2013版 垃圾管理计划 - eng

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1、垃圾管理计划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN1+ 船舶资料船舶资料 SHIP PARTICULAR船名(Name of ship): GAO CHENG 2船舶登记号(IMO Number): 9571210船舶呼号(Call Sign): VRGE8船籍港(Port of Registry): HONGKONG船旗国(Flag State) : HONGKONG船舶所有人(Ships Owner): HAI KUO SHIPPING 1117 LIMITED船舶经营人(Manager) : JIARUN INTERNATIONAL (HONGKONG) LIMITED本计划经

2、主管机关审核符合国际海事组织制定的73/78 防污公约附则 V第 10 条和垃圾管理计划编制指南的各项要求。This plan has been approved by the Competent Authorities and is written in accordance with the requirements of regulation 10 of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol

3、of 1978 relating there to (MARPOL73/78) and the requirements as stated in the Guidelines for the Development of Garbage Management Plan by the International Maritime Organization.垃圾管理计划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN2修订计划修订计划 RECORD OF CHANGES REVISION NUMBER 版本号DATE OF CHANGE 修改号DATE ENTERED 实施日期REMARKS修改

4、说明垃圾管理计划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN3前前 言言 Introduction 1:本计划是依据经 1978 年议定书修订的 1973 年国际防止船舶造成污染公约 (以下称 73/78 防污公约)附则 V 的 2011 年修正案规定的要求和我国有关规定编写的。 ) This plan is developed in accordance with the requirements of regulation 9 of Annex v, as amended in 2011 of the protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973 Inte

5、rnational Convention for pollution from ships (hereinafter called MARPOL.73/78) and the state regulatory requirements.2:本“计划”包括了国际海事组织制定的垃圾管理计划编制指南所要求的全部资料和操作 程序。 This plan contains all information and procedures stated in Guidelines for the development of the garbage management plan adopted the Int

6、ernational Maritime Organization3:本“计划”是为本船船员在船上使用,以船员使用的工作语言中文为准。 This plan is provided for shipboard crew members to use and is based on the working language Chinese which the crew use.4:本船全体船员应严格按本“计划”有效地管理垃圾,防止水域污染。 All crew members onboard must handle and dispose garbage in strict compliance wi

7、th this plan to prevent garbage pollution at sea垃圾管理计划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN4TABLE OF CONTENT船舶资料 Ship particular.1修订计划 Records of changes.2前言 Instruction.3目录 Table of content.4第一章管理要求 Section 1 Regulatory requirements5第二章实施人员职责 Section 2 Responsibilities.6第三章定义 Section 3 Definitions.9第四章减少废弃物的措施

8、Section 4 Minimizing the amount of garbage.12第五章发生事故时的响应措施 Section 5 Response.13第六章船上垃圾的管理 Section 6 Ship waste management.14 第七章培训与教育 Section 7 Training.29附件 1 海上垃圾排放. Appendix 1 Marine waste discharge.30附录 2 船上垃圾处理和排放的选项. Appendix 2 Ship waste treatment and disposal options.32附录 3 垃圾记录簿样本 Appendix

9、 3 Sample of Garbage Record Book .33垃圾管理计划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN5第一章第一章 管理要求管理要求 SECTION 1 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS1 垃圾污染告示牌要适当语言编写并张贴。 The garbage pollution placards for disposal requirements shall be written in the proper language of the ship s personnel and English and the placards shall be cons

10、picuously posted to notify the crew of the ship disposal requirements.2 垃圾管理计划应被船员所了解和熟悉。 The Garbage Management Plan which the crew should be familiar with.3 垃圾记录薄应作为船上高级船员海上日志的一部分或其它记录。 The garbage Record Book shall be provided onboard the ship as a part of the ship official log- book or otherwise

11、, which shall be the form specified in the Appendix.3.1 每次排放操作,或完成焚烧的内容,日期均要记录在垃圾记录簿上并签字。每 页用完后,需要船长签字。 垃圾记录薄应该用船员工作语言(中文)和英语填 写。 Each discharge operation, or completed incinerator, shall be recorded in the Garbage Record Book and signed for on the date of the incineration or discharge by the office

12、r in charge. Each completed page of the Garbage Record Book shall be signed by the master of the ship. The entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be in both the working language of the ships personnel i.e. Chinese and English.3.2 每次焚烧或排放的填写内容包括日期、时间、船舶位置、垃圾说明和焚烧或排放的 估计量。 The entry for each inciner

13、ation or discharge shall be include date and time, position of the ship, description of the garbage and the estimated amount incinerated or discharge3.3 垃圾记录薄应作为文件存放在船上便于检查所需,并从最后一笔记录日期起保 存两年。 The Garbage Record Book shall be kept on board the ship and in such a place as to be available for inspecti

14、on in reasonable time. The document shall be preserved for a period of two years after the last entry is made on the record.3.4 发生排放、或灭失的情况下,参考73/78 防污公约附则 V第 7 条的规定,将详 情、造成的原因和丢失的情况记录在垃圾记录簿 。 In the event of discharge or losses referred to in regulation 7 of the Annex V an entry and recorded the de

15、tails, the reasons and the circumstance of loss in the Garbage Record Book.3.5 缔约国主管机关可以检查船上垃圾记录薄 ,但垃圾记录簿可以复印,但须由 船长证明副本与原件一致。 Contracting state competent authority can check the Ship Garbage Record Book , But the Garbage Record Book can be copied and the copy must be consistent with the original by master.垃圾管理计划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN63.6 渔具的意外落失或排放会对海洋环境或航行造成严重威胁,应向船舶的船旗国报告, 如果落失或排放发生在某一沿海国家管辖权范围内的水域,也应向该沿海国家报告The accidenta


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