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1、辩论赛: 正方辩词:网络是人们更亲近 在这个网络发展飞速的时代,网络带给我们的重要性是不可忽略的!网络可以实现资源共享和通信的目的,那么就是这种网络的通信手段,是我们人与人的关系更为亲近。以前人们是天涯海角各一方,而今人们可以有网千里来相会;从前即使是小国寡民,人们也是老死不相往来,而今人们却是千里姻缘一网牵。这些都无可辩驳地说明网络确实给人们带来了巨大的方便,它使世界变得没有了“国界。In this era of Web development fast, Internet offers, we must not overlook the importance of! Network can

2、 share resources and communications purposes, it is this network of communicationtools, is our human relationships are more intimate. Is the ends of the side before, but now one can NET thousands of miles to meet; even if it is a small country with few people, people are completely isolated from eac

3、h other all their lives. And now people are marriage network led by thousands of miles. This irrefutably indicates that the network has brought about great convenience to people, it makes the world without “borders. 下面我将从以下几点来阐明我方的观点: 第一:网络的出现,使人们便于沟通,实现资源共享。无论是文教还是科技,所有资讯,都可以在网上快速流 通。这个时候,我们不仅要问,当所

4、有的医学专家通过网络共享生机,为患病者而做出友善努力工作的时候, 对方辩友如何还能说是网络让人与人之间更疏远了呢? First: the advent of the Internet made it easier to communicate and share resources. Neither the culture nor the technology, all the information are available in the fast-moving online. This time, when all of the medical experts shared over t

5、he network to life, make friendly efforts while working for the sick, how my opponent can say is a network of people alienated from people anymore? 第二:从汶川大地震到日本大地震,全世界人民都通过网络发扬了互助友爱、团结和互表关怀的精神。在个人 联系方面,网络让人类减少了时空的限制,就像今天我们留学在外,但是却可以通过网络在弹指之间和家人、 朋友取得联系,联络感情!所以说网络使人亲近是毋庸置疑的! Second: from the Wenchuan

6、 earthquake, Japan earthquake, people all over the world through network to promote mutual friendship, solidarity and mutual caring spirit of the table. In terms of personal contacts, network for men to reduce the time and space limitations, just as today we are studying abroad, but they can get in

7、touch with family and friends in a Flash through the network, network! so said people close to the network is beyond doubt! 第三,网络的出现,打破世界隔阂、文化樊篱!通过网络我们就能感受五彩缤纷的异国风情!也就是因为网络 的存在,人与人之间的交流能力得到一个飞跃.这就是为什么现在地球被称作“地球村“的道理.网络拉近了人与 人之间的距离这个事实也是无法否认的。 Third, the advent of the Internet, breaking barriers and

8、cultural barriers in the world! Across the network, we can feel the colorful exotic! is because the presence of networks, exchange capacity is a big leap from person to person. that is why the Earth is called the “global village“ truth. Network have narrowed distances between people that fact is und

9、eniable. 反方:虚拟世界缺少责任意识,易放纵,不能面对面交往,难以知心,不容易产生真实中的友情。反方:虚拟世界缺少责任意识,易放纵,不能面对面交往,难以知心,不容易产生真实中的友情。正方辩论:对方认为网上交往是虚拟空间,然而美国圣地亚哥(圣迭戈)的教授却告诉我们, 新闻周刊也 同时告诉我们,网上联系提供了人们一个虚拟的社交,虚拟的社交摒弃生活,正是因为这样的情况,人们才能 够通过网络来联系才可以更加亲近哪Each other think that online dating is a virtual space, however the United States San Diego

10、(San Diego), Professor told us, Newsweek also told us that online contact to offer people a virtual social networking, virtual social rejection of life, precisely because such people to communicate over a network can be more intimate. 反方提问:对方辩友所指的拉近距离的人际关系是什么?难道聊天就是人际关系吗?网络使人际关系本身就充反方提问:对方辩友所指的拉近距离的

11、人际关系是什么?难道聊天就是人际关系吗?网络使人际关系本身就充 满了虚幻,这难道还不是使人的关系更疏远吗?满了虚幻,这难道还不是使人的关系更疏远吗? 正方提问:如果网络交流容易有虚假成分,那么面对面交流就没有虚假的成分存在吗? If network communication easier is false, then face-to-face communication is false elements exist? 正方提问:要在交流上更先进,一定是要面对面的交流才能做到的吗?网络上的残障儿父母俱乐部要伤心哀痛 的父母互相交换心得,彼此鼓励,请问这样的扶持是如何更疏远的呢?对于本次辩论,

12、对方辩友有没有上网查 阅,那么那些提供建议者是跟你更亲近还是更疏远了呢?网络的好处你感觉不到吗? Go on Exchange, more advanced, have to face to do it? Network of handicapped children on parents Club sad mourning parents to exchange ideas, encourage each other, how will it support more alienating it?For this debate, my opponent did online, it advi

13、ses those who are with you closer or more distant? network benefits, you dont feel it? 正方辩论:大家好!首先让我先针对对方辩友所犯下的几个错误加以纠正第一,对方辩友的第一个论证是说, 今天由于网络是人机交流,有了这个人机交流,人们必然忽略人面交流,因此使人更亲近我想告诉各位,这 个论点犯下两个基本错误一是用网络难道真的忽略了人面交流吗?今天我在家也上网,难道您就能凭此论断 说,从此我就隐居在室内,和电脑共在一起,我就不出来与人交往了吗? Hello everyone! Let me first be cor

14、rected for the number of errors committed by the Friends of the other debates. First, the first argument is the other debates that today because the network is man-machine communication, with this man-machine communication, people would ignore the human face exchanges, so people closer. I want to te

15、ll you that this argument committed two basic errors. First, by using the network really ignore the human face contact? Today, I have the Internet at home, you can do by virtue of the thesis that since I lived in the room, and a computer were together, with people I do not come out yet? 反方:反方:由于人们在网

16、络中的自我暴露倾向远远大于在现实生活中,而人们的猎奇心理却驱使着网民通过网络去由于人们在网络中的自我暴露倾向远远大于在现实生活中,而人们的猎奇心理却驱使着网民通过网络去 寻找其现实中的个体。比如当前闹的沸沸扬扬的寻找其现实中的个体。比如当前闹的沸沸扬扬的“人肉搜索人肉搜索” ,使得个人的隐私权受到极大的挑战。并且网络,使得个人的隐私权受到极大的挑战。并且网络 交往同样也存在现实社会所存在的人际交往的欺诈与欺骗等不道德行为。交往同样也存在现实社会所存在的人际交往的欺诈与欺骗等不道德行为。在网络上五尺壮汉也能够扮演成妙龄在网络上五尺壮汉也能够扮演成妙龄 少女,与其他网民共演爱情悲喜剧,一旦被识破,还可以改头换面少女,与其他网民共演爱情悲喜剧,一旦被识破,还可以改头换面“重新做人重新做人” ,这种虚假的交流怎么会使我,这种虚假的交流怎么会使我 们更亲近呢?只会使我们更疏远。们更亲近呢?只会使我们更疏远。 正方辩论:如果我们有很强的防范意识的话就不会上当受骗,在现实生活中如果我们不加强防范意识照


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