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1、KKME-专业医学搜索引擎 http:/ 作者单位:永康市第一人民医院心内科,浙江 永康 【摘要】 目的 评价内脏脂肪厚度(VAT)和心外膜脂肪组织厚度(EAT)对代谢综合征(MS)的诊断预测价值。方法 对 210 例符合入选标准的健康体检对象进行腰围、空腹血生化测定并用超声测量 VAT、EAT。根据国际糖尿病联盟 MS 标准,分为 MS 组和非MS 组,用 SPSS1 2.0 软件进行比较分析。结果 男女 VAT 在 MS 组均高于非 MS 组(P0.01),而 EAT 在男性 MS 组高于非 MS 组(P0.05),女性则两组之间无显著差异;无论男女 VAT 和 EAT 均和腰围成正相关。

2、经年龄、性别、腰围调整后,VAT 和收缩压、舒张压、甘油三酯、载脂蛋白 B、空腹胰岛素、胰岛素抵抗指数成正相关,和胰岛素敏感指数成负相关;EAT 和空腹胰岛素、胰岛素抵抗指数成正相关,和胰岛素敏感指数成负相关。经超声测量的 VAT、EAT诊断 MS 的 ROC 曲线下面积分别为男性为 0.74、0.73,女性为0.79、0.63,诊断切点值分别为男性为 43.5mm、5.53mm,女性为23.8mm、7.95mm。两种方法 ROC 曲线下面积比较,无论男女均无KKME-专业医学搜索引擎 http:/ 由超声测量的 VAT、EAT 均可作为内脏型肥胖简便、可靠和实用的评价指标,和 MS 关系密切

3、,可作为 MS 患者无创的协同诊断方法之一。 【关键词】 超声检查;内脏脂肪厚度;心外膜脂肪组织厚度;代谢综合征;ROC 曲线To Evaluate the Diagnostic Predictive value of Visceral Adipose Thickness and Epicardial adipose Thickness in the Patients with Metabolism Syndrome. LAI Chang_chun, TONG Yao_feng, XU Yong_yuan, et al. Department of Cardiology, the First

4、Peoples Hospital of Yongkang, Zhejiang 321300,ChinaAbstract Objective To evaluate the diagnostic predictive value of two non_invasive detections, visceral adipose thickness (VAT) and epicardial adipose thickness (EAT) in the patients with metabolism syndrome (MS). Methods Two hundreds and ten study

5、subjects who were from health examination center were enrolled in this study. According to the new standard of MS issued by international diabetes federation, they were divided into two groups: MS group and control group. Each subject was measured the waist circumference and blood biochemical indexe

6、s and was estimated cardiac parameters、VAT and EAT by ultrasonagraphy. All data were compared by software of SPSS 12.0. Results VAT was significantly higher in MS group than that in control group (P0.01) both in men and in women. However, EAT in men was KKME-专业医学搜索引擎 http:/ higher in MS group than t

7、hat in control group (P0.05), but in women there was no significant difference between MS group and control group. VAT and EAT in men and women were both positive correlated with waist circumference. After adjusting for age, sex and waist circumference, VAT was positively correlated with blood press

8、ure,triglyceride, apolipoprotein B、fast insulin and insulin resistance index, and was negatively correlated with insulin sensitivity index; EAT was positively correlated with fast insulin and insulin resistance index and was negatively correlated with insulin sensitivity index. One non_invasive way

9、in the diagnosis for MS is VAT measured by ultrasonography, the area under ROC curve of VAT in the diagnosis of MS is 0.74 in men, 0.79 in women, appropriate cut_offs of VAT for men is 43.5mm,for women is 23.8mm. Another non_invasive way in the diagnosis of MS is EAT measured by ultrasonography, the

10、 area under ROC curve is 0.73 in men, 0.63 in women, appropriate cut_offs for men is 5.53mm, for women is 7.95mm. There was no significant difference for the area under ROC curve of VAT and EAT in men and women. Conclusions VAT and EAT measured by ultrasonography seem to be simple and practical for

