2018届高考英语一轮复习 语法专项 三、形容词和副词课件 外研版

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1、三、形容词和副词考点1 形容词词和副词词的词词形变变化1. 形容词词后缀缀(1)-able: v. +able: reliable, eatable, enjoyable, movable等。n. +able: valuable, reasonable, knowledgeable等。(2)-ible: terrible, horrible, invisible, possible等。(3)-al: international, mental, medical, natural, general等。(4)-ant或-ent: instant, distant, constant, import

2、ant, patient, different, absent等。(5)-ed或-ing: interested, interesting, pleased, pleasing等。(6)-en: wooden, golden, spoken, written, mistaken等。(7)-ern: eastern, southern, western, northern等。(8)-ful: n. +ful: colorful, beautiful, helpful, powerful等。v. +ful: forgetful, careful等。(9)-less: fearless, harml

3、ess, useless, helpless等。(10)-ly: friendly, lovely, daily, weekly等。(11)n. /v. +(i)ous: curious, dangerous, various, anxious等。(12)-some: handsome, troublesome, tiresome等。(13)n. +-y: funny, lucky, snowy, rainy, dusty等。2. 形容词词前缀缀(1)un-: unhappy, unfair, unimportant, uncomfortable, unnecessary等。(2)im-: i

4、mpossible, impolite, impatient等。(3)in-: inactive, inconvenient, incorrect等。(4)dis-: disabled, dishonest等。(5)ir-: irregular, irresponsible等。(6)il-: illegal等。3. 副词词后缀缀一般都是adj. +-ly构成, 如simplesimply等。【点津】注意以-e结结尾的形容词变词变 副词时词时 有的去掉e, 有的不去e, 直接加-ly。例如: definitedefinitely, truetruly。【典例剖析】用所给词给词 的适当形式填空(2

5、016全国卷)The title will be_(official)given to me at a ceremony in London. 解题题关键键: 此处处表示(大使)这这个头衔头衔 将在伦伦敦的一个仪仪式上正式授予给给我, 根据句子结结构可知, 应该应该 使用副词词作状语语修饰动词饰动词 given。答案判定: officially【高考题组题组 】用所给词给词 的适当形式填空/单单句改错错1. (2016全国卷)Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _(gradual) turned into ch

6、opsticks. 2. (2016四川高考)Chinese scientists _(recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby. graduallyrecently3. (2016浙江高考)A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, _(especial) if you are travelling at high speed. 4. (2015全国卷)Walls made of adobe take in the heat from

7、the sun on hot days and give out that heat _(slow) during cool nights. especiallyslowly5. (2015全国卷)As _(nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days. 6. (2014全国卷)The river was so polluted that it _(actual) caugh

8、t fire and burned. naturalactually7. (2014辽辽宁高考)Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and _(soft). softly8. (2014全国卷)Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers _(sudden) became friendly to one another. 9. (2016全国

9、卷)Instead, he hopes that his business will grow steady. (改错错)_suddenlysteady改为为steadily10. (2016全国卷)At one time, I ever felt my parents couldnt understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them. (改错错)_11. (2015全国卷)How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried. (改错错)_freely改为为freeterr

10、ible改为为terribly12. (2014辽辽宁高考)That is too much for us, considering how closely the houses are. (改错错)_closely改为为close考点2 形容词词和副词词的基本用法1. 在高考语语法填空和短文改错错中会涉及一些常见见的、与派生词变词变 化无关的基本形容词词和副词词的用法, 如before, ago, many, much, ever, never等。2. 有些副词词, 如fortunately, luckily, surprisingly, honestly, actually, person

11、ally等, 作评评注性状语语, 往往修饰饰整个句子, 而且它们们常位于句首, 且有逗号与后面句子分开。把握这样这样 的结结构和用法特点, 有助于快速填空。3. 连连接副词词的用法连连接副词词逻辑语逻辑语 意意 义义though表转转折虽虽然, 然而yet表转转折然而, 可是however表转转折, 其后常用逗号然而, 但是instead表转转折或相反相反, 代替otherwise表转转折否 则则besides表递进递进另外, 而且连连接副词词逻辑语逻辑语 意意 义义moreover表递进递进再说说, 而且still表递进递进仍然, 依然therefore表结结果因 此thus表结结果因 此a

12、nyway表让让步无论论如何【点津】注意however是常考词词, 而且尤其要注意, 所填空位于句首时时, 勿忘大写第一个字母! 短文改错错中可能会涉及对这对这 些副词逻辑语词逻辑语 意的考查查。*Many of us were raised with the saying “Waste not, want not. ”None of us, however, can completely avoid waste in our lives. 【典例剖析】单单句改错错(2015全国卷)Much rare animals are dying out. 解题题关键键: 可数名词词复数animals前

13、应该应该 用many修饰饰。注意: 首字母应该应该 大写。答案判定: 句中的MuchMany【高考题组题组 】单单句改错错1. (2014全国卷)Nearly five years before, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden. _before改为为ago2. (2014全国卷)There are so much tomatoes that we often share them with our neighbors. _3. (2015陕陕西高考)I thought the biscui

14、ts were really well. _much改为为manywell改为为good4. (2013全国卷)I remember my grandfather very much. _5. (2013全国卷)However, he was the gentlest man I have never known. _much改为为well/clearlynever改为为ever考点3 比较级较级 、最高级级的用法有关比较级较级 和最高级级的考查查主要有以下几点: 1. 等级级用法的固定句式(1)as+形容词词或副词词原级级+as. . . 像一样样(2)as+adj. +a(n)+n. 单单

15、数+as. . . 像一样样(3)not so/as+形容词词或副词词原级级+as. . . 不如那样样(4)too/how+adj. +a/an+单单数名词词的固定句型(5)as many+复数名词词+as. . . 或者as much+不可数名词词+as. . . 和一样样多(6)表示“两者中较较的一个”, 用“the+比较级较级 ”的结结构。注意: as much+a/an+n. 单单数+as. . . 既是又是*It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. 人们们通常认为认为 教学既是一门艺术门艺术 也是一门门科学。2. 修饰饰比较级较级 的副词词及副词词短语语a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many times, a lot, a great deal, any, still, even, no等。见见到这这些词时词时 , 首先考虑虑所填空是否要用比较级较级 或最高级级形式。注意: very, quite, fairly, too等通常修饰饰原级级。3. 否定词词十比较级较级 表示最高级级Your story is perf



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