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1、高三英语专题训练-写作 6第一节 基础写作(共,小题,满分 15 分)假如你在春节期间到北京大学参加了一个为期十天的冬令营活动。以下是你参加本次活动期间所写的部分日记摘要。Day 1 在会议室听关于奥运历史的讲座,有点闷但很有用。Day 2 出外参观新优育场,它比我们学校大十倍,今天了开心。Day 3 在会议上英语课,有趣且有用,-如果有更多的户外活动就好了,因为-写作内容你拟向一英文杂志“我与奥运”栏目投稿,请根据日记内容写一篇短文介绍本次活动的内容及你的感受。你的稿件需包括以下五方面的内容:1.本次活动的概况(名称、时间、地点) ; 2.介绍校内活动的内容;3.介绍校外活动的内容; 4.概

2、述你对本次活动的总体感受;5.你对本次活动的建议并阐述原因。写作要求1.只能使用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。_第二节读写任务(共!小题,满分 25 分)阅读下面的公告,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。AnnouncementThe school board wishes to announce our plans to redevelop the Southern China International School. In order to build a new computer centre, expand the sporting fie

3、lds and create enough classrooms for 500 additional students it has been decided that the school library building must be torn down.This decision has not been an easy one as the library is the oldest and most beautiful building in the school. For many people the library building is a symbol of the l

4、ong and proud history of our school, the place where students were first taught and where all the important school records are stored. It is also one of the few remaining examples of Qing Dynasty building design in the city.However in order to modernize the school to the standard required by the gov

5、ernment and to satisfy the educational demands of parents, students and teachers, we believe there is no other choice. The destruction of the library will not only free up more space needed for the new buildings but it will also allow us to save much money that we currently must spend to repair the

6、library building.We trust our decision will have the full support of the school community.写作内容假设上文是你所在的国际学校最近发布的公告。请根据公告的内容向你校英文校刊投稿,稿件要求如下:1) 以约 30 个词概括公告的主要内容;2) 以约 120 个词表达你对这件事情的看法,并包括以下要点:你对学校这一决定的看法;解释你的理由并提出你的建议。写作要求1.可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;_IV 写作基础写作During the spring festival, I attended a ten-day winter camp in Beijing University. Wetook


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