11、the assessment of visceral obesity. They are both closely associated with MS and can be noninvasive ways in the collaborative diagnosis for MS.Key words Ultrasonography; Visceral adipose thickness; KKME-专业医学搜索引擎 http:/ adipose thickness; Metabolism syndrome; ROC curve随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活方式的改变,以肥胖、糖、脂肪代谢

12、紊乱和高血压集为一体的代谢综合征(MS)发病率急剧升高,由 MS 导致的心血管损害也明显增多。不同部位脂肪在参与机体的代谢作用有所差异,而内脏型肥胖在 MS 的各个组成部分的发展中起关键作用1 ,国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)颁布的 MS 标准强调内脏型肥胖为 MS 诊断的前提。CT 和核磁共振(MRI)是目前公认的内脏脂肪测量的方法,但 CT 和 MRI 扫描耗时耗费,CT 要暴露于射线之下,因此需要简单易行和实用的方法来评价内脏型肥胖。国外的研究1,2证实经超声测量的内脏脂肪厚度(VAT) 、心外膜脂肪组织厚度(EAT)和 CT、MRI 的测量有很好的相关性,可用于评价内脏型肥胖,但经超声测量的

13、 EAT 和 VAT 和 MS 的关系尚需进一步证实。本研究通过超声检测 VAT、EAT,利用 ROC 曲线探讨其对 MS 的诊断预测价值。1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料:入选病例为我院健康体检人群,排除妊娠、内分泌疾病如柯兴氏综合征和甲状腺功能减退和体检前 3 个月体重减轻大于/等于 3 公斤者。共 210 例,年龄 2384(平均 46.311.6)岁。其中符合 MS 的 65 例,男 45 例,女 20 例,平均年龄(49.911.3)岁;非 MS 组 145 例,男 97 例,女 48 例,平均年龄(44.611.5)岁。MS 的诊断按 2005 年 4 月国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)颁布

14、的新的全球性 MS 标准3 。KKME-专业医学搜索引擎 http:/ 方法:(1)对入选病例进行腰围、血压测量,并抽取空腹静脉血,测定空腹血糖、血脂、尿酸及胰岛素浓度。计算稳态模式评估法的胰岛素抵抗指数=(空腹血糖浓度空腹胰岛素浓度)/22.5,胰岛素敏感指数=1/(空腹血糖浓度空腹胰岛素浓度)。(2)超声测量:采用 PHILIPS SONOS 5500 多功能彩超诊断仪进行检测。VAT 的测定:探头位于脐上 1cm,探头频率 3.5MHz,从腹直肌内缘至大动脉前壁的距离4 ;EAT 的测定:探头频率 24MHz,受检查者取左侧卧位,胸骨旁长轴和短轴的二维和 M 超,记录10 个心动周期,测

15、量右室游离壁脂肪组织的厚度,取其平均值。为排除性别、年龄和腰围对 VAT、EAT 与血压及各代谢指标间相关关系的影响,对年龄、性别和腰围进行调整,并分为调整前组和调整后组。1.3 统计学处理:数据统计用 SPSS 12.0 软件包,计量资料采用均数标准差(xs)表示,采用 t 检验,非正态分布自变量取自然对数正态化后进行分析,VAT、EAT 和腰围、血压和各代谢指标的两两相关采用 Pearsons 相关分析,排除性别、年龄和腰围的影响采用偏相关分析。利用 ROC 曲线了解 VAT、EAT 对 MS 的诊断价值并根据最大约登指数确定诊断切点值。2 结果2.1 两组 VAT、EAT 的比较:男女 MS 组的 VAT 均显著高于非 MS 组(P0.01) ,EAT 在男性 MS 组大于非 MS 组(P0.05) ,女性两组之间无明显差异,见表 1。采用 Pearsons 相关分析显示,男女 VAT 和 EAT 均和 WC 成正相关(男KKME-专业医学搜索引擎 http:/ r=0.60,0.53,P0.01) 。表 1 男女 MS 和非 MS



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