真理之口 bocca della verità

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1、真理之口真理之口 Bocca della verit真理之口位于罗马最好的中世纪教堂之一科斯梅丁圣母教堂(Chiesa di Santa Maria in Cosmedin),据说如果你撒谎的时候把右手伸进圆形头像的口中,那么这个石头雕塑就会立刻合上嘴咬掉你的手。It is said that if you lie to the right hand into the mouth of round head, so the stone sculpture will immediately closed mouth bite off your hands.关于真理之口的神奇故事,几百年来传说甚多


3、在景点前逗留一两分钟左右。而事实上,这块雕塑的出身,可能原是罗马一口井的盖子,或是罗马城大下水道的出身,可能原是罗马一口井的盖子,或是罗马城大下水道(Cloaca(Cloaca Maxima)Maxima)支渠的盖板。另一说法是,支渠的盖板。另一说法是,只要将手放入只要将手放入真理之口真理之口,心中默念爱人的名字七声,如果手没有被咬,就代表你对这一段爱情是真诚,心中默念爱人的名字七声,如果手没有被咬,就代表你对这一段爱情是真诚的。的。 The lips of the truth is the worlds most ancient one of the lie detector, rumour

4、s liar, if the hand into “the truth of the mouth“, hand will be bite. This of course does not really, now visitors to this, are competing to line up stretched out his hand and into the “mouth of truth in the“ took a photo. For tourists who come too much, if you were here often want to row a long tea

5、m, basically can stay in each scenic spots a two minutes before. And in fact, the sculpture background, may the original is a well the lid of the roma, or Rome big sewer (Cloaca Maxima) ZhiQus cover. Another argument is that as long as a hand in “the truth of the mouth“, recite in the heart lovers n

6、ame seven sound, if the hand is not bite, represents a love for this is sincere. 真理之口是从喷泉移来的希腊神特里同真理之口是从喷泉移来的希腊神特里同(Triton)(Triton)面谱,特里同形象是人身鱼尾,但不是美人鱼,面谱,特里同形象是人身鱼尾,但不是美人鱼,而是个粗鲁的男子,人身和面孔像父亲,鱼尾则像母亲,毕竟是爱情结晶。而是个粗鲁的男子,人身和面孔像父亲,鱼尾则像母亲,毕竟是爱情结晶。 特里同是海神波塞冬特里同是海神波塞冬 (Poseidon)(Poseidon) 的儿子,波塞冬婚前以粗鲁狂暴出名,后来见

7、到海上一条美人鱼安菲特里忒的儿子,波塞冬婚前以粗鲁狂暴出名,后来见到海上一条美人鱼安菲特里忒(Amphitrite)(Amphitrite),怦然心动,展开追求,一改严肃可怕面孔,堆出满脸笑容,结果恋爱成功。中世纪时,人们认为这副面怦然心动,展开追求,一改严肃可怕面孔,堆出满脸笑容,结果恋爱成功。中世纪时,人们认为这副面谱的大嘴代表神的判决,因此用来对付说谎者。谱的大嘴代表神的判决,因此用来对付说谎者。 谁敢证明自己完全可信?那就到真理之口看看吧!把你的手伸入真理之口的嘴中,重复你的话。谁敢证明自己完全可信?那就到真理之口看看吧!把你的手伸入真理之口的嘴中,重复你的话。心虚的话,你的手就会被砍


9、无辜的前,突然,一个青年跑上前来,热烈地吻她,面对愤怒的人群,他大声说他忍不住想给这位可怜无辜的女士献上最后一份高尚的礼物。女人把手放在石头的裂口中,大声宣告:女士献上最后一份高尚的礼物。女人把手放在石头的裂口中,大声宣告:“我发誓:除了我丈夫和刚才我发誓:除了我丈夫和刚才吻我的青年,从来没人碰过我!吻我的青年,从来没人碰过我!”,她的手完好无损地取了出来,她证明了自己的清白,并被宣告无罪。,她的手完好无损地取了出来,她证明了自己的清白,并被宣告无罪。让情人在大庭广众之下吻她,真是一个狡猾的罗马女人!让情人在大庭广众之下吻她,真是一个狡猾的罗马女人!Who can prove himself

10、fully credible? That is the truth of the mouths of see! Put your hand in the mouth of truth in the mouth, repeat your word. Guilty of words, your hand will be cut off; If you tell the truth, it will be the best proof of how credit! Legend of the middle ages when people use it to identify the mouth o

11、f truth liar, liar will be affected by the punishment of the sword. But there are also special cases, the legend of truth ever been a mouth by her husband accused of adultery noble women fooled. The crowds cleared away, this was the woman came to the shame of the huge stone before mask, suddenly, a

12、young man ran forward, ardently to kiss her, in the face of angry people, he loudly said he couldnt help but think to this poor innocent woman offered the last noble present. The woman put his hand on the break of the stone, loudly proclaimed: “I swear: in addition to my husband and my youth, kiss j

13、ust never touched me!“ , her hand intact to take out, she proved his innocence, and was acquitted. Let the lover in the public under kiss her, its a sly Roman woman! La Bocca della Verit (in English, “the Mouth of Truth“) is an image, carved from Pavonazzetto marble, of a man-like face, located in t

14、he portico of the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy. The sculpture is thought to be part of a 1st century ancient Roman fountain, or perhaps a manhole cover, portraying one of several possible pagan gods, probably Oceanus. Most Romans believe that the Bocca represents the ancient god

15、of the river Tiber.The most famous characteristic of the Mouth, however, is its role as a lie detector. Starting from the Middle Ages, it was believed that if one told a lie with ones hand in the mouth of the sculpture, it would be bitten off. The piece was placed in the portico of the Santa Maria i

16、n Cosmedin in the 17th century. This church is also home to the supposed relics of Saint Valentine.The Mouth of Truth is known to English-speaking audiences mostly from its appearance in the 1953 film Roman Holiday. The film also uses the Mouth of Truth as a storytelling device since both Hepburns and Pecks characters are not initially truthful with each other.This scene from Roman Holiday was parodied in the 2000 Japanese film Sleeping Bride by Hideo Nakat


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