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1、书面表达原创题系列 (一) 书面表达 2008 年中国四川发生了特大地震,其中死亡最多的是学生。幸存的学生或在身体或在 心理上也遭受了很大的创伤。鉴于此,你班学生在一次班会课上发起了一项倡议。关爱运 动从我们做起。让所有的学生给灾区学生写一封信,让他们知道你们不仅现在为他们捐款, 捐物,而且以后还会与他们经常交流思想和看法并保持联系。让他们知道虽然我们不能去 帮助他们建家园,但我们一直支持他们。请将此倡议整理成英文向二十一世纪报英文版投 稿,以引起国际上的同龄人的关注。 注意:1. 短文要有适当发挥,要有自己的看法; 2. 词数在 120 字左右; 3. 信的开头已给出,不计入总数。 Dear

2、 boys and girls, As we all know, a terrible earthquake broke out in Sichuan in China, where many students were killed and injured. The survivals are still suffering physically and psychologically. Here I strongly recommend that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Your Sincerely,Students Union One possible versi

3、on: Dear boys and girls, As we all know, a terrible earthquake broke out in Sichuan in China, where many students were killed and injured. The survivals are still suffering physically and psychologically. Here I strongly recommend that we do something to help our peers. The best way we can do is wri

4、te a letter to tell them well help them whenever and wherever. In the letter, we should tell them we are caring about them for ever. We not only donate money and necessary goods to them, but also keep in touch with them, so that we can communicate with them about ideas or problems. Moreover, we will

5、 tell them we can offer all kinds of information about life and study, which will help them to liver easier and happier. Though we cant go there to help them build their homes, we can make them know they are not alone. Your Sincerely,Students Union (Words 118)(二) 书面表达:目前,很多学生骑车上学,甚至还有些学生还将在外打工的父母用的电

6、动 车骑到学校来。请你就此现象写一篇短文,内容如下: 中学生骑车上学情况分析 现象问题学校合并,离家很远,不得不骑车。学生年龄尚小,不适合骑车。为了便捷,有些学生将父母用的电动车骑来。不熟悉车况以及不注意遵守交通规则。有些学生骑车是仅是因为盲从。上学和回家的路上,车速太快,易出车祸。个人看法 1 2 注意:1.不要逐字翻译,可以有适当发挥;2. 参考词汇:电动车:electric bicycle 盲从:follow blindly3. 词数 120 字左右4. 开头部分已给也,不计入总词数。 With more and more students riding bicycles to scho

7、ol, we are very worried about it._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ One possible version: With more and more students riding bicycles to school, we are very worried about it. There are several reasons for students riding bicycles. First, some students live far away from their school, so they have to go to scho

8、ol by bicycle. Second, to save energy, some students ride their parents electric bicycles to school. Last, some ride bicycles to school because they follow blindly their classmate, thinking it is cool. What worries us is that some of them are too young to ride bicycle. Besides, they dont know much about the function of the bicycles and obey the rules of transportation. When they ride fast, a road accident is easy to happen. In my opinion, the school should provide the dormitories to some students and the government should manage the transportation as well. (Words 118)



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