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1、【新提醒新提醒】戴伟栋语言学笔记戴伟栋语言学笔记( (全全) ) - - 英语专业英语专业 考研论坛考研论坛銆愭柊鎻愰啋銆戞埓浼熸爧璇瀛瑪璁帮紙鍏級 - 鑻辫涓撲笟 鑰冪爺璁哄潧鍒嗕韩鍒颁竴閿垎浜玅 Q 绌洪棿鏂版氮寰崥鐧惧害鎼滆棌浜轰汉缃戣吘璁井鍗氱櫨搴浉鍐屽紑蹇冪綉鑵捐鏈嬪弸鐧惧害璐村惂璞嗙摚缃戞悳鐙愬井鍗氱櫨搴柊棣栭QQ濂藉弸鍜岃寰崥鏇村.鐧惧害鍒嗕韩鑰冪爺缃戠爺鎷涚綉鑰冪爺鍔犳补绔欒冪爺璁哄潧 BBS 鑰冪爺瀹跺洯鑰冪爺缇粍鑰冪爺缃戞牎鑰冪爺璧勬枡鍒嗙被淇伅涓撲笟纭曞鑰冪爺璋冨墏瀹樻柟寰崥鎻愰啋(1)娑堟伅鎴戠殑.鍙瘲鐕曞瓙 |閫鍑?| | | | 甯栧瓙濂藉弸閬撳叿鍕嬬珷鏀惰棌浠诲姟

2、璁剧疆鏃織璁板綍鎶曠鍒嗕韩鐩稿唽鎺掕璧勬枡浜槗鑰冪爺浜弸鑰冪爺绉熸埧鎷涜仒姹傝亴MBAMPAcc 娉曞緥纭曞缈昏瘧纭曞璋冨墏淇伅璋冨墏鏀荤暐璋冨墏鎰忓悜璋冨墏璁哄潧鏂版氮寰崥鑵捐寰崥浜轰汉涓婚QQ 绌洪棿鑰冪爺璁哄潧 鈥?鑰冪爺璁哄潧 鈥?涓撲笟璇?鈥?鑻辫涓撲笟鑰冪爺璁哄潧 鈥?鎴翠紵鏍嬭瑷瀛瑪璁帮紙鍏級 鎼滅储楂樼骇鎼滅储|-|2014 鏂颁笢鏂硅冪爺鏀胯嫳鍏鑱旀姤鐝?璇曞惉 985 銆?11 鍚嶆牎淇濆綍-鐩涗笘娓呭寳 2014 绮惧搧鑰冪爺鍥句功鐩樼偣娴峰姊兂鐗硅钀悕鏍笉鏄銆愬繀鐪嬨戝垎鏁扮嚎|澶嶈瘯|璋冨墏 300 璇炬椂鑰冪爺璇剧鍏嶈垂鐢宠鏂囩浜斾竴鍚嶅笀鐗硅鍏嶈垂鎶惉缁欒藩浜嗭紒

3、涓嶈繃杩樻湁澶悊鍚楋紒鍚嶅笀璇剧4 澶?澶滃厤璐瑰惉!涓瀵逛竴鎶奸淇濆垎鑲叉槑鏁欒偛澶绉佺楂樼鑰冪爺杈呭鏂规鎻愪緵浼樿川楂樻竻缃戣 杩呴熸彁鍒嗘柊涓滄柟鑰冪爺璇剧 鍏嶈垂璇曞惉鑰冪爺璇曢涓嬭浇 瀹屽叏鍏嶈垂锛侀珮鍒嗗繀閫夎绋?鎴愬氨鑰冪爺姊兂鏂颁笢鏂圭粡鍏歌绋嬩節鎶樿鍒?鍒壇娌敤鐨?楂樺垎鎵嶆槸鐜嬮亾楂樻竻瑙嗛璇剧 鑰冪爺蹇呭鑹搧鏂颁笢鏂归珮绔緟瀵间竴瀵逛竴 涔伴暱鍠滆冪爺鑻辫鍥句功璧犺绋?-123456789 涓嬩竴椤佃繑鍥炲垪琛?鍙戣甯栧瓙鍙戝竷鎮祻鍙戣捣娲诲姩鎴翠紵鏍嬭瑷瀛瑪璁帮紙鍏級 鏌湅: 10385 |鍥炲: 87 |鍊掑簭娴忚 |鎵撳嵃 |澶嶅埗閾炬帴 | 鍒嗕韩鍒帮細 鈥?涓婁

