.A majority of people think that living in a place for a long time is a better choice.In their views there are two reasons contributing to this attitude as fellows:in the first place,people who stay in one spot can develop a life-time friend

9、ship,and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes.In the second place,when people move to different places,they usually are under pressure from strangeness.A person may feel lost and tense in a place where streets,stores and schools are all different.As a saying goes:Fear a

10、lways springs from ignorance.People,however,differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that people shouldnt live in one place through their lives.In their point of view,on the one hand,people who spend a lifetime in one location can be locked into a limited way of life.A real

11、problem is that life lacks passion.On the other hand,those who move frequently have a variaty of outlooks.There is a chance to appreciate different ways of life.As far as i am concerned,i finally agree the view that people shouldnt stay in a place all their lives.its ont only because people can broa

12、den their visions in a different place,but also because fear can disappear with time.There is on doubt that nothing bave nothing has.-别人的 PETS 5 考试经验 pet-5 2010-09-14 19:46:06 阅读 6 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 首先,一定要买一本 PETS5 考试大纲,这也是唯一的参考依据。考试一共五个部分,听力、笔试、口语全部合格才算通过,听北语考官说口语通过 40左右,总的通过率是约 20。第一部分听力是关键。据说绝大部分人是因为

13、听力达不到 30 分中的 18 分而被刷掉的。自己考试前一个月每天坚持听听一个小时 VOA节目,觉得比较有用。听力第三部分填句子一定要保证做对至少 4个,即得 4 分,否则肯定过不了。后来很多人说听力是最难的,我觉得可能比 TOEFL 难的原因是因为中国人设计的答案不像 ETS 那样坦率,喜欢绕圈。第二部分填词,15 分大概能对一半,就能保证,跟着感觉走即可,因为阅读才是大头。第三部分阅读需要说的就是第二和第三环节。第二环节考逻辑推断排顺序,由于分值大自己留了十五分钟。一般是先找一两个关键词能连起来的先填上一两个就好做多了。可是今年变态有的关键词每个段子里面都有, ,而且干扰项做的挺有区分度的

14、,自己不得不全部都读了一遍。第三环节因为是快速阅读,和以前考试很不一样,需要很快扫描抓关键词的能力。但问题是有时候喜欢换个说法(这个环节推理的不多),没有关键词就很麻烦。我的策略是十分钟先用三分钟找出四篇文章中关键词确保能有三四个送分肯定对的,再凭感觉去找一两篇认真读一下再有两个对的,其它的用排除法碰上一两个,就应该能保证总分了。 第四部分是作文,250 词左右。不要写太多,大约写到背面第七行即可。据说作文老师改卷子时候放得比较松,思路比较反潮流比较容易得好分数。当然为了确保通过,没病没灾的文章板一点也成。自己是反着写的,估计给了 20 分。第五部分是口语。这时候想强调一点,就是伙伴很重要。提

15、醒说要是辩论和陈述时候,伙伴要大胆多说话,否则只是一个人狂说那么两人分数就都会很差。题目是什么北京堵车,人际关系,社会问题之类的,去 chinadaily 看看,都有。一定要能扯,狂说。据说我考间隔壁有个北师大的老师从三个代表谈到和谐社会八荣八耻。还有很重要一点是,给你读题目的老师其实只给你 30分数,旁边那个不说话的老师给 70分数,所以陈诉的时候最好和两个考官有交流,不要低头闷讲。一般还有两本书: 全国英语等级考试系列用书考核内容详析与辅助练习全国公共英语等级考试第五级强化训练:听力-in recent decade , we usually get news that more and more chinese students go abroad for study. and now in this society ,job hunters are facing competition from these broad-study students. the youngers are told to be best among the contemporaries. so many more parents plan to s


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