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1、高三英语专题训练写作 19第一节 基础写作(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)校合唱团在四位老师的带领下参加了“第五届勃拉姆斯国际合唱节”。具体情况如下。比赛时间 2007 年 7 月 18 日至 23 日。比赛地点 德国风景迷人的小镇 Wernigerode。参赛队伍 18 个国家的 46 支不同类别的合唱团。比赛结果 校合唱团共参加了两个组别的比赛,且都获得了第一名。而且在所有组别第一名参加的总决赛上,也获得了第一名。其它 比赛结束后,被邀请到周边的小镇进行了演出。参考词汇:校合唱团 school choir 第五届勃拉姆斯国际合唱节 the 5th International Johanne

2、s-Brahms Choir Festival & Competition 组别 category 写作内容假如你是校合唱团的一名成员,请给某报社写一篇英文报道,讲述此次比赛的情况。写作要求1 只能使用 5 个句子表达全部的内容;2 文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校。_第二节 任务性写作(满分 25 分)阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Different people hold different views on success. Some think that one is successful if he makes a great deal of money.

3、Some argue that success means holding an important government post. Still others believe that whoever has got high academic title is successful. A case of success is Marie Curie who was born in Warsar, Poland on November 7, 1867. She was only 8 when her eldest sister caught typhus(伤寒) and died. That

4、 death was followed 3 years later by the death of her mother. The surviving family members struggled against a difficult life. However, her personal losses didnt block her academic success. After graduating at the age of 15, Marie hoped to get advanced education and attended Sorbonne, where she real

5、ized that neither her math or science background nor her technical ability equaled that of her fellow students. Refusing to let go of her goals, she was determined to overcome these drawbacks through hard work. Yet, little money stood in the way of her degree pursuing. Fortunately, senior scientists

6、 recognized her ability and helped her out by awarding a scholarship. Marie finished first in her masters degree in physics and second in math the following year. 写作内容1 以约 30 词概括短文的要点;2 然后以约 120 词设想自己多年后的成功,并包括如下要点:(1) 描述自己的成功;(2) 总结并举例说明自己成功的原因;(3) 自己成功后打算如何回馈家人和社会。写作要求1可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2文中

7、不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3标题自定。_第一节 基础写作(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)Our school choir, led by four teachers, participated in the 5th International Johannes-Brahms Choir Festival & Competition held in a beautiful small German town Wernigerode from July 18 to 23, 2007. Altogether 46 choirs with different styles and age group

8、s from 18 countries took part. Our school choir won the first prize for both categories we competed in. Whats more, we took the first place in the competition held for all the category winners. After the competition was over, we were invited to give performances in the neighboring towns.(89 字)第二节 任务性写作(满分 25 分)My success in the futureThis pass


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