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1、灾难事件写作,某地发生了某事故sth. happened / broke out/ occurred in +地点 on +时间,1.表示战争、火灾、水灾、旱灾、地震、意外事故(如交通事故、空难等)的发生.,1)A big fire broke out /happened/ occurred in,An air crashA war/ fluA traffic accident,练:03年4月中国广东及香港地区爆发“非典”。 The SARS broke out in Guangdong and Hong Kong of China in April,2003.,2)An earthquake

2、 hit / struck / shook the district. 这地区受到地震的袭击。,某地发生了某事故Sth. hit/struck/shook someplace,A big floodA droughtA 8.0 magnitude earthquake,练:2008年5月12日约下午2:28四川汶川发生了7.8级的大地震。A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit /struck Wenchuan, Sichuan around 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008.,2.表示事故起因:词汇: be caused by /be due to th

3、e cause of was1)这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。 The traffic accident was caused by careless driving. 2)起火的原因是由于疏忽。The cause of the fire was carelessness.3)这火灾是由于有人丢落燃着的香烟而引起的。The fire was due to the fact that someone dropped a lighted cigarette.,3.表示人员伤亡:词汇: be killed / be injured / be dead / lose ones life/ cause gre

4、at economic losses cause 13 deaths/ injured/missing,练2:1976年7月28日中国唐山发生了7.8级的大地震, 造成24.2万人死亡、超过80万人受伤、30,000人失踪及巨大经济损失. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976, causing 242,000 deaths, over 800,000 injured, 30,000 missing and great economic losses.,练1:成千上万的人在地震中丧生。Tens of tho

5、usands of people were killed/ lost their precious life owing to/ in the big earthquake.,4. 表示财产损失:房屋受损1) Many houses were damaged by the storm. became in ruins in the storm. fell down in.道路堵塞 通讯、供水、供电中断:,The main roads were blocked.,Telecommunication, water and electricity supply were cut off.,非谓语:

6、with + n. + adj./doing/done,练1:房屋倒塌,整个唐山市顷刻间夷为平地,道路受阻,全市通讯、供水、供电中断.,The whole city become in ruins with houses falling down, roads blocked and telecommunication, water and electricity supply cut off.,练2:估计这次雪灾超过5百亿元的损失,It is estimated that the snow storm has caused a loss of more than 50 billion yua

7、n.,估计造成损失 It is estimated that has caused a loss of / the damage of .,5. 救援行动词汇:send sb to hospital; call in the police; call an ambulance; donate/collect money to;call on sb to do sth,International societies offered their helping hands shortly after the earthquake, donating clothes, food and medici

8、ne.,2)地震后,国际社会纷纷伸出援助之手-包括捐衣服,食品和药物。,Fortunately, the injured people were sent to hospital without delay.,1)幸运的是,受伤的群众被立刻送去医院.,3)救援工作正在有序进行,与此同时,大家正在积极为灾区捐钱。,The rescue work is under way in good order, in the meanwhile, people are actively donating money to the disaster/ stricken areas.,自然灾害 五句话作文写得好

9、的同学:萧晓东13,张淑韵12,张伟麟12,周芷兰12,张慧瑜11,何绮伦10,陈美玉10,萧沛添10,袁浩鹏10,萧俊豪10进步较大的同学:周嘉宇,萧沛添,莫启江,莫韵瑶,吴铭波书写亟需改进的同学:林景朗,史永新,韩立康,萧俊豪,袁建朗,蔡泳威,雷楚烨,秦杰至,郭冠迪,黄志亮逗号和句号没写清:萧泳发,李应初,假如你是校报的学生记者,请你以下列内容写一篇关于甘肃舟曲泥石流(Landslide)的报道:发生时间:2010年8月7日夜22点左右发生地点:甘肃舟曲县(county)受灾情况:1.约1254人遇难,490余人失踪; 2.舟曲县内三分之二的地方被水淹没,一个300余户的村庄被泥石流掩埋;

10、 3.房屋倒塌,交通受阻,电力供应中断经济损失:估计超过四百亿元目前情况:灾区应急救援已经结束, 灾后重建(reconstruction)工作正在有序进行。,五句话作文,A severe landslide hit Zhouqu county in Gansu Province around 22:00 p.m. on August 7th, 2010, causing about 1,254 deaths and over 490 missing.,Two thirds of the county was flooded and a village with 300 homes was bu

11、ried.,Moreover, the disaster resulted in the destruction of hundreds of buildings, traffic problems and the shortage of electricity supply.,It is estimated that the landslide has caused a loss of more than 40 billion yuan.,At present, the rescue work has been over, and the reconstruction work after

12、the disaster is under way in good order.,A severe landslide hit Zhouqu county in Gansu Province around 22:00 p.m. on August 7th, 2010, causing about 1,254 deaths and over 490 missing. Two thirds of the county was flooded and a village with 300 homes was buried. Moreover, the disaster resulted in the destruction of hundreds of buildings, traffic problems and the shortage of electricity supply. It is estimated that the landslide has caused a loss of more than 40 billion yuan. At present, the rescue work has been over, and the reconstruction work after the disaster is under way in good order.,



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