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1、PPT 1、标题 2、肯德基秒杀门 缘由经过反应 3、反思 总结事件回放:标题KFC refused to honor coupon,Chinese customers angry.活动介绍:On April 6, KFC launched a digital campaign called Super Tuesday (“超值星期二”秒杀活动)on Chinas top e-commerce site Taobao. The rule of the campaign, called a “one-second act (秒杀),” was set for 10:00 am, 2:00 pm

2、and 4:00 pm on the day and involved 100 e-coupons(电子优惠券) for each “act.”Unexpectedly, all the three types of e-coupons had been available to download from several online communities since late morning. They were soon spread out through various social media channels. One 50% off coupon for the 64RMB

3、KFC family bucket meal was very much welcomed by consumers. It was supposed to be released on 4:00 pm and only the first hundred people who managed to grab them were supposed to be able to use them, as KFC originally planned. However, the coupon itself didnt claim clearly on that. Instead, it was sa

4、id the e-coupon could be used after it is printed and copies of coupons are also valid.During the lunch time, consumers printed the coupon and brought it to local KFC restaurants. Most of them were rejected with the excuse that the coupon is supposed be release.活动公开信:On 1:30 pm, KFC suddenly posted

5、a statement on the campaign site, official brand site and official e-coupon site to shut down the campaignDear netizens:Following KFC releasing the first round of promotion, it received a warm response from many netizens, but fake electronic coupons for the last two rounds of the promotion have alre

6、ady appeared on specific websites. Because of this, KFC has temporarily decided to stop the second and third round of promotions. All coupons relating to the second and third round of promotions currently in the market are all fake coupons, and KFC restaurants will not accept any of them. Any inconv

7、enience this has brought to you, we ask for your understanding. With regards the follow-up promotion, we will post a notice on the KFC official website later.KFC China April 6, 2010转折句:Last week must be a terrible period of time for KFC China.The fiasco of its online promotion led the brand to a ver

8、y big crisis. Now lets look back to the issue and try to learn some lessons from it.The e-coupons were most likely leaked out early by internal leaks or mistake. Either way, KFC is so bad in controlling l campaign information. Leaked coupons are not “fake”, they just become “invalid” after KFC cance

9、led the promotion at last minute. As a brand, KFC surprisingly made consumers foot the bill of its mistake. This is such a stupid and irresponsible decision.总结:1、活动策划需要行业人士,尤其是快餐业,因为它的受众面极光,一旦出现危机传播速度之迅速,此次活动就可以知晓。As the Chinese love to save money, and therefore love any kind of discount vouchers, c

10、oupons that make them feel as though they are getting a bargain,especially,about fast food .KFC are a hugely successful brand in China, they have great brand equity which is ultimately built on trust. If anything, the negative customer reactions to this promotion were likely caused by a betrayal of

11、that trust. I dont suspect that this promotion will damage KFCs reputation too much in China.This case does demonstrate a few simple guidelines for this type of promotion:Keep it simple (if the overall idea is too complicated dont bother or revise it);The need for clarity in communication for below

12、the line promotions (make the small print clear);The power of the internet (understand and prepare for how fast online word of mouth spreads in China);In the event of a crisis, think quick (respect your customers take and multi- pronged defensive action)2、3、出事后,kfc 不应该单方面的终止活动,应一方面道歉,一方面通过搜索引擎减少负面新闻,同时推出新的活动以作补偿。KFC coupon stop against the credit crisis 2、肯德基解决方式3、一般性解决方法:出现问题召集媒体(告知媒体)给出问题公司问题出现的官方原因官方表态:虽然问题的主要责任不在己方,但还是愿意真诚道歉寻找几个典型的问题相关人解决问题向媒体展示公司的积极态度大事化小可以举例子4、提出建议



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