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1、THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat. Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Washington.总统:非常感谢。大家请就坐。各位晚上好,欢迎光临华盛顿。In my life, and as President, I have had the great pleasure of visiting many of your countries, and Ive always been grateful for the warmth and the hospita

2、lity that you and your fellow citizens have shown me. And tonight, I appreciate the opportunity to return the hospitality.在我这一生中以及担任总统期间,我有幸访问过你们所代表的许多国家,对于你们和你们 的同胞对我的热烈欢迎和款待,我感激至深。今晚,我很高兴能有机会回报你们的热情接 待。For many of you, I know this is the first time visiting our country. So let me say, on behalf of

3、 the American people, welcome to the United States of America. (Applause.)据我所知,你们中间有许多人是第一次访问我们的国家。因此,我谨在此代表美国人民说 一声:欢迎光临美利坚合众国。 (掌声)It is an extraordinary privilege to welcome you to this Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship. This has been a coordinated effort across my administration, and I wan

4、t to thank all the hardworking folks and leaders at all the departments and agencies who made it possible, and who are here tonight.能够在这次总统倡导的创业峰会上向各位表示欢迎,我深感荣幸。这次会议是本届美国政 府各部门共同努力的结果,我希望向所有那些为这次大会的成功而勤奋工作的人们以及各 部门的领导人表示感谢,他们今晚也在坐。That includes our United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Ron

5、Kirk. Wheres Ron? There he is. (Applause.) I especially want to thank the two departments and leaders who took the lead on this summit - Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Please give them a big round of applause. (Applause.) 他们中间有美国贸易代表罗恩柯克(Ron Kirk) 。罗恩在哪里?他在那

6、里。 (掌声)我特 别要感谢牵头组织这次峰会的两个部门及其领导人商务部长骆家辉(Gary Locke)和 国务卿希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton) 。请大家向他们热烈致谢。 (掌声)Were joined by members of Congress who work every day to help their constituents realize the American Dream, and whose life stories reflect the diversity and equal opportunity that we cherish as American

7、s: Nydia Velazquez, who is also, by the way, the chairwoman of our Small Business Committee in the House of Representatives. (Applause.) Keith Ellison is here. (Applause.) And Andre Carson is here. (Applause.)今晚在坐的还有我们的国会议员,他们每天都在努力帮助自己的选民实现美国梦,他们的个人经历也反映了我们作为美国人所珍视的多元化和平等机会:妮蒂亚维乐贵斯(Nydia M. Velazqu

8、ez) ,顺带提一下,她也是众议院小企业委员会主席。 (掌声)基思埃利森 (Keith Ellison)在这里。 (掌声)安德烈卡森(Andre Carson)也在这里。 (掌声) 。Most of all, I want to thank all of you for being part of this historic event. Youve traveled from across the United States and nearly 60 countries, from Latin America to Africa, Europe to Central Asia, from

9、the Middle East to Southeast Asia.最重要的是,我要感谢你们大家参加这个历史性的盛会。你们来自美国各地以及世界上近 60 个国家,从拉丁美洲到非洲、从欧洲到中亚、从中东到东南亚。And you bring with you the rich tapestry of the worlds great traditions and great cultures. You carry within you the beauty of different colors and creeds, races and religions. Youre visionaries

10、who pioneered new industries and young entrepreneurs looking to build a business or a community.你们带来了世界各地丰富多彩的伟大传统和伟大文化。从你们的身上可以看到不同的肤色 和信仰、不同的种族和宗教,这一切都是那样美好。你们中间有开创新行业的远见卓识之 士,也有积极创业或献身于社区建设的青年企业家。But weve come together today because of what we share - a belief that we are all bound together by ce

11、rtain common aspirations. To live with dignity. To get an education. To live healthy lives. Maybe to start a business, without having to pay a bribe to anybody. To speak freely and have a say in how we are governed. To live in peace and security and to give our children a better future.然而,我们今天在此聚会是为

12、了一个共同的信念相信共同的理想使我们息息相关。有 尊严地生活。受教育。保持身体健康。或许创立一家企业,而无须贿赂任何人。能够畅所 欲言,并且对政府运作的方式享有发言权。生活在和平与安全之中,并给我们的后代一个 更好的未来。But were also here because we know that over the years, despite all we have in common, the United States and Muslim communities around the world too often fell victim to mutual mistrust.但是,

13、我们今天在此聚会也是因为我们知道,尽管我们有如此之多的共同之处,多年来美 国和世界各地的穆斯林社区经常由于缺乏互信而遭遇不幸。And thats why I went to Cairo nearly one year ago and called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities - a new beginning based on mutual interest and mutual respect. I knew that this vision would not be fulfill

14、ed in a single year, or even several years. But I knew we had to begin and that all of us have responsibilities to fulfill.正是出于这种原因,近一年前我前往开罗,呼吁缔造美国和穆斯林关系的新开端一个 基于共同利益和相互尊重的新开端。我知道,这一愿景不可能在一年内实现,甚至不可能在数年内实现,但我也知道我们必须开始,我们每一个人都为实现这个愿景承担着责任。As President, Ive worked to ensure that America once again me

15、ets its responsibilities, especially when it comes to the security and political issues that have often been a source of tension. The United States is responsibly ending the war in Iraq, and we will partner with Iraqi people for their long-term prosperity and security. In Afghanistan, in Pakistan an

16、d beyond, were forging new partnerships to isolate violent extremists, but also to combat corruption and foster the development that improves lives and communities.作为总统,我努力确保美国再度履行其责任,特别是涉及安全和政治问题时,因为这些问 题常常造成关系的紧张。美国正在以负责任的方式结束伊拉克战争,我们将同伊拉克人民 携手努力,帮助他们赢得长期繁荣与安全。在阿富汗、巴基斯坦以及其他地区,我们正在 结成新的伙伴关系,孤立暴力极端主义分子,同时与腐败作斗争,推动发展,改善人们的 生活和社区。I say it again tonight: Despite the inevitable difficulties, so long as I am



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