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1、Volcanic Ash Could Threaten Europes Peak Tourist SeasonDream vacations may become a reality once again for European travelers. Scientists in Iceland report the volcanic eruptions that have disrupted air travel across Europe for more than a month appear to be calming down and the ash cloud that has t

2、hreatened the continents airspace is dissipating.The announcement is welcome news for would-be travelers and the airline industry, which lost an estimated $1.6 billion in last months six-day shutdown of air space.But scientists say the volcano is still rumbling deep within the earth and could erupt

3、again. Plus, scientists warn of a larger neighboring volcano that could also erupt at any time. Missing out on tourists during peak travel season is just what Frances Tuke, spokeswoman for the Association of British Travel Agents, would like to avoid. “We cannot control the eruptions of a volcano, b

4、ut what we can do is change and adapt our reaction to it, which is what the U.K. travel industry is endeavoring to do in order to make sure that flying is safe, but that there is minimum disruption,“ she said.AP Farms are dwarfed by a plume of ash rising from a volcano erupting under the Eyjafjallaj

5、okull glacier, as seen from Hvolsvollur, Iceland, 5 May 2010At the height of the volcanic eruptions last month, airlines grounded their planes for fear the ash could interfere with jet engines and make flying unsafe.Tuke says research since the initial flight ban is helping experts to minimize no-fl

6、y zones by identifying which air space is dangerous for travel, and which may be safely used. She says even renewed volcanic eruptions should affect far fewer travelers. The disruptions of April have cost the travel industry dearly, says economist Linda Yueh. She says fear could further slow Europes

7、 already sluggish economic recovery. “Especially with a busy summer and autumn, having this kind of uncertainty is likely to shave off a few-billion dollars or euros from the European economies at a time when really these countries could certainly use that additional revenue,“ she said. Though some

8、may still be wary about booking flights, the potential of new eruptions is not enough to keep Annette Mansford out of the skies. She and her family are jetting off for a long-awaited island getaway. Mansfords advice for other travelers?AP British Airways planes are seen behind fencing at Heathrow ai

9、rport in London, Friday, 21 May 2010 “Just go! Make the most of it,“ she said. “Make sure you have got travel insurance, though!“For travelers to and from Britain, there is an additional factor to worry about - British Airways cabin crews have begun a five-day strike, resulting in hundreds of cancel

10、ed flights at London Heathrow, Europes busiest airport. 欧洲旅行者的梦想休假可能再次成为现实。冰岛科学家报道称,影响了欧洲航空超过一个月 的火山喷发似乎已经开始平静,曾经威胁整个欧洲大陆航空的火山灰层也已开始消散。对于准备旅行的游客和航空行业来说,这是值得欢迎的消息。上月长达六天的航空领域关闭 期间,整个航空行业损失高达 16 亿美元。但是科学家表示,这座火山在地球深处仍然隆隆作响,可能会再次喷发。此外,科学家还警 告称,邻近的一座更大的火山随时都有喷发的危险。在旅游旺季失去观光者是 Frances Tuke 希望避免的情况。France

11、s Tuke 是英国旅行者协会 (ABTA, Association of British Travel Agency)女发言人。“我们不能控制火山的喷发,但是我们可以做的是改变应对措施。这正是英国旅游行业为了 确保飞行安全,同时确保将干扰降到最低而努力做的。 ”在上月火山喷发的高峰期,航空公司因担心火山灰进入飞机引擎导致飞行危险而停开航班。Tuke 表示,自初次航空禁令以来的研究鉴定了哪些领空是危险的,而哪些是可以安全使用 的,从而帮助专家将禁飞区域降到最低。她表示,即使火山再次喷发,受影响的旅客的数量 则能减少很多。经济学家 Linda Yueh 表示,四月份的航空中断对旅游业造成了惨痛的

12、损失。她表示,担忧 会使欧洲原本迟缓的经济复苏过程更加缓慢。“尤其是在繁忙的夏秋季节,拥有这种不确定性可能会导致欧洲经济减少数十亿美元或欧元 的收入。而在目前的形势下,欧洲各国政府亟需这笔额外收入来补贴财政。 ”尽管一些乘客在预定航班方面仍然非常谨慎,然而,火山再次喷发的可能性并不会阻挠 Annette Mansford 的旅行。她和家人正准备乘飞机进行期待已久的岛屿度假。那么, Mansford 对其他旅行者的建议是什么呢?“想去就去!充分利用自己的假期!不过确保自己购买了旅游保险。 ”对于飞往和离开英国的旅客来说,还有另外一个因素需要担心英国航空空乘人员开始发 起了为期五天的大罢工,导致欧

13、洲最繁忙的机场伦敦希思罗机场数百航班取消。 1.dissipate vt.vi.(使)消散,消失;驱散 例句:The crowd dissipated.人群散去了。The sun dissipated the mists.太阳驱散了雾。2.rumble vi.发出隆隆声, 发出辘辘声 例句:The big guns rumbled in the distance.远处炮火轰鸣。3.neighboring adj.邻近的 例句:Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighboring consonants.辅音往往被其邻近的辅音同化。His wif

14、e walked out on him,and was later seen in a neighboring city with another man.他的妻子抛弃了他,而后有人在附近的一个城市看到她和另一个男人在一起。4.adapt vt.vi.(使)适应, (使)适合 例句:She knew how to adapt herself.她懂得如何适应环境。5.endeavor vt.vi.尝试, 试图 例句:He endeavored after more fame and wealth.他力图获得更大的名声和更多的财富。They endeavored to make her happy

15、, but in vain.他们想方设法地使她高兴, 但那是徒劳的。6.minimum adj.最低的, 最小的 例句:What is the minimum price?最低价是多少?Todays minimum temperature is 10.今天的最低气温是 10。7.renewed adj.更新的, 重建的, 复兴的, 重申的例句:A cause or source of renewed physical or spiritual vigor.令体力或精神振奋的因素8.dearly adv.非常 例句:Every mother loves her children dearly.每

16、一个母亲都非常爱自己的孩子。(损失、损坏等)极大地 例句:He paid dearly for his mistake.他为他的错误付出了高昂的代价。9.wary adj.谨慎的; 小心翼翼的 例句:He is wary of strangers.他提防生人。1.Scientists in Iceland report the volcanic eruptions that have disrupted air travel across Europe for more than a month appear to be calming down and the ash cloud that has threatened the continents airspace is dissipating.calm down(使)平静,镇静,安静 例句:At last the wild wind calmed down.狂风终于过去了。Calm down, theres nothing to worry a



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