4、竴涓婚|涓嬩竴涓婚 鈥?nylon1007 nylon1007 褰撳墠绂荤嚎 鍦嚎鏃堕棿 33 灏忔椂鏈鍚庣櫥褰?008-8-18 闃呰鏉冮檺 10UID2067062 涓鑸垬鍙?涓鑸垬鍙? 绉垎 216, 璺濈涓嬩竴绾 繕闇 284 绉垎濞佹湜 155 K 甯?1 鍏冩敞鍐屾椂闂?007-4-10 绉垎 216绮惧崕 1 甯栧瓙 27 涓蹭釜闂姞濂藉弸鎵撴嫑鍛煎彂娑堟伅鐢垫鐩磋揪 妤间富 鍙戣浜?2007-4-12 12:44:47 |鍙湅璇綔鑰?|鍊掑簭娴忚 -Chapter 1 What is language?A The origins of languageSome speculat

5、ions of the origins of language:鈶?The divine sourceThe basic hypothesis: if infants were allowed to grow up without hearing any language, then they would spontaneously begin using the original god-given language.Actually, children living without access to human speech in their early years grow up wi

6、th no language at all.鈶?The natural-sound sourceThe bow-wow theory: the suggestion is that primitive words could have been imitations of the natural sounds which early men and women heard around them.The 鈥淵 o-heave-ho 鈥?theory: the sounds produced by humans when exerting physical effort, especially

7、when co-operating with other humans, may be the origins of speech sounds.Onomatopoeic sounds鈶?The oral-gesture sourceIt is claimed that originally a set of physical gestures was developed as a means of communication.The patterns of movement in articulation would be the same as gestural movement; hen

8、ce waving tongue would develop from waving hand.鈶?Glossogenetics 锛堣璇仐浼犲锛?This focuses mainly on the biological basis of the formation and development of human language.Physiological adaptation 脿 develop naming ability 脿 interactions and transactionsPhysical adaptation:Human teeth are upright and rou

9、ghly even in height.Human lips have intricate muscle interlacing, thus making them very flexible.The human mouth is small and contains a very flexible tongue.The human larynx is lowered, creating a longer cavity called the pharynx, and making it easier for the human to choke on the pieces of food, b

10、ut making the sound speech possible.The human brain is lateralized. Those analytic functions (tool-using and language) are largely confined to the left hemisphere of the brain for most humans.Two major functions of language:Interactional: a social function of language.Transactional: a function invol

11、ving the communication of knowledge and informationB The properties of languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.a) System: combined together according to rulesb) Arbitrary: no intrinsic connection between the word 鈥減 en 鈥?and the thing in the world which i

12、t refers toc) Vocal: the primary medium is sound for all languagesd) Human: language is human-specific 锛堜氦闄呮 笌淇伅鎬 級Communicative vs. Informative:Communicative: intentionally using language to communicate somethingInformative: through/via a number of signals that are not intentionally sentDesign feat

13、ures (unique properties): the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication鈶?Displacement 锛堣法鏃剁鎬 紝绉讳綅鎬 級Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker (refer to past and future time and to other locat

14、ions)鈶?Arbitrariness 锛堜换鎰忔 級There is no logical or natural connection between a linguistic form (either sound or word) and its meaning.While language is arbitrary by nature, it is not entirely arbitrary.a) echo of the sounds of objects or activities: onomatopoeic wordsb) some compound words鈶?Product

15、ivity 锛堣兘浜 紝鍒涢犳 級Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. (Creativity or open-endedness)鈶?Cultural transition 锛堟枃鍖栦紶閫掓 級While human capacity for language has a genetic basis (everyone was born with the ability to acquire a lang

16、uage), the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learnt.鈶?Discreteness 锛堝彲鍒嗙鎬 級Each sound in the language is treated as discrete.鈶?Duality 锛堝弻閲嶇粨鏋勬 紝涓噸鎬 垨浜屽厓鎬 級Language is organized at two levels or layers simultaneously. The lower or basic level is a structure of sou


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